Wednesday, November 18, 2015

The Nation gathers!




Belo News
November 17, 2015

Walnut Creek, CA. - Better late than never, eh?

After the “In Lieu of Iceman Ride/Party” the Editors of Belo News had every intention of getting out an edition to share photos and the fun of the inaugural ILOI Ride/Party, but life had more in-store for the team than they had realized so as they say, “better late than never!”
Polar Bear & Baby Bear!

Sharkman is now out in California babysitting his Sharklet's and waiting for the entire clan to come together for thanksgiving! So, Belo News apologizes for the delay, but here you go!

The first ever In Lieu of Iceman Ride/Party was a huge success despite the fact it was such a large group that Banjovi could not perform at Players, yet it was indeed, a fitting end to a fantastic Minion season!

Our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, was a bit concerned when the reservations for the shindig began to come in slowly, but built to a crescendo as the final hours counted down with several Minions calling and some calling directly to Players to let them know they would be in attendance!
"Scout the Wonder Dog" & Ranger Rick!

As the old Shark pulled into the parking lot at the west end of Whitaker Lake, he noticed that CycoCross and Ranger Rick were already getting their steeds ready. Ranger Rick brought another friend with him, who for the time being will be knowns as “Eddy.” He also had brought along “Scout the wonder dog!” who entertained the riders pre-event with feats of catching a dog Frisbee. Is this a great country or what!?!
Greyhound on his huge Fat Bike!
Oh, the humanity!

Shortly after, Polar Bear and Baby Bear arrived, along with the Greyhound on his Fat Bike, which really looked huge next to our heroes 29er! Stryker Guy pulled in after, as well as, Easty (running a bit late), and Kid Doster. Also arriving a bit late (as she is prone to do so she can make a grand entrance) was none other than the Sweetheart of the Peloton, Gazelle Girl. Gazelle Girl had been a “doubtful” starter as she had recently suffered a severe index finger injury! Yet she seemed ready to ride.
Stryker Guy, Greyhound & Easty waiting for the
Granny group to catch back on!

After a few start photos, some additional tricks from Scout, the Wonder Dog, and final instructions from the Old Shark, the Nation decided to ride the Blue to the Red Trail and then back. Sharkman took the lead as the Nation formed up for the ride.

As the riders headed out they could feel “spits” of an icy rain from time to time, however the temps and sun felt warm on their backs.
Gazelle Girl, Baby Bear, Polar Bear & Easty
chilling on the Shark Vibemobile with
a cool beverage!

As the riders pulled up to the Cabins to check the count, Gazelle Girl announced that the jarring on her finger was too much and she was concerned about opening up the wound again. So she headed back to the parking lot on the roads while the rest of the Nation headed out to the Red Trail.

Some of the Minions decided to by pass Granny's while others headed in, however the entire Nation came back together just before the Amusement Park. Some of the riders decided to go out on the Green, while Sharkman was
Stryker Guy, Momma Bear, Baby Bear &
Polar Bear getting ready to chow down!
concerned about timing and led the rest back on the Red to the Blue for the return.

When they arrived at the Pavilion at Whiteford Lake, they found Hoosier Boys car parked and worried he might be lost on the trails. However, he arrived shortly and in time for the post ride beer that Gazelle Girl and Sharkman had brought along.

As the Green Trail riders returned, the mass headed out to Players for the party. Sharkman was a bit surprised at how busy Player was but they had two tables waiting for the hungry Nation to arrive.
As Sharkman always says, "any bar that has ketchup
on the table, is a class joint!"

The Nation and spouses/significant others began piling in! Wildman and Mrs. Wildman (Gwen), Great Dane and friend Janice, Gazelle Girl and Toesetter, Polar Bear, Baby Bear and Momma Bear (Sammie) Styker Guy and Mrs. Stryker Guy (Marsha), Easty and KT, Hoosier Boy and Mrs. Hoosier Boy (Nancy) and even Sasquatch made and appearance. Ranger Rick also arrived, sans Scout the Wonder Dog who was patiently waiting in the car.

