Wednesday, July 20, 2016


Sharkman & his mighty Minion Nation! "It was great to be back in the peloton!"
Photo by Yeti Boy









Belo News
July 16, 2016

Shark Cove, Mi. - As dawn broke bright and warm over the Shark Cove, it was a little different Saturday morning for intrepid hero, the Sharkman. He had been routinely sleeping on on Saturday and now was more than excited that he was getting back to his beloved Nation. But he had been up late the night before, living in the glow of a great Banjovi Concert at the Riverside Golf & Banquet Center where he and Wildman and Great Dane had rocked the house!
Virgin Minion Roger!

As he donned his Minion Jersey, he thought of how he would also be debuting the much anticipated “B” Group this morning and there would be two Celebrity Riders in the mix!

Sharkman's own daughter and winner of the Little 5 at Indiana University, the Nickster, and the Durango Kid, President of the Western Chapter of the mighty Minion Nation! Oh, the humanity!

The old Shark had a signed Banjovi Poster as a gift for Gazelle Girl for all she does for both the Nation and for Banjovi, so he and Nickster drove straight to the Klutch to drop the poster off pre-ride.

After pulling into the parking lot, the famous Zyckmann pulled in and began unloading his beautiful Molteni 70's vintage bike. However, one of the pedals had come off and he and Sharkman could not seem to get it back on, so he headed home to reload on his ride and said he would meet the group on the road.

Sharkman and Nickster proceeded to the start and Sharkman was taken aback when he saw the humanity of Minions forming up to ride with the old Shark!
Virgin Minion John

Is this a great country or what! Even Gazelle Girl was there early to help the old Shark celebrate his return to his beloved Nation of loyal Minions!

In addition to the two celebrity riders, there were some new riders, or as the Nation calls them, "Virgin Minions." Roger, Mark and Ric had heard about the ride and are also Chain Gang riders. These Minion Virgins wanted to see what the buzz was all about!

Welcome to the mighty Minion Roger, Mark, and Scott!

Dragonfly was back and he brought John, the Italian Stallion with him for his first ride! Welcome to the mighty Minion Nation John!

All in all, there were just over 30 riders and when others joined on during the ride, the count was estimated at approximately 35 riders!

After the start festivities, a few words by the Governor and the President, the group photo was taken and Sharkman told everyone about how Mad Dog had the idea for both Groups being able to start at the same time! The A Group would peel off after the start and do a 3.6 mile loop which would be the equivalent of a 15-20 minutes lead for the B Group. Belo News would like to offer a couple of points about safety for this new arrangement:

  1. One of the Minions reported this week that when the car plowed into the Chain Gang in June, the Police commented that the riders that were wearing Road I.D.s had the benefit of early identification. If you do not have a road I.D. GET ONE! They are inexpensive and you can put a lot of very important information on them. Oder now at;
  1. When the A and B Groups approach the HJ Avenue right turn, the A Group should drop to the back of the peloton and allow the B Group to go ahead. There were some problems with the A Group turning in front of the B Group and some confusion. Please be careful when making the turn on to HJ Avenue.
  2. There were some concerns about riding on M-96 with the traffic. Like M-43, going forward, this will be considered a “neutral zone” and riders should ride single file until returning to 36th Street. Remember to be safe and take it easy on M-96!

As the Nation went past the Klutch, 30+ riders strong, they waved at their adoring fans in the Klutch, who were waving them on!
Virgin Minion Mark!

Sharkman rode up and down the peloton “working the crowd” and thanking them all for coming out on this beautiful Michigan morning!

After the A Group split off, Sharkman was surprised that about 2/3rds of the riders chose the B Group to ride with! He was not sure if that was because they wanted actually ride slower or if it was to honor the old Shark, but he was quoted as saying he was very touched by the number of riders in the B group!

Additionally, and as is the practice, Sharkman took the first honorary sprint at a scathing 17+ mph!

It was a victory for America!

At the first G Ave crossing, a couple of riders were off the back and Nikeboy, the best “sweeper” in the game, volunteered to go back to get them. At the next sprint finish, the stragglers were no where to be found so Rainman volunteered to go back with instructions to take the riders up the other side of the lake at the Yorkville Church and meet the Nation for the return. 

Big thanks to both Nikeboy, who stayed with the riders all morning, and for Rainman who delivered the message then waited for the A Group.
Virgin Minion Ric!

Though the B Group was billed as being slower, the pace continued to build as Sharkman felt his lack of fitness on the col de Twin Lakes, the col de No Name and well into the Kountry Klub section, causing him to remind the leaders that it was supposed to be a B Group!

The Nation stayed together up the col de Norte and into the Holy Rollers where they met up with Nikeboy and the stragglers who were waiting at the Feed Zone (formerly Frona's).

After the link up, and with everyone wondering when the A Group would arrive, the Nation headed south.

At the Digital Divide, new Minion virgin, Mark Rose started a very good paceline with Sharkman on his wheel. The Nation played nice and slowly built the speed up to around 20 mph. As Sharkman headed back, he couldn't find his daughter Nickster and Dot Dot Dash mentioned her chain had come off at the Digital Divide and Nikeboy was assisting her.  Good ole Nikeboy.......

