Wednesday, April 13, 2016


Sharkman! Able to forecast weather, days in advance,
 able to ride in wind, rain and snow,
 able to jump over a very small cocktail table.......





Belo News
April 9, 2016

Shark Cove, Mi. - As the weeks ride approached, the Sharkman was pouring over weather charts, forecasts and computer models in an attempt to figure out if the Nation should or shouldn't launch for the April 9 ride. This is an issue that our intrepid hero is always concerned about as he knows how unhappy some Minions will be if the ride is cancelled. However, the old Shark also worries about his Nation riding in weather that might be dangerous.

Earlier in the week our hero had ridden the Barry-Roubaix course with his wing man, Yeti Boy, to help him train for the big event and immediatly contracted a pretty bad cold, knocking both he and Lava Girl down for a couple of days.

None the less, as the week progressed the forecast looked worse and worse. On Friday afternoon all of the computer models that Sharkman was reviewing seemed to indicate that it would not only be cold, but there was a good chance the roads would be covered with snow, making it dangerous to ride! 

Was Sharkman letting his cold prejudice the call?

With all of this hanging over our hero's head, he took the HEROIC stand to cancel the ride. This is never an easy decision and usually if made, the next day tends to be sunny with warm temps. 

 However, not this time!

Immediately after sending out the email and updating the blog, a protest was filed by Mad Dog accusing our hero of wimping out and stating he would ride none the less, win every sprint, and consider it an “Official” KK-TdG for his attendance record in his weak attempt to beat out Gazelle Girl for the same category.

The Commissioner of Cycling immediately countered with a very sternly worded email informing Mad Dog that if he did, in fact, ride, it would not be an “Offical” KK-TdG, and would not be part of the attendance record.

Belo News also heard from Squeaky, stating he had been ready to ride, along with a photo of his new winter weather gear! This guy knows how to style! Unfortunately, he forwarded the photo in a format that could not be put into the blog. Needless to say, it was classic Squeaky!
View from the Shark Cove bedroom
at 8:00 a.m. when our hero
would have launched!

As dawn broke over the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero pulled the shark covers over his head and slept all the way until 8:00 a.m., which would have been launch time from the Cove for the ride over to the start. The old shark pulled back the shade and saw approximately 3 inches of snow on the street! Whoa!

At 9:00 a.m. he took a photo from the Shark Cove Driveway to depict what he would have faced at ride launch time.

Sharkman immediately sent an email to Mad Dog to make sure he didn't ride. Sadly, it was never returned, thus indicating he did try to ride and has not been heard from again........Please, all Minions, check the side of the road for Mad Dog this week......

Turns out our intrepid hero, in addition to being a world class cyclist (at least in his mind) is also a fantastic weather forecaster!?!

Who knew!
View from the Shark Garage at 9:00a.m.
With a temp of 23 dgrees!

This Saturday is supposed to be beautiful, however our intrepid hero will be out in Santa Fe visiting Sharklet's and will not be there!

But the ride goes on!

This Saturday, April 16, 2016

Launch Time – 9:00 A.M. - SHARP!


Also, Belo News will go out a bit late next week, as the Editors of Belo News will be out west covering the exploits of the Sharkman as he rides with his son in law! But there will be a ride and stay tuned for launch time!

Also, good luck to all the Minions racing up at Barry-Roubaix on Saturday! You will be missed on the KK-TdG, but go out and make the Nation proud!


Belo News
April 12, 2016

Battle Creek, Mi. - Rainman started the Tuesday Night Ride with a “Soft Opening” this week that found three of the Nation riding from behind the K2 Building in Battle Creek. Here is the report taken from an email from Rainman;

The ride was fun! Very conversational. We were chatting most of the ride except when we were forced to ride single file. Mad Dog, Stingray, and me were the only Minions that toed-the-line. Pace was extremely civil into a swirling wind around 10-ish mph - I even stopped to P once (no I didn’t P into the swirling wind). We averaged 17.5.

One thing to note, however, is that M96 is in really rough shape. Mostly ok when you get past the High School, but as you approach Augusta, it gets really bad in spots. In fact, there’s one spot where the shoulder disappears for a bike length (due to pot holes and cracks). Caution should be used until the road crews get out to start patching it up. If there is major road work to be completed, I have an alternate route in mind.

Let’s try to do it again next week!

Launch time – 5:30 p.m. From behind the K2 building (the parking lot behind Arcadia).

Be there!

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.

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