The food was good, the beer was even better, but nothing could match the fun of the Nation breaking bread together! The only thing that could have made it better would have
Gazelle Girl, Gwen, Wildman, to the left and
Sasquatch, Great Dane and Janice on the right!
been the appearance of Banjovi! However, and much to everyone's regret, Players felt the place was too busy, people were watching the Michigan game AND people were actually waiting in line to get in to eat! Maybe next year!

It has been a great season and our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, wants to thank the entire Nation for another great summer and fall of riding!
Easty, Hoosier Boy, Nancy, KT on the left &
Baby Bear, Momma Bear, Stryker Guy and Marsha
on the right!

But the Nation isn't done!

After Deer Season ends, watch for possible Fort Custer rides and/or skiing opportunities! Stay tuned to Belo News!

Minions and Scout, the Wonder Dog riding
out of the Freeway!

Reb & Yeti Boy huddle to keep
warm, post Iceman! 

Belo News
November 17, 2015

Traverse City, Mi. - It was another great year for the Nation at the Iceman in Traverse City. The weather conditions were very different from last years “mudfest” and the times were an example of just how great conditions were. Yeti Boy and Reb reported in early that they had taken an hour off the previous years time and the Nations own Skittles finished 4th in his (32-33) age group!
Fourth Place goes to our own Skittles!

Whoa, wait....? What?

You heard that right, Bunkie! 4th in one of the most competitive age groups?

Oh, yeah, the mighty Minion Nation rocks! And a big thanks to Belo News Staff Photographer Tara Plant, we have the photos to prove it! Thanks Tara!
Skittles kicking into high gear near the finish!

Congratulations to the entire Nation who competed and did the Nation proud!

Skittles ready for action!

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Yeti Boy and Hoosier Boy enjoying
their Bottomless Kups at the Klutch!



Belo News
October 31, 2015

Ft. Custer, Mi. - As our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, forced his old body out of his shark bed on a dark morning, he was thinking how good it was going to be to be back with his beloved Nation! As he got his steed ready and checked the radar, he was also hoping he could beat the rain!

Yeti Boy picked him up at 7:30 a.m. and the two headed over to the Klutch in Yeti Boys trusty Chevy pick up truck. They took the back roads as Yeti lamented, “I hate to get this old truck going too fast, you never know what might happen!”

Andrews Mom and Dad were on duty as Andrew was over in Detroit, but the koffee was, as always, great. Sharkman bought Yeti Boy a Bottomless and as they sat down the Early Morning Group welcomed them to the Klutch and were surprised that anyone was a riding this late.

Shortly after, Hoosier Boy, then Brewman joined in the merriment!
Sharkman and Brewman just
before launch!

As 8:25 a.m. rolled around, the group headed out to bet their bikes and Hoosier Boy mentioned he had a leaky tire and would ride to the trail head, where hopefully someone would have a pump, and then after a refill, he would head back to the Klutch. Sharkman commented that he wasn't sure it was a good idea to ride on a “leaky tire” but was sure someone would have a pump at the trail head.

The four headed out to the “back door” to the Fort on a dark, but comfortable morning, hoping the rain would hold off till noon as the forecast predicted.

When the group got to the trail head, Tow Truck was there to great them, but though the parking lot seemed fairly full, there were no other Minions AND there was no tire pump for Hoosier Boy! Oh, the humanity!

Sharkman volunteered to lead and suggested they take the Red trail to the Blue and go by the “back door” of the Fort so that Hoosier Boy could head back on his low tire to which everyone agreed.

After the group came out of the Trenches and before heading into the Rock Garden, Sharkman pointed out the trail for Hoosier Boy if he wanted to take the shortest way back, but he stated he would follow the group to the pavilion and break off there.

Sharkman went ahead and after the Camel Backs, headed up the Blue Trail, stopping at the road to make sure everyone was on.

First Yeti Boy, then Brewman and Tow Truck followed but no Hoosier Boy.....

After a couple of minutes, Sharkman said he would go back to the Red to make sure Hoosier Boy hadn't missed the turn.

But no Hoosier Boy.....

Sharkman was sure Hoosier Boy had missed the turn so he went back and got the group to go in search of Hoosier Boy.

