Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Yeti Boy, Brewman, Zyckmann, Tow Truck & Sharkman.
After Tow Truck arrived




Belo News
October 28, 2015

Shark Cove, Mi. - As our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, shuffled out of his shark bed in the dark, he was filled with doubt as he faced the day riding Barry-Roubaix. Our hero has not had a mile-filled fall and was a bit concerned he would have trouble keeping up with the Nation on the hills of the famous gravel road route.

After loading up his cross bike (Sharkman felt he had a better chance of keeping up on the lighter bike) he headed over to Yeti Boy's house to pick him up. Yeti Boy, on the other hand, has been training for the Iceman and seems to be in fantastic shape for the event. As Reb says, “Yeti Boy is about to be unleashed on the 65-69 age group!”

Sharkman miscalculated the time it took to get to the Hastings K-Mart parking lot, but it allowed for the two riders to use the restroom and check out the Blue Light Specials on men's underwear.
The selfie before they almost left without
Tow Truck! Oh, the humanity!

As they got their steeds ready, Zyckmann then Brewman pulled in and unloaded their cross bikes. Since these were the only riders who had RSVPed, Sharkman shot a selfie of the crew.

The Nation thought they might launch early but Sharkman felt they better wait just in case......

Just then, Tow Truck pulled in. Sharkman follows Tow Truck on Instagram and thought he was in Guatemala and asked him about it. Tow Truck stated he wouldn't want to miss this ride and got back the previous evening, winning the award for coming the furthest for the ride! He also pulled out a cross bike!

Sharkman opted to put his fenders on, though the rain had stopped.

The riders took off and Sharkman had forgotten how difficult and intimidating Three Sisters can be! Oh, the humanity!

As Yeti Boy stated last year, riding Barry-Roubaix is like the movie 'Groundhog Day.' After each hill, there is another just like it waiting for you and your weary legs.

The five Minions delighted in the great weather. Warm and no rain! The sand and gravel roads were firm from the overnight rain but not too wet, making for a great ride. Sharkman struggled to stay on and the Nation watched out for him at each hill. The group managed to finish with a 14.1 mph average with over 2,200 ft. of climbing! Is this a great country or what?!?

Tow Truck had to head home at the end of the ride, but the rest of the Nation headed to The Walldorff where, once again, the beer and food was great but the service was, for lack of a better word, wanting.....

After ordering beers at the bar, where the bartender/waitress seemed friendly, the riders sat down and were given menus. After what seemed to be an inordinate amount of time, Zyckmann went to the bar to ask if the group could order, to which the bartender/waitress commented she would get to us when she could. Wait, there was only one other person in the bar at the time....

Fortunately, the food was out fairly quick and was quite good, but the planning committee for next year's ride is considering the bar just down the street for next year.

To everyone's surprise, Sharkman picked up the tab for Yeti Boy, Zyckmann and Brewman! Is this a great country or what?!?

Well, there were only four riders........
Shocked Minions when they realized
Sharkman had picke up the tab!

It was a great ride, but the season isn't over yet!

This Saturday the Nation goes back to the old fall schedule for one week only, so Minions won't want to miss this ride!

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Two start locations!

For those wanting more miles, the Nation will launch from the Koffee Klutch at 8:30 a.m. after a kup of koffee with Sharkman.

For those wanting a few miles, want to sleep in longer, or are puppies, the Nation will gather at the Trailhead at Fort Custer and launch at 9:00 a.m.

Depending on the size of the group, the Nation might break into smaller numbers, e.g. slow group led by Sharkman, fast group, fat tire group, etc....

Be there!

The start area ,with pavilion is circled in red!


Belo News
November 7, 2015

Augusta, Mi. - Last year, a number of Minions became disenchanted with the annual right of autumn, the Iceman, when it turned into the “Mudman,” and had seemed to become more “corporate” with parking and logistic issues that made the race less of a year-end party and more of a huge, money making event. So the Nation has decided to respond for those who are not doing the Iceman this year with a year-end event called the “In Lieu of Iceman Ride/Party!”

On November 7, the same day as Iceman, the Nation will gather at Fort Custer at 2:00 p.m. for a ride on the trails, and then travel to Players Grill in Augusta, where spouses or significant others can join in, for beer and dinner at around 4:00 p.m.

Instead of the usual trailhead, riders will meet at the pavilion at the west end of Whitford/Lawler Lake where we will have a roof if the weather turns on the Nation. Riders may wish to BYO beverage for post-ride activity before heading over to Players.

It is important that riders attending, as well as their guests, RSVP by Wednesday, November 4 so that Players can be advised and insure they have enough wait staff.

In edition, there is a distinct possibility that Banjovi might be in attendance and do a few numbers for the Nation!

Is this a great country or what?!?

So, mark your calendars and get your RSVPs in early. Even if you are not a mountain bike rider, you can join the Nation for dinner and beer at Players at 4:00 p.m!

Hopefully, this will be the first of many In Lieu of Iceman Ride/Parties to come!


Belo News
October 25, 2015
Stryker Guy, Yeti Boy, Zyckmann & Sharkman!

Augusta, Mi. - The so called, "Lucky Ones" are still riding the Fort, though sans their leader, Reb, who has to work (making him an "Unlucky One).  It was yet another warm (60ish degrees) sunny day at the Fort for Yeti Boy, Zyckmann, Stryker Guy and the Sharkman as they took on the trails.  It was so nice, they actually rode all three of the trails, minus the Amusement Park section of the Red as they shifted over to the Green before.

Unfortunately, the Sweetheart of the Peloton, Gazelle Girl was also absent as she is recovering from a major Monday afternoon encounter with a tree knob on the start of the Green Trail.  Two weeks ago, as a fellow Lucky One (those who are retired and can ride on a Monday afternoon), she got a bit to close to a narley tree knob that caught her finger, requiring stitches! 
The Lucky Ones!

Fortunately for Gazelle Girl, Dr. Zyckmann was on site to adminster the first aid! Always good to have a Doctor in the mix!

She is healing and plans to be at the ILOI Ride/Party, but may not be riding.  It is reported that the digit injury has not curtailed her ability to lift pints!

Get well soon, Gazelle Girl and see you at the ILOI!

Gazelle Girls digit! Looks like a job
for Toesetter?
Nice work Dr. Zyckmann!

A little anesthetize?

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