Wednesday, April 27, 2016

The mighty Minion Nation!
Photo #2






Belo News
April 23, 2016

Shark Cove, Mi. - As dawn broke over the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero, the Sharkman was excited to get back in the saddle after having been snowed out and then gone mountain biking in Santa Fe for a week. The old Shark missed his Mighty after two weeks and was anxious to get back in the mix!

Mighty Minion Nation!
Photo #1
Start time temps were about 45 degrees, making it one of those “tweener” days where it can be difficult to determine what to wear. Certain he was overdressed, our hero headed over to Rainman's and immediately started thinking he might be under dressed!

As he circled in the street waiting for Rainman, Nikeboy arrived looking his usual dapper self in a smart ensemble of black and orange.

Let's face it, the man knows how to style!

Rainman joined the two as they headed to the start.

Dot-Dot-Dash was back!
Nikeboy looking good in back!
As the three crested the hill at the Humane Society, up rode Mad Dog, having already put in a few miles to warm up on the day.

The riders found the construction on I-94 bridge had begun and Sharkman muttered, “I hope this is done when I come back in July!”

The riders had made record speed to get to Galesburg with the 10-15 mph east winds. Sharkman already began lamenting the ride back to the Cove into the wind, but commented he had the young Minions to pull him home.

Sharkman stopped at the Klutch to use the restroom while Mad Dog stopped to get an espresso.

Uh, what is that all about?

Gazelle Girl makes her entrance!
When Sharkman got to the start he was amazed at the mass of humanity gathering on this cool day. It was also one of the earliest arrivals he had at the start.

At 8:45 a.m. there were at least 18 riders already in the parking lot, ready to roll!

Both B-Rod and Sasquatch were sporting new bikes! Brewman, Toast, Easty, Ranger Rick, 3rd Degree, Zyckmann, Dreamboat, ….it was a huge turn out for this early in the season.

There were also some virgin Minions in the mix! Two riders both named Scott made for some confusion but were known on the ride as Scott the Older and Scott the Younger until nicknames could be determined. Welcome to the mighty Minion Nation Scott's!
The gathering of the Klan!

Riders began pouring into the start! Even Dot-Dot-Dash and Wishbone were back in the mix!

Gazelle Girl made an early entry to a shout of “Gazelle Girl,” sans the Other Guy or any other riders!

Hossman pulled in wearing shorts! As he dismounted he shouted, through clenched teeth, “It's cold out here!”

Sharkman shouted out to Easty to “hustle up,” as he prepared his steed, even though there was some time, so that a group photo could be taken.

After getting the group photo and still having 3 minutes left till start time, Sharkman turned and saw 4 more riders pulling in, led by the legendary Bissell Boy along with his daughters fiance, Joe. Another virgin Minion! Welcome to the mighty Minion Nation, Joe to be named later!
Virgin Minion "Scott the Younger!"
Rumor has it he is the State Junior
Road Racing Champion!?!

A second group photo was taken and Sharkman cautioned the Nation that Dr. Dave had informed him the previous evening that there would be a soccer match at the Galesburg High School and traffic might be an issue for the finishing sprint. Sharkman also informed the Nation that they were still in Spring Training and sprints would not be reported. Well, accept for any that were won by the Sharkman......

Virgin Minion "Scott the Older!"
Welcome new Minions!
At the start, 24 riders were in attendance and it is too much of a stretch for Sharkman to remember all who were there! Therefore the editors apologize if any Minion who attended did not get there name in this publication. Remember, you can get your name in the publication by either leading our intrepid hero out on a sprint or buying him koffee......

As the Nation rode past the Klutch, Nikeboy, who had to get back home, broke off and the Nation dropped back down to 23 riders.

Hossman and B-Rod went to the front to pull our intrepid hero to the honorary first sprint. It could not be determined if Hossman was pulling so hard in an effort to work up a sweat to warm those legs, OR if he wanted to be mentioned in Belo News, but he made it on both accounts. As the sprint drew near, B-Rod took over and led our hero to the tape for his second sprint of the year.
B-Rod showing off his new Cannondale!

As the Nation crossed over G, the Great Dane arrived. Apparently he had forgot his helmet and had to head back to get it and the ride was back at 24!

The Nation rode merrily along through the cul de Twin Lakes, past the Yorkville Church, into Kellogg Korner and on through the the Kountry Klub section of the ride. For the most part, the Nation broke into different groupings, talking and 

enjoying the chatter and the sunny but cool morning.

Sasquatch and his new BMC!
At the top of the cul de Norte, Sharkman had to caution some of the rides about jumping ahead, but the group came back together quickly making its way through the Holy Rollers, and on to the Feed Stop. As the riders started back up, they were led by 3rd Degree and Scott the Younger, both of whom abruptly missed the turn and had to double back to catch back on.

When the Nation got to the Digital Divide, for the first time in memory, there were no cars to stop the crossing and the lemmings began to follow those who quickly jumped across. Sharkman did a quick count and felt that a few riders were missing and told Mad Dog he would hold back to wait.

Sure enough, some more riders came up quickly, so no Minions were left behind! 


