Thursday, July 7, 2016

Stingray, Airman and Virgin Minion Craig,
(name to be determined)!








Belo News
July 7, 2016

Shark Cove, Mi. - Man, what a weekend! Bike rides, parades, new riders, Wishbone on the mend and Sharkman back on the bike! Is this a great country or what!?!

As a matter of fact, it was so busy, our staff here at Belo News was not able to meet this Editions deadline, but they worked 24/7 to get it out one day later! Oh, the humanity!
Reb & Nikeboy waiting for Gazelle Girl and some
other guy's arrival!

So what happened this weekend, our readers ask?

Saturday was Red, White & Blue Kit Day and the Nation turned up in mass! Sharkman rode over to the Klutch on his motorcycle and meet the newest member of the peloton, Craig Taylor! Earlier in the week, Craig contacted Sharkman to inquire about the ride. Yooper, long time Minion, very infrequent rider, had recommended the ride to Craig, who was just transferred to Battle Creek by Kellogg from California. After a couple of emails explaining the ride, Sharkman was all set to meet the young, potential Minion at the Klutch as the Nation pulled up for koffee on Saturday. Approximately 20 riders took part in the day's activities.

When the Nation walked in, it was easy to identify the new rider! Built more like a middle linebacker than a cyclist, Craig seemed to fit right in with the Nation. Apparently, on the ride, nick names were discussed and one was California Kid after just moving here from the Golden State. However, Craig recommended Ghirardelli (after the “Proud makers of gourmet chocolates!) for obvious reasons. This Minion is going to fit right in with the Nation!

So Belo News believes it is time for another “Name that Minion” contest! The Nation hasn't had one of these since the naming of “Specimen!”
Virgin Minion Craig! Welcome to the
mighty Minion Nation!

So, please vote on one of two names, California Kid or Ghirardelli. Please place the name you like best in a self addressed envelope with the entry fee check of $50.00 made out to Sharkman C/O Belo News/ Shark Cove, Mi. and win a free kup of Koffee! Is this a great country or what (void where prohibited by law and no third party, out of state, post dated checks this time!).

After a great morning meeting the California Kid/Ghirardelli, Sharkman headed home in anticipation of his first ride since his surgery. It had been exactly two months so he was itching to ride! Lava Girl insisted on going with him to insure that our intrepid hero didn't “over do it” as he is prone to do, and the two rode a very easy 11+ miles! Though our hero described his butt as sore when he was done, it was not from the surgery but from his lack of saddle time.

On Monday morning, on the 4th of July, the Nation gathered from the “South Route Tour of southwest Kalamazoo County.” Though there was no one to point out the many sites and exhibits on the ride, and the Nation struggled with the route and took the longer version, the ride was again described as “mellow” with again, about 20 riders in attendance.
Red, White & Blue Kit Day, huge success!

Since the Nation had taken the longer route, they did not have time to stop at the Klutch for Koffee and headed straight to the Richland Parade start. Actually, our intrepid hero and Lava Girl passed the riders heading into the col de Twin Lakes and waved as they passed the Nation on the road. However, they were so intent on the ride, no one noticed. Sharkman commented that it was great to see all the Shark Minion Jersey's heading to the parade!

After pulling in and unloading their bikes, Sharkman immediately bumped into Bissell Boy who road up and stated “I couldn't miss the Sharkman's debut ride!” Thanks Bissell Boy!

As they rode to the parade start, they started to see the sea of Shark Minion Jersey's! In addition to Bissell Boy, there was Skipper, Zyckmann, Dr. Dave, Wildman, Brewman, Bluto, Great Dane, Ranger Rick, Stingray, Hoosier Boy with Mrs. Hoosier Boy, and even California Kid/Ghirardelli! And of course, the “Sweetheart of the Peloton,” the incomparable Gazelle Girl!
Which way do we go? Where are the tourist sites?
Where is Sharkman?

Squeaky rode in with streamers in his spokes and wearing his usual, stylish kit, including a stocking cap on this cool, but comfortable 4th of July morning! (Hope we didn't miss anyone and thanks for coming out for this very special event!)

To every one's delight, Wishbone was on hand with his family and posed for photos! He was actually in the parade! Is this a great country or what!?!

Now, as the headline asked, “When is a bike ride not a bike ride?”

It is when the bike ride is part of a parade! As you can guess, a parade moves slowly. So slowly, that within minutes of the start, the Nation realized that it was easier to walk their bikes than ride.
Yeah, where is Sharkman?

