Wednesday, July 27, 2016








Belo News
July 23, 2016

Shark Cove, Mi. - As dawn broke bright and warm over the Shark Cove for the second week in a row, our intrepid hero, the Sharkman was excited to don his Tour de France, yellow jersey that he was given by that other intrepid hero, Stryker Guy, to celebrate the final weekend of the world's second most famous race (with the KK-TdG being the most famous).
Sharkman in the Yellow Jersey!
Thanks to Stryker Guy!

He was regretting not being able to ride to the start with Mad Dog yet, but Lava Girl is keeping a close eye on his recovery and it might still be a few more weeks before he can ride over and back, and he doesn't want to press his luck on what has been a pretty good recovery!

When our hero drove into the starting area, he was again surprised to see the turn out.

Which brings to mind something the Editors would like to share about the mighty Minion Nation.

Word got out that there was going to be a B Group starting and some well meaning Minions started telling people they should come out and try it. Though the Nation is not a “closed” group, and we strive to be welcoming, the culture of the group is an important part of the mighty Minion Nations success. So when riders heard B Group, they assumed it would be slow. However, as the Nation is aware, the culture of the ride is that even in the B Group, riders sprint to stop ahead signs and it is
The Nation gathers to ride!
these “surges” that make it hard for a rider to stay with the group. Though the average speed for the ride might be 18 mph, there are times when the group is doing 14 mph, and times when it is pushing 30 mph. Thus a recreational rider who comes to ride cannot stay with the group, feeling badly and causing someone (like Nikeboy, God bless him) to stay back and insure the rider gets back to the Klutch. After all, the Minion motto is “we leave no Minion behind!”

Additionally, we are regularly attracting 30-35 riders in two groups and if the group gets any larger, we may have traffic/safety/nuisance issues and the residents around Gull Lake have been very patient with us and we do not want to wear out our welcome.

Therefore, we are asking riders not to tell people about the ride and if you are compelled to bring or invite another rider, they are YOUR responsibility. So if they cannot stay on, you will need to go back and insure that they do not get lost, have a mechanical or simply cannot finish.
Yeti Boy and Ranger Rick at the start.

So, if you invite a rider, they are your responsibility!

There were again, new virgin Minions in the mix! Leslie and Mike were on their first ride, with Leslie joining the A Group, while Mike joined the B. Welcome to the mighty Minion Nation!

There was also an elderly rider on a comfort bike that everyone thought had come out to ride, but he was waiting for another rider to arrive to ride the bike trail to Kazoo and was asking B-Rod about what kind of bike he should upgrade to....

What kind of bike is that, B-Rod?

A couple of long time Minions who haven't been riding much this summer were also in the mix and it was great to have Falcon and Bissell Boy!

It was difficult to get a good count, but again the riders were estimated to be about 35! Oh, the humanity!

After the Shark took some photos and interviewed the new Minions, he led the train through downtown Galesburg as the Nation waved to Andrew who came out of the Klutch to take a count of the riders and the early morning koffee group cheered the Nation on.

The A Group began to form up on the right, while the B stayed to the left as they approached the HL turn. You could feel the A Group begin to accelerate as they made the turn!

Falcon, glad to be back on the bike, led the ole Shark out to the first sprint. Being careful to make sure he got the intrepid hero to the line so he'd get his name in Belo News, without taking the sprint and becoming “personna non grata!” Nice job, Falcon, nice job!
Falcon was back!

As the train got to the G crossing, Shark took a count of 8 as Nikeboy shouted out, “All on!” Always great to have Nikeboy watching your back!

This week, the group was able to stay together and the pace was pretty steady. Without any stragglers, the pace was up, with Falcon and Nikeboy sparring at the front from time to time.

When the group got to the Rt. 43 sprint, Sharkman moved up on the left of a rider, who saw him coming and moved to the right to give him room. However, the move almost took out another to his left rider by doing so, so again, we stress that when riding in a sprint, it is very important to hold your line as you approach the finish!

The pace stayed steady through the col de Norte, the Holy Rollers and through the “feed zone.”