The group ripped through the Red with an occasional shout, “Hoosier Boy!” but to no avail.

After the Freeway Section they stopped before entering the Amusement Park to discuss options. It was decided that Hoosier Boy must have taken the short way back to the “back door” and went home....

However, shortly after entering the Amusement Park and as the trail circled back toward the road on the Green Trail, there was Hoosier Boy, going the wrong way! Oh, double the humanity!

Hoosier Boy had indeed, missed the Blue turn and had gone onto the Red Trail and after a while realized he must have missed the turn and had come off the trail to try to get back but had headed down the wrong trail!

The good news was he still had air in the leaky tire! Is this a great country or what?!?

The group took the Green Trail in reverse to the Camp Ground, cut over to the Blue Trail and dropped off Hoosier Boy at the Pavilion near the “back door” to the Fort and he headed home!

But the Nation was not done with tire issues!

As the group headed back on the Blue and cut over to the Red, they stopped before going into Granny's to gather and had lost Brewman. Sharkman went back to look and found that Brewman had also had a flat, but had zapped the tubeless tire with CO2 and was hoping to make it back!

The group then completed the Red Trail and Tow Truck headed back with the group through the Trenches, Rock Garden and Camel Humps before breaking back to head home.

As Brewman, Yeti Boy and Sharkman hustled to make sure they got back before Brewman went flat again, they began to feel rain drops! They all agreed it was fun to race the rain!

As they pulled up to the Klutch, there were still a few rain drops, but nothing serious!

Final mileage on the day was 27.35 miles at 11.76 mph average! Not bad with all the search and rescue stops!

It was a victory for America!

But the Nation is not finished! See next story!

Please note start area, under the
pavilion west of
Whitford Lake!

Belo News
November 4, 2015

Augusta, Mi. - It is finally here! The day every non Iceman Minion has been waiting for! The In Leui of Iceman Ride/Party!

Last year, a number of Minions became disenchanted with the annual right of autumn, the Iceman, when it turned into the “Mudman,” and had seemed to become more “corporate” with parking and logistic issues that made the race less of a year-end party and more of a huge, money making event. So the Nation has decided to respond for those who are not doing the Iceman this year with a year-end event called the “In Lieu of Iceman Ride/Party!”

This Saturday, November 7, the same day as Iceman, the Nation will gather at Fort Custer at 2:00 p.m. for a ride on the trails, and then travel to Players Grill in Augusta, where spouses or significant others can join in, for beer and dinner at around 4:00 p.m.

Instead of the usual trail head, riders will meet at the pavilion at the west end of Whitford/Lawler Lake where we will have a roof if the weather turns on the Nation. Riders may wish to BYO beverage for post-ride activity before heading over to Players.

It is important that riders attending, as well as their guests, RSVP so that Players can be advised and insure they have enough wait staff.

In edition, there is a distinct possibility that Banjovi might be in attendance and do a few numbers for the Nation!

Is this a great country or what?!?

So, mark your calendars and get your RSVPs now! Even if you are not a mountain bike rider, you can join the Nation for dinner and beer at Players at 4:00 p.m!

Hopefully, this will be the first of many In Lieu of Iceman Ride/Parties to come!

Be there!

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Yeti Boy, Brewman, Zyckmann, Tow Truck & Sharkman.
After Tow Truck arrived




Belo News
October 28, 2015

Shark Cove, Mi. - As our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, shuffled out of his shark bed in the dark, he was filled with doubt as he faced the day riding Barry-Roubaix. Our hero has not had a mile-filled fall and was a bit concerned he would have trouble keeping up with the Nation on the hills of the famous gravel road route.

After loading up his cross bike (Sharkman felt he had a better chance of keeping up on the lighter bike) he headed over to Yeti Boy's house to pick him up. Yeti Boy, on the other hand, has been training for the Iceman and seems to be in fantastic shape for the event. As Reb says, “Yeti Boy is about to be unleashed on the 65-69 age group!”

