Wednesday, April 6, 2016



Sharkman's attempt at a selfie cuts Yeti Boy off.
But that is his red arm!


Belo News
April 2, 2016

Shark Cove, Mi. - Anticipation had been building for weeks around the number one event in cycling. Yes, Opening Day was bearing down like a Spring snow storm and everyone was talking about it!
Gazelle Girl and Yeti Boy sucking up
the sun before the start.

However, the old Shark did have some concerns that with both the weather prediction AND the fact it was Spring Break, our hero wondered if there would be much of a crowd for the big day.

Emails started to come into the Shark Cove early. Mad Dog began hounding our intrepid hero about about not being a woos and riding to the start. The forecast was for temps around 30 degrees, but Sharkman, who was having a pretty good Spring, decided to go for it and told Mad Dog he would be riding over! However, just in case, he had Lava Girl on call to pick him up for the price of a Bottomless, in the event he struggle so early in the season. Sharkman always likes a back up plan!

As dawn broke cold and bright over the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero was giddy with the thought of Opening Day! As he bound from the Shark Bed, in his Shark pajamas, he threw back the drapes to see that the sun was shining, though it did look cold. At least the ride would be dry. 

Skittles was back and ready to rock!

Rambling through his wide haberdashery of cycling attire, the Shark pulled out the appropriate gear, along with his winter booties, gloves and hat. The old Shark was chopping at the bit to get back in the saddle.

Promptly at 8:00 a.m., Mad Dog appeared at the Cove and after a few adjustments to their gear they began the first ride to the start for the season! Mad Dog had already been out riding for over an hour when he had arrived at the Cove and reported very strong west winds. Strong was an understatement....but the wind didn't matter! Though Sharkman noted a temperature of 28 degrees, the sun was shining and it was Opening Day!
Squeaky was "Styling" in his winter gear!
Please not the two different gloves!

As the two riders descended into Galesburg, and as the wind let up a bit, Mad Dog mentioned that he was stopping at the Klutch to use the bathroom. Sharkman stated that he would go ahead to the start as he feared if he stopped and got warm he may not go out again.

Bathroom? Really?

Subsequent investigative efforts have since revealed the real reason that Mad Dog stopped at the Klutch! Apparently he was in need of an expresso fix to give him the boost he would need to do the ride. Further investigation will be conducted to determine if any drug rules were broken by Mad Dog for boosting caffeine blood levels and for not inviting Sharkman in for a fix.

As Sharkman approached the start, much to his surprise, Gazelle Girl was there. As the Nation knows, she likes late arrivals so that she can make a grand entrance. However, due to the wind, Sharkman was a bit later getting to the start. Along with Gazelle Girl, Yeti Boy was in attendance having just returned from a month in Mexico for high altitude training in preparation for Barry-Roubaix. Reb surprised everyone by showing up when it was thought he was on his way south for Spring Break. However, his dog had gotten sick, delaying his trip by a day but allowing him to ride!
The ole Shark was pretty excited to see the sunshine!

Skittles was also in attendance and was really ready to ride and Squeaky rode in, in his “cold weather” gear and coughing and hacking with one monster cold. True to his “styling ways” the sartorial splendor from last year had not been lost and he was again wearing two different gloves, a muffler, stocking cap and had a second muffler mounted on his aero bars “just in case.” Squeaky, also known as the Style Guy, wanted to make sure that one hand did not know what the other hand was doing!

Sharkman tried to move Reb along for the Opening Day Photo, which they were worried Mad Dog would miss (at that time no one knew he was sucking down an espresso), but he was seen riding up so the Nation waited for him to get into the photo. Sharkman, looking into the sun as he shot the photo, managed to cut off his wing man in the picture, Yeti Boy and maybe others, but after the photos, a few words from President Obama, the glow of camera flashes dimmed and the Nation was off for the first ride of the season.

As the trained pulled out of the station, Ironman rode up, making it 9 riders at the start.

As the peloton went by the Klutch, the early morning group was no where to be found, but it was noted that the Klutch was open!

Sharkman had informed the Nation that there were no sprint results reported until May, but the old Shark did take the first, honorary Sharkman Sprint and then every sprint the rest of the day! (Yeah, right....)

The wind continued to blow hard out of the East, but for the most part did not slow the peloton as they moved up through the col de Twin Lakes, the col de No Name, the Northville church, Kellogg Korner and the Kountry Klub section (man, it feels good to hear those names again!). 

Skittles, being the young stud that he is, did a lot of pulling at the front, taking the speed up to a respectable level for this early in the season. As the Nation approached the Rt. 43 stop, the Zychmann, or Fabio to some, pulled up to make it 10 riders!

Squeaky, who was battling not only the wind, but a bad cold, had stated that the Nation should not wait for him and when he did not pull up at the Rt. 43 Stop, the Nation moved ahead.

Up the col de Norte, down to the Holy Rollers, the Nation seemed to be enjoying the sun and camaraderie of the peloton, not concerned about the cold or wind.

As they pulled up to the Frona's (Queens Grille) stop, Squeaky was back on, taking the southern route around the lake but again stating that the peloton should not wait.

After the Digital Divide, Skittles and Sharkman went to the front to start the traditional pace line in this section. Skittles took the speed up as Sharkman tried to hold on. With the wind off the front, and with the sun still shining, Sharkman looked back and noticed that no one had joined on! Sharkman and Skittles slowed up for a bit, but decided to go ahead to take photographs of the GGG Spot Sprint. However, Skittles kicked it up and Sharkman could not hang on. Eventually others finally caught up but Skittles was there to take photos, but for whatever reason, none were saved to his phone!?! What the.....?

Sharkman, who left his legs on the Digital Divide Section, took up the rear as the big guys battled the finishing sprint and the mighty Minion Nation bore down on the finish like a runaway red wagon!

Amazingly, the Champs le Galesburg was loaded with tofosi and paparazzi, screaming for their hero's as they made their way to the Koffee Klutch. The sun was shining and all was well with the world as the riders pulled up to the Klutch and got out of the wind.

Sharkman immediately called Lava Girl to let her know he was going to ride home, excited about the 25 mph tailwind he and Mad Dog would have for the return trip.

However, as the Minions chugged down their bottomless kups, the dark clouds began to drift in with the strong winds and Sharkman told Mad Dog that they better head out.

As the two riders crested the hill at the Eaton Plant it began to snow. With the wind blowing them along, the snow began to pick up. When they were about 7-8 miles out from the Shark Cove, the snow turned into a mini-blizzard as the
Sharkman back at the Cove with snow
on his helmet and blowing
around him! Is this a great
Country or what?!?
hearty riders continued on to get home, only glad it wasn't rain.

What a great Opening Day!

You won't want to miss this Saturday's ride!

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Launch Time – 9:00 A.M. - SHARP!

Be there!


Belo News
April 2, 2016

Shark Cove, Mi. - Our intrepid hero was humbled by the outpouring of well wishes from his beloved Nation after his health announcement last week. Though he loves his mighty Minion Nation and each and every Minion, he was overwhelmed with the calls, emails and offers of thoughts and prayers and wants all to know how grateful he is to have the mighty Minion Nation on his side! Thanks to all!

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.

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