It was so cool to see the many Shark Minion Jersey's in addition to a sea of Chain Gang and KBC jersey's. It was a great testament to Wishbone and the Nation of bikers who will not let this tragic incident stop them from pursuing the sport they love!

When the cyclist passed the viewing stand, the announcer announced the Chain Gang, the KBC AND the Shark Minions and Sharkman! The crowd gave a standing ovation as the bikers passed and to be honest, it was a very humbling moment in the Nation's history!

As the parade ended and the Nation headed back to the square for their BBQ lunch, they arrived just in time to see the end of the parade AND Wishbone and his family passing the viewing stand and again, a standing ovation as he passed waving the Kalamazoo Strong poster! It was a pretty touching moment.......
Koffee at the Klutch!

Read about Wishbone's incredible recovery at this link:

Lava Girl, Gazelle Girl, Sharkman, Wildman, Wishbone and his daughters
before the parade! It was great to see Wishbone up and moving!

As the Nation enjoyed a fantastic BBQ lunch, Sharkman enjoyed, yet another wonderful moment with his beloved Minion Nation.....this is indeed, a great country and a great Nation of cyclists and he give thanks for having all of his Minions in his life!
"Nurse Lava Girl and Sharkman
on his first ride!

So, back to some normalcy in the Nation!

This Saturday, July 9, 2016

Launch Time – 8:00 a.m. - SHARP!

Be there!


Belo News
July 7, 2016

Shark Cove, Mi. - For years, Sharkman has talked about starting a “B” Group for riders trying to ride themselves back into shape, for riders who would like a slower pace, and for riders coming back from and injury or time off the bike.

Since he now falls under a couple of those categories, a “B” Group will now become a reality.

On Saturday, July 16, 2016 Sharkman hopes to return to the Peloton and personally lead (well, from the back) the newly formed “B” Group! Several riders have already asked about the “B” Group so this is your chance to join in and it is hoped that the group will continue for those who want a little, less intense pace but yet still get a good workout.
Chain Gang, KBC and Shark Minions at the
start of the Parade.

This group will start 20 minutes ahead of the “A” Group and it is hoped that that the “A” Group will catch up with the “B” Group just before the finish so that everyone can take part in the final sprint. Riders in the “B” Group will also be able to “jump on” with the “A” Group as it passes if it passes before the finish. The time will be adjusted in upcoming weeks to “fine tune” the finish so that everyone ends up at the Klutch for the social aspect of the ride, at the same time. More on this next week, but the game plan is for the following:

B Group Launch Time – 8:00 a.m.
A Group Launch Time – 8:20 a.m.

More details in next weeks edition of Belo News!

It was a "sea" of Minion Jersey's!

The parade route was lined with people

Wildman & Stingray waiting to start
the parade!

Had nothing to do with the bikers,
but pretty funny!

Lava Girl and Sharkman at the start.

Squeaky was "Styl'in!"

Gazelle Girl and Lava Girl waiting for the start.

Whoa, being off the bike has been rough on
the Sharkman's waistline! Oh, the humanity!

Bikers got a standing ovation as they were announced!

Post ride BBQ was EXCELLENT!


Belo News
July 9, 2016

Triple Nasty Ranchero, Mi. - Gazelle Girl and Zyckmann have announced this years edition of the Bloody 'Ell 'Undered (BEU) will be on Saturday, July 30. New to this years edition and in deference to our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, there will also be an alternate, shorter route for the B Group riders. The first part of the ride, instead of being 40 miles, will be 20 miles, which will also avoid some of the hills. The B Group will do 40 miles total, while the A group will do the 62 mile (Metric Century) with hills!

It is important that if you plan to ride, you RSVP Gazelle Girl ASAP!

See the invitation for more details!


Stryker Guy crossing North Dakota!

Belo News
July 9, 2016

Bismarck, ND. - If you've been following the legend of the Peloton, the intrepid Stryker Guy, you know he has been crossing the NOT flat North Dakota Plains! Oh, the humanity! You can follow his exploits, (or insanity) at his blog! Don't miss a single episode of his totally awesome adventure!

This is a great country!


Belo News
Battle Creek, Mi. - And don't forget! Banjovi LIVE and in CONCERT! You've heard about them, you've wanted to see them, well now is your chance! Yes, Banjovi in concert at the Riverside Golf & Banquet Center in Battle Creek on Friday night, July 15, 2016!

If you love Ukulele infused Blue Grass music, and who doesn't, you'll want to be there on this special night! BBQ, Beer and Ukulele Infused Blue Grass on the Patio at Riverside! 

Come on down!

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.

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