At the GGG Spot Sprint, Sharkman and his group latched back on with the leaders as they headed to the final sprint.

Stud Muffin, Hossman, sans shorts!
"Damn it's cold!"
Since Sharkman was not reporting on the sprint, he felt no need to push, but he did get near the front and saw that the traffic at the finish, due to the High School Soccer match, would be no problem.

The problem would come later at the Klutch!Sharkman did notice that many of the riders were crossing over Rt. 89 early and again we would like to remind the Nation that it is important to watch for cars from behind, go to the intersection turn lane and make a legal turn, not a short cut turn, and to obey traffic laws! Nothing is worse that cutting over to the left lane to make a left turn, as a car is attempting to turn right!

It is all about safety!

Nuff said!

The crowds on the Champs le Galesburg were huge, waving to their hero's as they zipped up their team jersey's and headed to the Klutch.

As Sharkman made his way to the front, much to his joy, the Skipper pulled up along side him to ride in and buy him koffee! That made the ride count 25!

Yes! The Skipper rules! Thanks Skipper, you made the headlines! This is a great country!

Dr. Dave may have warned of traffic, but there was no warning for the mass of soccer players and parents at the Klutch! The line was outside the door and the noise level was amazing. Many of the Minions decided not to stay and fortunately for the Sharkman and a few Minions the early morning group had saved the a table for them near the window!
The mass of humanity at the Klutch!

Meanwhile, Rainman had already peeled off and Mad Dog informed Sharkman he, too, had to be home by noon, so both the young Minions left Sharkman to fend for himself on the way home! Oh, the humanity! He was counting on them to drag his sorry dorsal back to the Cove in the 10-15 mph east winds! But never fear, our hero, fighting the construction and headwind, made it home before it got dark!

You won't want to miss this Saturday's ride! It will be our hero's last ride for 2 months, so hopefully you can be there!

Saturday, April 30, 2016

It looks like it will be dry, but still cool, so we will keep the start time at 9:00 a.m.

Launch Time – 9:00 a.m. - SHARP!

Be there!

Cover Girl, Stryker Guy!

Belo News
April 25, 2016

Richland, Mi. - The mighty Minion Nation has a new “Cover Girl” and it ain't Gazelle Girl....damn!

No, it is our own Stryker Guy who made the cover of Southwest Spark Magazine! Is this a great country or what?!?

Not only that, but he is sporting his mighty Minion Nation jersey in the photo! Oh, the humanity!

Making the Nation proud by sporting the jersey and “looking good,” he even mentioned the Nation, and our intrepid hero, in the write up. However, he was quoted as stating that the ride was “a group of senior riders,” and we will have to ask a few of our younger riders about that, but the Editors are sure he used that term to scare away a mass of riders to the already bulging ranks of the Nation! Nicely played Stryker Guy, nicely played......

The article discusses Styker Guys upcoming trip across the Nation on his bike! You go Stryker Guy!

Pick one up at local sports/fitness stores in Kalamazoo. Maybe Stryker Guy will autograph a cop for you!

Congratulations Styker Guy! You made the Nation Proud!

Bad Boy Sharkman getting cited!

Belo News
Richland, Mi. - During a recent Banjovi rehearsal at the home of the Great Dane, our own intrepid hero, the Sharkman, was ticketed by Richland's finest for playing his ukulele out of tune! What the....?

Yes, while practicing in the Great Danes garage, a local Officer stopped by to listen to the great Banjovi music but immediately had to cite Sharkman for being out of tune.

Both Wildman and the Great Dane had warned the diminutive ukulele prodigy, but to no avail.

Meanwhile, Sharkman was quoted as stating “I always wanted to get in trouble while playing in a garage band! I'm bad!”

Luckily, it was only a warning and after the Office listen to a couple of songs he was back off to fight crime and/or evil in Great Dane's neighborhood!

Remember, Banjovi will be playing the Klutch on Friday, May 27, 2016, the Friday night of Memorial Day! Any Minion who is a Minion will want to be there!


Belo News
April 26, 2016

Battle Creek, Mi. - It was a typical early Spring Tuesday Night ride, with winds out of the east at around 15 mph! Only three intrepid riders made the call. Sharkman, Mad Dog and Rainman headed out with the tail wind and was making great time until they got to M-86 and began to head back into the wind! Both Mad Dog and Rainman put in humongous pulls, will Sharkman took more short pulls. Despite the early season, only three riders and the wind, the three Minions held an average of 18.9 mph.

After the ride, Gazelle Girl, Toesetter, Stingray and Lava Girl joined the group for dinner and beer at Arcadia! Is this a great country or what! A good time was had by all!

If you are interested in a good, pace line ride, come on out on Tuesday nights at 5:30 p.m! The ride meets in the parking lot behind Arcadia.

Be there!


Belo News
April 23, 2016

Shark Cove, Mi. - Only one rider sent in a Barry-Roubaix photo and so we publish this shot of Dreamboat, his girlfriend and his new dog! He had a great race and remember, if you want it in Belo News, send it in!

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.

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