Sharkman miscalculated the time it took to get to the Hastings K-Mart parking lot, but it allowed for the two riders to use the restroom and check out the Blue Light Specials on men's underwear.
The selfie before they almost left without
Tow Truck! Oh, the humanity!

As they got their steeds ready, Zyckmann then Brewman pulled in and unloaded their cross bikes. Since these were the only riders who had RSVPed, Sharkman shot a selfie of the crew.

The Nation thought they might launch early but Sharkman felt they better wait just in case......

Just then, Tow Truck pulled in. Sharkman follows Tow Truck on Instagram and thought he was in Guatemala and asked him about it. Tow Truck stated he wouldn't want to miss this ride and got back the previous evening, winning the award for coming the furthest for the ride! He also pulled out a cross bike!

Sharkman opted to put his fenders on, though the rain had stopped.

The riders took off and Sharkman had forgotten how difficult and intimidating Three Sisters can be! Oh, the humanity!

As Yeti Boy stated last year, riding Barry-Roubaix is like the movie 'Groundhog Day.' After each hill, there is another just like it waiting for you and your weary legs.

The five Minions delighted in the great weather. Warm and no rain! The sand and gravel roads were firm from the overnight rain but not too wet, making for a great ride. Sharkman struggled to stay on and the Nation watched out for him at each hill. The group managed to finish with a 14.1 mph average with over 2,200 ft. of climbing! Is this a great country or what?!?

Tow Truck had to head home at the end of the ride, but the rest of the Nation headed to The Walldorff where, once again, the beer and food was great but the service was, for lack of a better word, wanting.....

After ordering beers at the bar, where the bartender/waitress seemed friendly, the riders sat down and were given menus. After what seemed to be an inordinate amount of time, Zyckmann went to the bar to ask if the group could order, to which the bartender/waitress commented she would get to us when she could. Wait, there was only one other person in the bar at the time....

Fortunately, the food was out fairly quick and was quite good, but the planning committee for next year's ride is considering the bar just down the street for next year.

To everyone's surprise, Sharkman picked up the tab for Yeti Boy, Zyckmann and Brewman! Is this a great country or what?!?

Well, there were only four riders........
Shocked Minions when they realized
Sharkman had picke up the tab!

It was a great ride, but the season isn't over yet!

This Saturday the Nation goes back to the old fall schedule for one week only, so Minions won't want to miss this ride!

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Two start locations!

For those wanting more miles, the Nation will launch from the Koffee Klutch at 8:30 a.m. after a kup of koffee with Sharkman.

For those wanting a few miles, want to sleep in longer, or are puppies, the Nation will gather at the Trailhead at Fort Custer and launch at 9:00 a.m.

Depending on the size of the group, the Nation might break into smaller numbers, e.g. slow group led by Sharkman, fast group, fat tire group, etc....

Be there!

The start area ,with pavilion is circled in red!


Belo News
November 7, 2015

Augusta, Mi. - Last year, a number of Minions became disenchanted with the annual right of autumn, the Iceman, when it turned into the “Mudman,” and had seemed to become more “corporate” with parking and logistic issues that made the race less of a year-end party and more of a huge, money making event. So the Nation has decided to respond for those who are not doing the Iceman this year with a year-end event called the “In Lieu of Iceman Ride/Party!”

On November 7, the same day as Iceman, the Nation will gather at Fort Custer at 2:00 p.m. for a ride on the trails, and then travel to Players Grill in Augusta, where spouses or significant others can join in, for beer and dinner at around 4:00 p.m.

Instead of the usual trailhead, riders will meet at the pavilion at the west end of Whitford/Lawler Lake where we will have a roof if the weather turns on the Nation. Riders may wish to BYO beverage for post-ride activity before heading over to Players.

It is important that riders attending, as well as their guests, RSVP by Wednesday, November 4 so that Players can be advised and insure they have enough wait staff.

In edition, there is a distinct possibility that Banjovi might be in attendance and do a few numbers for the Nation!

Is this a great country or what?!?

So, mark your calendars and get your RSVPs in early. Even if you are not a mountain bike rider, you can join the Nation for dinner and beer at Players at 4:00 p.m!

Hopefully, this will be the first of many In Lieu of Iceman Ride/Parties to come!


