Wednesday, November 18, 2015

The Nation gathers!




Belo News
November 17, 2015

Walnut Creek, CA. - Better late than never, eh?

After the “In Lieu of Iceman Ride/Party” the Editors of Belo News had every intention of getting out an edition to share photos and the fun of the inaugural ILOI Ride/Party, but life had more in-store for the team than they had realized so as they say, “better late than never!”
Polar Bear & Baby Bear!

Sharkman is now out in California babysitting his Sharklet's and waiting for the entire clan to come together for thanksgiving! So, Belo News apologizes for the delay, but here you go!

The first ever In Lieu of Iceman Ride/Party was a huge success despite the fact it was such a large group that Banjovi could not perform at Players, yet it was indeed, a fitting end to a fantastic Minion season!

Our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, was a bit concerned when the reservations for the shindig began to come in slowly, but built to a crescendo as the final hours counted down with several Minions calling and some calling directly to Players to let them know they would be in attendance!
"Scout the Wonder Dog" & Ranger Rick!

As the old Shark pulled into the parking lot at the west end of Whitaker Lake, he noticed that CycoCross and Ranger Rick were already getting their steeds ready. Ranger Rick brought another friend with him, who for the time being will be knowns as “Eddy.” He also had brought along “Scout the wonder dog!” who entertained the riders pre-event with feats of catching a dog Frisbee. Is this a great country or what!?!
Greyhound on his huge Fat Bike!
Oh, the humanity!

Shortly after, Polar Bear and Baby Bear arrived, along with the Greyhound on his Fat Bike, which really looked huge next to our heroes 29er! Stryker Guy pulled in after, as well as, Easty (running a bit late), and Kid Doster. Also arriving a bit late (as she is prone to do so she can make a grand entrance) was none other than the Sweetheart of the Peloton, Gazelle Girl. Gazelle Girl had been a “doubtful” starter as she had recently suffered a severe index finger injury! Yet she seemed ready to ride.
Stryker Guy, Greyhound & Easty waiting for the
Granny group to catch back on!

After a few start photos, some additional tricks from Scout, the Wonder Dog, and final instructions from the Old Shark, the Nation decided to ride the Blue to the Red Trail and then back. Sharkman took the lead as the Nation formed up for the ride.

As the riders headed out they could feel “spits” of an icy rain from time to time, however the temps and sun felt warm on their backs.
Gazelle Girl, Baby Bear, Polar Bear & Easty
chilling on the Shark Vibemobile with
a cool beverage!

As the riders pulled up to the Cabins to check the count, Gazelle Girl announced that the jarring on her finger was too much and she was concerned about opening up the wound again. So she headed back to the parking lot on the roads while the rest of the Nation headed out to the Red Trail.

Some of the Minions decided to by pass Granny's while others headed in, however the entire Nation came back together just before the Amusement Park. Some of the riders decided to go out on the Green, while Sharkman was
Stryker Guy, Momma Bear, Baby Bear &
Polar Bear getting ready to chow down!
concerned about timing and led the rest back on the Red to the Blue for the return.

When they arrived at the Pavilion at Whiteford Lake, they found Hoosier Boys car parked and worried he might be lost on the trails. However, he arrived shortly and in time for the post ride beer that Gazelle Girl and Sharkman had brought along.

As the Green Trail riders returned, the mass headed out to Players for the party. Sharkman was a bit surprised at how busy Player was but they had two tables waiting for the hungry Nation to arrive.
As Sharkman always says, "any bar that has ketchup
on the table, is a class joint!"

The Nation and spouses/significant others began piling in! Wildman and Mrs. Wildman (Gwen), Great Dane and friend Janice, Gazelle Girl and Toesetter, Polar Bear, Baby Bear and Momma Bear (Sammie) Styker Guy and Mrs. Stryker Guy (Marsha), Easty and KT, Hoosier Boy and Mrs. Hoosier Boy (Nancy) and even Sasquatch made and appearance. Ranger Rick also arrived, sans Scout the Wonder Dog who was patiently waiting in the car.

The food was good, the beer was even better, but nothing could match the fun of the Nation breaking bread together! The only thing that could have made it better would have
Gazelle Girl, Gwen, Wildman, to the left and
Sasquatch, Great Dane and Janice on the right!
been the appearance of Banjovi! However, and much to everyone's regret, Players felt the place was too busy, people were watching the Michigan game AND people were actually waiting in line to get in to eat! Maybe next year!

It has been a great season and our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, wants to thank the entire Nation for another great summer and fall of riding!
Easty, Hoosier Boy, Nancy, KT on the left &
Baby Bear, Momma Bear, Stryker Guy and Marsha
on the right!

But the Nation isn't done!

After Deer Season ends, watch for possible Fort Custer rides and/or skiing opportunities! Stay tuned to Belo News!

Minions and Scout, the Wonder Dog riding
out of the Freeway!

Reb & Yeti Boy huddle to keep
warm, post Iceman! 

Belo News
November 17, 2015

Traverse City, Mi. - It was another great year for the Nation at the Iceman in Traverse City. The weather conditions were very different from last years “mudfest” and the times were an example of just how great conditions were. Yeti Boy and Reb reported in early that they had taken an hour off the previous years time and the Nations own Skittles finished 4th in his (32-33) age group!
Fourth Place goes to our own Skittles!

Whoa, wait....? What?

You heard that right, Bunkie! 4th in one of the most competitive age groups?

Oh, yeah, the mighty Minion Nation rocks! And a big thanks to Belo News Staff Photographer Tara Plant, we have the photos to prove it! Thanks Tara!
Skittles kicking into high gear near the finish!

Congratulations to the entire Nation who competed and did the Nation proud!

Skittles ready for action!

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.

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