Wednesday, March 30, 2016






Belo News
March 30, 2016

Shark Cove, Mi. - The texts and emails began coming in on Wednesday last week to the Shark Cove. Wildman decided to get another ride together for Saturday, in preparation for the Official Opening Day scheduled for April 2, 2016. The only problem was that he was starting the ride at 8:00 a.m. from the Klutch!

Our intrepid hero immediately checked the Shark Weather Station and it was showing a start temperature for the proposed time at 32 degrees! However, it was Wildman's ride and the old Shark didn't want to take over and thought he'd wait to see if any of the others on the distribution would respond.

First up was Gazelle Girl, who stated she had it on her “dance card” but was questioning the early, cold start. The second email response was from Rainman and even though there was no rain in the forecast, stated it was way to early on a day that would be much more conducive to riding in later in the afternoon! And so it went, but Wildman did not seem to be budging on the call for the early start.
The Nation enjoying their Bottomless Kups!

On Friday, our intrepid hero again checked the weather while waiting for an email from Wildman stating he was moving the time back, and found that now the Shark Weather Station was reporting temps of 28 degrees at launch time! Oh, the humanity!

Sharkman sent an email to Wildman asking who was riding, to which he responded it was just the two of them, plus Gazelle Girl and Mad Dog. Wildman stated it really wouldn't be any warmer by 9 a.m. and Sharkman agreed.

As dawn broke over the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero literally jumped from the bed, chomping at the bit to ride! He had decided to drive over (fearing he might not even make it around the lake!) and after loading up his steed in the Sharkvibemobile, he headed to the Klutch.

As he walked in to the Klutch, he was greeted by the Early Morning Koffee Group with a big hello and following him in the door was Gazelle Girl. Mad Dog rode up after making the trek from the Creek and Wildman, who was in charge of the ride, drove up last.

There was a brief discussion on whether to ride the regular KK-TdG route or head south and fortunately, the group decided to head out on the KK-TdG course, as Ironman jumped on as they headed north out of Galesburg! Ironman was a bit upset as he heard out hero remark, “Who do we have here?”

Ironman was upset that there was no “Ironman!” or “The other guy!” shouted out as he arrived and Sharkman apologized for the gaff. Wildman took the first sprint, as it took Sharkman a few miles for his legs to kick in and it wasn't actually and “official” Minion ride......

It was a beautiful morning with little wind, bright, warming, sunshine and an easy pace!

Sharkman took all the sprints (well, in his mind anyway) until the GGG Spot Sprint where the Nation got Gazelle Girl into position for her first major effort of the young season! As she motored ahead, and feeling the love, she made her final thrust and actually blew away the stop ahead sign! Whoa,....... what? Yes, after buzzing by, the Stop Ahead Sign (see photo) could not be found and it could only be assumed she blew it away! Wow!
Gazelle Girl blows away the Stop Ahead
sign as she takes the GGG Spot Sprint!

After what seemed like forever to take a photo, the Nation headed south to the final sprint, that no one contested, and the mighty Minion Nation ended the ride with an anemic pace of 16.4 mph. But it was a fantastic ride!

Surprisingly, the Champs le Galesburg was packed with at least two tofosi cheering our hero's on as they zipped up their jerseys for the sponsors and crowds and rode into the Klutch.

Gazelle Girl, appreciative of Mad Dog's pacing during the ride, bought him his sissy espresso drink, though her generosity ran out at $4.00 as that is all she had with her, and the Nation celebrated the great morning of sun, bikes and koffee!

But the real thing starts this Saturday!

See next story, Bunkie!


Belo News
March 30, 2016

Shark Cove, Mi. - The day the Nation has been awaiting during this long, cold, snowy winter (well, actually, it was a pretty mild winter, but it sounds WAY more dramatic written this way) has finally arrived! Opening Day, 2016 is here!

This Saturday, April 2, 2016!

Launch Time – 9:00 A.M. - SHARP!

You won't want to miss this special day, though there is a concern that with Spring Break AND predicted cold temps, the turnout could be low, this is it Minions! The big day and come on, if those European guys can ride in cold, wet weather, so can the MIGHTY Minion Nation! So be there!

Our intrepid hero
the Sharkman!

Belo News
March 30, 2016

Shark Cove, Mi. - As some of the Nation is already aware, our intrepid hero was diagnosed with prostate cancer in early January. Since that time he has been talking to doctors and others who have been through the process, determining his course of treatment.

Fortunately for the Sharkman, the cancer is limited to the prostate and is a slow moving cancer. However, it was extensive and so our hero has decided to have a Radical Prostectomy.

Sharkman will be going to the University of Michigan (which isn't easy for a Badger) on May 2, 2016 for surgery and the good news is that he should be up and around within a week. The bad news is that he will have to be off the bike for 2 months.

However, our intrepid hero will continue to organize the ride, he will be over for koffee when he can, and he will be putting out Belo News, albeit it may be more brief, which is something he has contemplated for some time. After over 300 editions, it has been difficult to keep things fresh and new.

So it is all good and Sharkman is at peace with his decision and only wants to get this behind him as soon as possible (no pun intended!).

For those of you who have more questions about this (as he has learned, may cyclists do), Sharkman will be happy to explain everything on the ride this Saturday and on any Saturday until May 2!

Viva Bikes!

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