Belo News
October 25, 2015
Stryker Guy, Yeti Boy, Zyckmann & Sharkman!

Augusta, Mi. - The so called, "Lucky Ones" are still riding the Fort, though sans their leader, Reb, who has to work (making him an "Unlucky One).  It was yet another warm (60ish degrees) sunny day at the Fort for Yeti Boy, Zyckmann, Stryker Guy and the Sharkman as they took on the trails.  It was so nice, they actually rode all three of the trails, minus the Amusement Park section of the Red as they shifted over to the Green before.

Unfortunately, the Sweetheart of the Peloton, Gazelle Girl was also absent as she is recovering from a major Monday afternoon encounter with a tree knob on the start of the Green Trail.  Two weeks ago, as a fellow Lucky One (those who are retired and can ride on a Monday afternoon), she got a bit to close to a narley tree knob that caught her finger, requiring stitches! 
The Lucky Ones!

Fortunately for Gazelle Girl, Dr. Zyckmann was on site to adminster the first aid! Always good to have a Doctor in the mix!

She is healing and plans to be at the ILOI Ride/Party, but may not be riding.  It is reported that the digit injury has not curtailed her ability to lift pints!

Get well soon, Gazelle Girl and see you at the ILOI!

Gazelle Girls digit! Looks like a job
for Toesetter?
Nice work Dr. Zyckmann!

A little anesthetize?

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

The mighty Minion Nation ready to roll!






Belo News
October 3, 2015

Shark Cove, Mi. - As dawn begins to slowly break over the Shark Cove, we find our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, still snuggled under his Shark Bed Spread, snoring away in his half Shark, half Spiderman PJ's (readers can guess which half was half....) dreaming of winning sprints and accepting the accolades of fans throwing bouquets of flowers, cheese and wine his way as he rides gloriously up the Champs le Galesburg......when suddenly, he awakes to realize he had overslept!
The launch time temps where
not friendly.....

Oh, the humanity, what happened?

Jumping out of bed with the agility of a peanut butter being poured from a jar, our hero is completely confused as he scrambles to get the koffee started and to check the Shark Radar.......

OK, koffee, …....check......

Radar, no rain....check.......

No time.....oh, the humanity!

Thinking, “Get dressed before Mad Dog shows up in the driveway, check!” our hero tries or organize his thoughts and get ready!

Putting on leg warmers, extra layers and a cold weather scull cap, our hero gets his lights loaded on his helmet and bike and is slowly getting ready to rock!
Sharkman and his posse!

But wait....where is Mad Dog.......?

It is 7:30 a.m. and no Mad Dog, who usually shows up a bit early.......

Sharkman stands thinking, “wait, we moved the launch I early......?” Was all the rushing for naught?

Sharkman goes back in the house, takes another sip of koffee and then realizes, despite his “just got out of bed” fogginess, that the time is correct! Oh, how silly, Sharkman is never wrong!

As he gets on his steed and starts his launch from the Cove, he receives a text on his Shark iPhone.

It is Mad Dog,..... “forgot water bottles, went back, I'll catch up to you on the road!”
Hoosier Boy with his cup of Starbucks.

As the old Shark starts to slowly wake up on the bike, he sees a bike headlight blinking ahead and knows it is Reb heading his way. At the same time, Mad Dog arrives from the rear, lights flashing in the dark as the sun seems reluctant, much like Sharkman, to wake up on the day. Sharkman is thinking “man that bed was nice and warm.....”

As the Sharkman and the two Minions ride west at a brisk 18 mph, they realize the wind is behind them and that unless something changes dramatically, they will be riding against that wind on the way home!

As they approach the start, they wonder with the cold weather if many of the mighty Minion Nation will be in attendance for the last road ride and Shark Minion Jersey Day.

However, much to their delight, they find riders unloading bikes and riding in to the start at a pretty good clip.
A gathering of the klan!

Normally it is the policy of Belo News that if there are more than 15 riders, they do not necessarily get named in the blog (unless they led Sharkman out, buy him koffee or distinguish themselves in some other embarrassing way), however, this has more to do with memory than policy.