Minion Virgin Mike!
When the train crossed the Digital Divide, Sharkman shouted out that the Nation would get in a pace line and try to maintain a 20 mph average as they headed south. The pace line that formed up, after a few adjustments, was actually one of the better pace lines in some time. As a matter of fact, the B Group worked so effectively together, they decided to keep the line intact after the GGG Spot Sprint and down to the finish. It is amazing how much faster a group can ride when they work together and also how exhilarating a pace line can be!

The pace line stayed together to the top of the final ascent before the finish. At that point Falcon took a very short lived “flyer” and tried to surprise the peloton, but it was quickly countered by Nikeboy, Bissell Boy, Yeti Boy (that's a lot of boy's!) and a cast of thousands as they descended on the finish like dogs on a bone!

Sharkman, seeing Bissell Boy coming up hot behind him, jumped on his wheel and rode him like a rented mule!

Ah, it was so good to be back in the mix,” Sharkman reported later at the press conference.

Yes, so good......
Virgin Minion Leslie!

The B Group had stayed ahead of the A Group this week, however, the A Group arrived at the Klutch before the B Group all had their koffee.

Bissell Boy had volunteered to buy the koffee, but Greyhound was waiting at the Klutch and had already put the koffee for all on his tab!

Thanks Greyhound!

Again, the Klutch rocked as many of the Nation stayed for koffee and the press conference. Gazelle Girl worked the crowd to make sure those attending the BEU had their reservations in, as well as their jersey orders.

This week, there will be no KK-TdG as the Nation does the Bloody 'Ell 'Undred....MMMmmmm Deviled Eggs and Bloody Mary's!
Nikeboy looking dapper at the start with Bluto,
B-Rod, Stingray, Wildman, and Mad Dog.

All details below but remember, if you show up to ride the KK-TdG, you may be riding it alone this week!

Style Guy, Nikeboy, posing with his
stellar kit on the Champs la Galesburg!

Bissell Boy, sporting his  Cub hat.
He knows how to get in the blog!

Builder Bob enjoying that koffee!

The A Group arrives moments after
the B Group!

Flash Gordon and Hossman after a great ride!


Belo News
July 27, 2016

Triple Nasty Ranchero, Mi. - Important facts on this years edition of the BEU taking place this weekend!

  • If you've not RSVP's yet, you still can. Do it NOW by emailing Gazelle Girl –
  • 9 a.m. at Zyckmann's – 4106 E Gull Lake Dr. Hickory Corners – Bloody Marys, koffee, deviled eggs!
  • Some will ride the traditional 40ish mile route up to Hastings via Gun Lake – others can opt for the shorter/flatter course – all will return via a relatively flat 20ish mile route with the usual rest stop at the Seventh Day Adventist Church.
  • Hang out at Zyckmann's after, jump in the lake, etc.
  • BRING CASH! As we learned last year, it is simplest to order a variety of pizzas, so we will wind up with one tab that we all can contribute to.
  • See you Saturday!


Belo News
July 27, 2016
Stryker Guy and old buddy, Bill
Braun. Making the Minion
Jersey famous!

Irving, N.Y. - If you've been following the legend of the Peloton, the intrepid Stryker Guy, (and who hasn't?) you know he is zooming across America! And we do mean ZOOMING! Oh, the humanity! Yes, the mighty Minion has made to New York already and when he last checked in, he was leaving Irving, New York heading east!

His latest blog update started out just like Stryker Guy talks, and we quote.....

Start spreading the news, I’m leaving (Kingsville) today, I want to be a part of it, (Irving) New York, New York”.

Yep, that's our Stryker Guy/Cover Girl! Making the Minion Jersey famous across this great country!

You can follow his exploits, (or insanity) at his blog! Don't miss a single episode of his totally awesome adventure! He did submit the photo of what the inside of a bar looks like in Wisconsin (like we didn't know) and a photo of him as he crossed back into God's Country, Michigan!

Follow his exploits at:

This is a great country!

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.

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