Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Yeti Boy and Hoosier Boy enjoying
their Bottomless Kups at the Klutch!



Belo News
October 31, 2015

Ft. Custer, Mi. - As our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, forced his old body out of his shark bed on a dark morning, he was thinking how good it was going to be to be back with his beloved Nation! As he got his steed ready and checked the radar, he was also hoping he could beat the rain!

Yeti Boy picked him up at 7:30 a.m. and the two headed over to the Klutch in Yeti Boys trusty Chevy pick up truck. They took the back roads as Yeti lamented, “I hate to get this old truck going too fast, you never know what might happen!”

Andrews Mom and Dad were on duty as Andrew was over in Detroit, but the koffee was, as always, great. Sharkman bought Yeti Boy a Bottomless and as they sat down the Early Morning Group welcomed them to the Klutch and were surprised that anyone was a riding this late.

Shortly after, Hoosier Boy, then Brewman joined in the merriment!
Sharkman and Brewman just
before launch!

As 8:25 a.m. rolled around, the group headed out to bet their bikes and Hoosier Boy mentioned he had a leaky tire and would ride to the trail head, where hopefully someone would have a pump, and then after a refill, he would head back to the Klutch. Sharkman commented that he wasn't sure it was a good idea to ride on a “leaky tire” but was sure someone would have a pump at the trail head.

The four headed out to the “back door” to the Fort on a dark, but comfortable morning, hoping the rain would hold off till noon as the forecast predicted.

When the group got to the trail head, Tow Truck was there to great them, but though the parking lot seemed fairly full, there were no other Minions AND there was no tire pump for Hoosier Boy! Oh, the humanity!

Sharkman volunteered to lead and suggested they take the Red trail to the Blue and go by the “back door” of the Fort so that Hoosier Boy could head back on his low tire to which everyone agreed.

After the group came out of the Trenches and before heading into the Rock Garden, Sharkman pointed out the trail for Hoosier Boy if he wanted to take the shortest way back, but he stated he would follow the group to the pavilion and break off there.

Sharkman went ahead and after the Camel Backs, headed up the Blue Trail, stopping at the road to make sure everyone was on.

First Yeti Boy, then Brewman and Tow Truck followed but no Hoosier Boy.....

After a couple of minutes, Sharkman said he would go back to the Red to make sure Hoosier Boy hadn't missed the turn.

But no Hoosier Boy.....

Sharkman was sure Hoosier Boy had missed the turn so he went back and got the group to go in search of Hoosier Boy.

The group ripped through the Red with an occasional shout, “Hoosier Boy!” but to no avail.

After the Freeway Section they stopped before entering the Amusement Park to discuss options. It was decided that Hoosier Boy must have taken the short way back to the “back door” and went home....

However, shortly after entering the Amusement Park and as the trail circled back toward the road on the Green Trail, there was Hoosier Boy, going the wrong way! Oh, double the humanity!

Hoosier Boy had indeed, missed the Blue turn and had gone onto the Red Trail and after a while realized he must have missed the turn and had come off the trail to try to get back but had headed down the wrong trail!

The good news was he still had air in the leaky tire! Is this a great country or what?!?

The group took the Green Trail in reverse to the Camp Ground, cut over to the Blue Trail and dropped off Hoosier Boy at the Pavilion near the “back door” to the Fort and he headed home!

But the Nation was not done with tire issues!

As the group headed back on the Blue and cut over to the Red, they stopped before going into Granny's to gather and had lost Brewman. Sharkman went back to look and found that Brewman had also had a flat, but had zapped the tubeless tire with CO2 and was hoping to make it back!

The group then completed the Red Trail and Tow Truck headed back with the group through the Trenches, Rock Garden and Camel Humps before breaking back to head home.

As Brewman, Yeti Boy and Sharkman hustled to make sure they got back before Brewman went flat again, they began to feel rain drops! They all agreed it was fun to race the rain!

As they pulled up to the Klutch, there were still a few rain drops, but nothing serious!

Final mileage on the day was 27.35 miles at 11.76 mph average! Not bad with all the search and rescue stops!

It was a victory for America!

But the Nation is not finished! See next story!

Please note start area, under the
pavilion west of
Whitford Lake!

Belo News
November 4, 2015

Augusta, Mi. - It is finally here! The day every non Iceman Minion has been waiting for! The In Leui of Iceman Ride/Party!

Last year, a number of Minions became disenchanted with the annual right of autumn, the Iceman, when it turned into the “Mudman,” and had seemed to become more “corporate” with parking and logistic issues that made the race less of a year-end party and more of a huge, money making event. So the Nation has decided to respond for those who are not doing the Iceman this year with a year-end event called the “In Lieu of Iceman Ride/Party!”

This Saturday, November 7, the same day as Iceman, the Nation will gather at Fort Custer at 2:00 p.m. for a ride on the trails, and then travel to Players Grill in Augusta, where spouses or significant others can join in, for beer and dinner at around 4:00 p.m.

Instead of the usual trail head, riders will meet at the pavilion at the west end of Whitford/Lawler Lake where we will have a roof if the weather turns on the Nation. Riders may wish to BYO beverage for post-ride activity before heading over to Players.

It is important that riders attending, as well as their guests, RSVP so that Players can be advised and insure they have enough wait staff.

In edition, there is a distinct possibility that Banjovi might be in attendance and do a few numbers for the Nation!

Is this a great country or what?!?

So, mark your calendars and get your RSVPs now! Even if you are not a mountain bike rider, you can join the Nation for dinner and beer at Players at 4:00 p.m!

Hopefully, this will be the first of many In Lieu of Iceman Ride/Parties to come!

Be there!

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.

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