None the less, because it was the last ride of the year, Belo News will do their best in naming those who made the last road ride and we think it is correct as the count was

In addition to Sharkman, Mad Dog and Reb, Nikeboy (who had to leave after the start) Hoosier Boy, Hossman, Wildman, Brewman, Gazelle Girl, Tow Truck, Stryker Guy, PT, Wishbone, Greyhound, Hambone, and that “Other Guy,” Ironman!

What a turn out on a cold morning!

At launch time, it was 44 degrees with winds out of the ENE of 15 mph and gusting, making it feel more like 39 degrees! But the Nation was not to be deterred!
Wait.....Sharkman bought?!?

As the Nation went by the Klutch, Andrew came out for the count and fans lined the street to watch their hero's ride by.

An army of riders led Sharkman out to the first sprint (and last honorary sprint of the season) and the ride picked up in earnest after that.

Through the col de Twin Lakes, past Rt. 89, up the col de No Name, past a very gravely Kellogg Korner (where everyone commented that Skipper better get out and sweep that korner or we may be forced to re-name it Gravel Pit) on through the Kountry Klub and on to the col de Norte. Interestingly, the ride seemed to be a ride of slow, social sections, followed by intense sprinting.
Mad Dog and PT discuss strategy after the ride.

A great Minion ride!

As the Nation crossed the Digital Divide and began their normal sometime pace line, Gazelle Girl, Mad Dog and Ironman went to the front to control the unruly Nation.

As the pace picked up to 18-19 mph Sharkman commented to Tow Truck, “I guess Gazelle Girl is in control and is going to take this sprint doing 18 mph.”

True to his prediction, Gazelle Girl shot from the peloton within a few inches of the line, sealing the last GGG Spot Sprint of the season at a sering 19 mph, with the shouts of the Nation ringing in her ears.

The final sprint was not as controlled!

Sharkman was thinking with Tow Truck and Hossman in the mix, the pace line would be stretched out, but as the Nation picked up speed, they were all still bunched as they climbed the last ascent to the finish. As they bore down on the final sprint of the year, Tow Truck made a move to the front with a cast of thousands behind him.

The battle was on as Tow Truck, Wildman and Ironman moved to the front to fight it out.

Wildman was able to make a final surge with Tow Truck and Ironman on his wheel to finish the season on a very high note!

The crowds on the Champs le Galesburg were in a frenzied state, knowing this would be the final trip down the storied road for the 2015 season!

Since it was Sharkman's birthday, he bought the koffee for everyone!

Wait, what? Sharkman bought? Is this a great country or what!

Sharkman was rewarded with a rousing chorus of “Happy Birthday” from his adoring Minion Nation and a very special
Scary, uh?
Birthday Card from Gazelle Girl with her patented scary doll on the front! Oh, the humanity!

Is this a great country or what!?!

The koffee flowed and the crowd stayed around a bit longer than normal, primarily because they did not want to ride home in the wind.

Suffice it to say, the ride back to the Shark Cove was “BRUTAL!” The wind was un-abating, and the total average speed for the ride was 2 mph less than normal.

Additionally, within 20 minutes of returning to the Cove, the rain started! Oh, the humanity, what a way to end the season!


Belo News
October 7
Stryker Guy defends jersey!

Richland, Mi. - Regular Belo News readers are well aware of the allegations lodged in last weeks Belo News by Minion Easty. Actually, they were so scathing that one Minion stated, “really showed some balls to put his name to that email!”

But Stryker Guy was not to be denied his rebuttal! When asked on the ride Saturday if he was going to respond, the legendary rider stated, “in time, in time...”

Just yesterday, Stryker Guy submitted his response, which follows, unedited by Belo News!

Stryker Guy speaks:


It has taken me some time to gather my thoughts and respond to my fellow Minion--Easty--regarding my jersey selection and alleged "grandstanding" in front of my wife on the Gull Lake Drive stretch to M-43. I'm hurt and disappointed (not really, but it always sounds better if you're in pain somehow) that my good friend and comrade on pedals has chosen to portray the altered "HI" State jersey as anything other than a feeble attempt at humoring my brothers (and sister) Minions on Game Jersey Day.