Sharkman headed back and shortly found her and Great Dane working their way south towards the Nation. As they came together, the A Group came whirring by. Their speed was pretty impressive as the were packed closely together and moving as one. Not much of a sweeter sound than the whirring of bikes as they ride by.......
Sharkman back in the Nation!

The A Group caught the B Group just before the GGG Spot Spring! 


The entire Nation, as a group, then headed into the final sprint. Sharkman wasn't near the finishers but it was reported that Zyckmann had lead out B Rod, but when he did not make his move, Zyckmann went ahead and took the final sprint.

Unfortunatley he had to be DQ'ed as he had not ridden the entire course! Oh, the humanity!

It was quite a site on the Champs le Galesburg as the mighty Minion Nation zipped up their jersey's for the sponsors and waved to the tofosi and paparatzzi as they rode to the Klutch, 30+ strong!

It was standing room only at the Klutch as Lava Girl, the Great Moultini and Sharkman's beloved Sharklet's joined the party in the Klutch and Easty bought koffee for everyone! 

Sharkman takes the first sprint!

It was also one of the biggest turnouts at the Klutch with the majority of riders staying for koffee! It was a great morning for the old Shark who was just amazed at the turn out, how great the A and B group actually worked out, and best of all, FREE KOFFEE!

Thanks Easty!

During the Klutch festivities, Sharkman, Wildman and Great Dane (Banjovi) presented Gazelle Girl with the first EVER signed Banjovi Poster! 

Thanks for all you do for the Nation AND Banjovi, Gazelle Girl!

You won't want to miss this week's edition, when the Nation tries the A and B Group for the second time and find out if it works as well!

This Saturday, July 23, 2014

Launch Time for both A & B Groups – 8:00 A.M. - SHARP!

Be there!

Celebrity riders, Durango Kid & Nickster!

The Klutch was rocking!

Sharkman presents the poster to Gazelle Girl!

Sharkman checking to make sure he spelled his
name correctly!

Sharkman's newest Sharklet, Nina,
with Rainman. As Nikeboy says,
Rainman has a way with
the ladies!



Belo News
July 21, 2016

Shark Cove, Mi. - There have been a lot of requests for re-ordering both Shark Minion and BEU Jersey's of late.

Gazelle Girl has very kindly offered to re-order both Shark Minion and BEU jersey's for those who are interested in these classic kits!
She is putting in an order for Shark Minion jersey's, as well as Bloody 'Ell 'Undred jerseys. (Sorry, BEU jerseys will not be here by the event date of July 30.)

Cost for this full zip Giordana jersey is $65. Add $10 and you can have your Minion Nickname and “flag of origin” printed on the collar.

An order from was attached to the Update. Please fill out ALL information and return to Gazelle Girl (her email addres is on the form) NO LATER THAN JULY 27, 2016.




Belo News
July 21, 2016

Triple Nasty Ranchero, Mi. - The 2016 edition of the Bloody 'Ell 'Undred is almost here and you need to get your RSVP's in ASAP! You won't want to miss this years edition when there is an alternate route for slugs like our own intrepid hero, the Sharkman!

What are you waiting for, Bunkie! Get your reservations in now!


Belo News
July 21, 2016
Stryker Guy get's back to Michigan!

Somewhere, Mi. - If you've been following the legend of the Peloton, the intrepid Stryker Guy, (and who hasn't?) you know he has found his way to Michigan! Oh, the humanity! Yes, the mighty Minion has made it back to his home State and is now trying to figure out how to keep going when he is so close to home!

You can follow his exploits, (or insanity) at his blog! Don't miss a single episode of his totally awesome adventure! He did submit the photo of what the inside of a bar looks like in Wisconsin (like we didn't know) and a photo of him as he crossed back into God's Country, Michigan!

Stryker Guy's photo of the inside of a
Wisconsin Bar. Is this a great
country or what!?!

Follow his exploits at:

This is a great country!


Belo News
July 15, 2016

Battle Creek, Mi. - Banjovi rocked it at Riverside last Friday night as they packed the house with over 50 people in attendance! Minions in attendance, in addition to Yeti Boy, were Mad Dog, Rainman, Toesetter and of course, the Sweetheart of the Peloton and number on Banjovi Groupie/Manager Gazelle Girl. Though there was a gully washer down pour about an hour before they started, it opened up to a beautiful Michigan evening of song, dance, BBQ and beer! It was a fantastic evening on the Patio at Riverside and Banjovi hopes to be back again soon!


Belo News
July 19, 2016

Battle Creek, Mi. - After being off a few weeks, the Tuesday Night Chain Gang was back in action and taking the recommendation of Rainman, took a different route. Though 2 miles shorter than the previous route, it is more hilly and the concensous of the group was that they liked it.

Wildman, Mad Dog and Stingray rode the “Option 2” course and it is hoped that the Sharkman will be returning to this ride soon!

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.

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