I have one college jersey--Ohio State, where I met my wife and did spend time coaching and learning(?) in the 80's. For most Minions, including me, the 80's were generally forgettable (other than I got married and had a kid...better make sure my wife doesn't read the next blog!). I am NOT a Buckeye fan! I would have put some kind of expletive on the jersey, but I wasn't that creative at 6:30 a.m.

As far as my "move" to the front after the Kountry Klub turn...for the record I pulled at least 50 more yards than the alleged 22 by Mr. East. Hey, I have to show off once in a while. I'm not sure my wife even believes I ride with you guys. She thinks I hang out at the Klutch and wait for everyone to come back and drink coffee.

From now on I will Tweet my rebuttals...wait, I don't have a Twitter account.

I am already missing the Nation.

Have a great Fall.


Well said, Stryker Guy, well said.....



Belo News
October 7, 2015

Shark Cove, Mi. - The moment the entire Nation has been waiting for is here!
Yes, this years Attendance Winner AND the Final Season Standings were announced this week at Belo News Corporate Headquarters.


For those Minions who are unaware, the season attendance record has been an ongoing battle between Mad Dog and Gazelle Girl. Both riders have made every single Minion KK-TdG ride this season, having attendance that is even better than the Sharkman hizzelf! Whoa, nice work Minions. Though Gazelle Girl has filed a grievance against Mad Dog because he did not attend the Bloody 'Ell 'Undred, he claimed that it was not an official KK-TdG sanctioned ride.

What to do, what to do.....

Sharkman loves all his Minions so he had only one alternative.....

The winner of the Attendance Award is therefore BOTH Gazelle Girl* and Mad Dog! Gazelle Girl will get an asterik next to her name, siting that she did ride the BEU, but to our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, they are both winners!


Each year the Nation awaits the final season standings, wondering who will be named the top riders for the season. This is why, we at Belo News just loving being in charge of this blog!
So here are the final, irrevocable standings on the year!

First Place – Sharkman
I owe it all to my sponsors!
Well, and of course, my Minions!
Second Place – someone else
Third Place – some other Minion

Congratulations to Sharkman who wins yet another Cyclist of the Year award and to his runner ups!

After hearing about being awarded this honor, Sharkman was quoted as saying “Is this a great country or what!”


Belo News
October 7, 2015

Shark Cove, Mi. - Though the official road season has ended, there are still some upcoming Minion rides that the Nation need to get on their calendars!

Saturday, October 24, 2015 – Annual Barry-Roubaix Training ride with lunch at the Waldorf!

Launch time – 9:00 A.M. from the K-Mart Parking lot!

Saturday, November 7, 2015 – First Annual “In Lieu of Iceman” Ride and Year End Party!

Launch time 1:30 p.m from the pavilion at the west end of Whitford and Lawler Lake. We will ride the trails, enjoy a post BYO beverage and then head to Players for dinner and beer around 4 p.m. Where spouses/significant others can join the party. It is important that Minions RSVP to Sharkman by October 24, 2015 so that we can give an estimate to Players so they can have appropriate staff available. You won't want to miss this one!

More on both these in a future, special addition Belo News!


Belo News
October 8, 2015
Banjovi at the Klutch!

Galesburg, Mi – Back by popular demand, Banjovi will again be appearing at the Koffee Klutch tonight, October 8, 2015 for Open Mic Night. Banjovi rocked the house the last time and their fans want more! They had to quickly work up a couple of new songs, but don't worry, they have so few, they will be playing their old songs as well! Come on out and hear their medially of hit!

Things get started around 6:30 p.m. And it is predicted to be standing room only!

See you all there!


Belo News
October 7, 2015

Kalamazoo, Mi. - And don't forget that Gazelle Girl is looking for a great turn out for Furnace Fest and the Nation can get a chance to see Cycocross, legendary Minion rider, and his band, Joe Wang and the Test Pilots perform! Gazelle Girl is also accepting donations for this event!

So contact Gazelle Girl if you would like to make a donation to this important cause!

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.