Wednesday, June 4, 2014

The gathering of the Nation!






Belo News
May 31, 2014

Galesburg, Mi – On yet another, cool summer morning, the mighty Minion Nation totaled 22 riders who rocked the course to take the average speed up to 20.1 mph!

Oh, the humanity!
Virgin Minion, Mark to be named later!

As dawn broke over the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero, the Sharkman stumbled from his Shark Bed, and slipped on his Shark bathrobe to ward off the cool air coming through the Coves open windows. Thinking that this has been one of the coolest springs, now summer in recent memory (which for the old Shark isn't too detailed).

Our hero launched solo from the Cove but caught up with Mad Dog shortly after.

As they approached the start, they observed B-Rod riding towards them with furrowed brow. As he rolled by he shouted out something along the lines that he was heading to the Klutch to use the facilities.....

The Start Section started filling quickly with some returning Minions, Minions making their season debut and Minions returning after being gone for a while.

Virgin Minion P.J.!
Nikeboy pulled up and stated that he had got a late start and could not latch on to Sharkman and Mad Dog. He also volunteered to take up the rear of the peloton and insure that no Minions would be left behind!

Thank you Nikeboy!

And of course, there was Squeaky, the Style Guy, sporting some new riding gloves. Regular readers of Belo News know of the famous twin colored cycling shoes that the “Style Guy” introduced last season. On this chilly morning he was sporting two different colored gloves! This guy just darn knows how to “style!”

Making a season debut was Sasquatch, on his well known Celeste Blue Bianchi, Stroker, who is in the off swim season, and Chico who has been coaching Western Michigan Rugby! Welcome back, Minions!
Chico making his season debut!

Virgin Minions on the morning, were Mark who drove down from Grand Rapids and will need a Minion name, as well as P.J., who came with a Minion name!

Welcome to the Nation Mark (Name to be Determined) and P.J.!

Sharkman had met Mark at his ride with Axel Merckx (more on that later).

Iceman was also in attendance with his new Specialize ride! Though everyone was complimenting him on the new ride they were all thinking, “yikes, he will now be even faster!?!”

As the sound of pedals clicking in could be heard throughout Galesburg, the Nation headed towards the Klutch and then north to their Field of Dreams they all know as the KK-TdG.

Iceman with his new ride! Oh, the humanity!
As the Nation headed north, Gazelle Girl could be seen up the road and as the Minions approached, they shouted out there regular greeting of, “Gazelle Girl” but added “Other Guy!” in reference to Ironman who seems to take offense that his name is not called out.

Belo News will make it perfectly clear for the speedy Minion that he, (Ironman) is not the “Sweetheart of the Peloton!”

B-Rod and Squeaky, then Easty lead our hero out to the first sprint and when Sharkman took the count there were 22 riders in attendance.

The Nation was in a particularly mellow, but frisky mood as the train headed north.

The Cheetah also joined on as the Nation headed north, making his season debut! Welcome back, Cheetah!

Stroker making his season debut!
The Kountry Klub section, though normally speedy, was like being on the U.S.S. Enterprise and having Captain Kirk order “Warp Speed!” Objects along the side of the road began to take on a blur that only comes from fast motion (or the use of drugs).

Sharkman gave a caution at the Rt. 43 stop about the bad road ahead and the Nation did a nice job of staying single file through some of the worst section of the entire KK-TdG course. Bissell Boy led the train as it came apart to climb the col de Norte.

After Nikeboy gave and “all on” from the back of the peloton at the summit, the Nation headed south through the Holly Rollers and on to Frona's.

At Frona's, Sharkman had to chide Squeaky for jumping the stop, but several riders commented that they thought Squeaky had to keep moving or parts would start to fall off of his bike!

As the Nation headed into the Inlet Sprint, Sharkman had been riding B-Rod like a rented
Sasquatch making his season debut!
mule and when the Squeak Man went by them, he could not stop himself and launched from the post B-Rod position to rocket past Squeaky to take the sprint. It was a “Victory for America!”

Speaking of a Victory for America!,” the next one came at the GGG Spot where Gazelle Girl latched on to Iceman, her lead out man, on his new ride and launched to the sprint win!

Ironman, aka The Other Guy stated, "Gazelle Girl is the only woman with not one G Spot, but three! And, amazingly, EVERYBODY knows where they are!"

All was right in the realm!

As the Nation began their assault on the finish, Sharkman decided to throw himself on his sword and went to the front to try to string out the mass of riders.

Sqeaky and his new multi colored gloves!
Everyone will be wearing these baby's soon!
With Iceman on his wheel, the two riders took the Nation up in speed. After a short time, Iceman detected Sharkman begin to slow and took over, taking the speed up even more. As the two riders began to open up a gap, Mad Dog closed in and then went by to lead.

However, once again as the Nation reached the summit of the final ascent, they were as one heading towards the finish where B-Rod edged out Iceman with Polar Bear taking the third spot on the podium.

The crowds went wild on the Champs le Galesburg as the Nation zipped up their jersey's for their sponsors.

Andrew was waiting with HOT Koffee at the Klutch, where Iceman bought for our hero, the Sharkman.

At a post ride Press Conference, Gazelle Girl unveiled the new Minion Jersey to a very
Brewman was back after a short hiatus!
excited paparazzi and tofosi. Yes, at last a Minion Jersey! Be the first on your block to own one of these babies! (see order information below!).

Belo News team of crack investigative reports had revealed that the Yorkville Church to Rt. 43 section of the KK-TdG has been chip and sealed. Though the “cut off” section might cut the distance in half, the Nation may ride a south route this weekend to avoid this section of road.


Tow Truck on his Cross Bike while he
waits for the fate of his road ride!?!
This Saturday, June 7, 2014

Launch time – 8:00 A.M. - SHARP!

Course to be determined, so come to the start!

Be there!

Westy after he won the sprint to the Klutch!

Sharkman & Easty discuss race strategy at the
post ride press conference!


Belo News
June 4, 2014

Shark Cove, Mi. - At the Klutch on Saturday, during the post ride press conference, Gazelle Girl unveiled the new Shark Minion Jersey. We will have more in next weeks Belo News, but Gazelle Girl will have order forms and pricing this Saturday at the Klutch, so you won't want to wait.

Be the first on your block to own one of these beauties and wear the Nations Colors with pride!


Axel with our intrepid hero!
Belo News
May 28, 2014

Grand Rapids, Mi. - A few Minions had an opportunity to ride with Axel Merckx, former pro racer, winner of the Bronze Medal in the 2004 Olympics Road Race, 2000 Belgium National Road Race Champion, Coach of the Bissell under 23 Team and son of the legendary Eddy Merckx!

As part of the promotion for the Grand Rapids MSU Gran Fondo, Axel Merckx was in town to ride.

Bissell Boy arranged for Sharkman, Easty and new Minion (as of Saturday) Mark (to be named later).

Axel Merckx was extremely friendly and led
Axel and Bissell Boy
approximately 50 riders on a 30 mile ride around Grand Rapids followed by a nice reception at the B.O.B. in downtown Grand Rapids.

Sharkman can be seen quaffing a few with the Belgium legend!

Is this a great country or what?!?

Axel with Easty

Sharkman & Axel enjoying a post ride
brewski! Is this a great country or what?!!




Belo News
June 4, 2014

Shark Cove, Mi. - As reported last week, the Nation will be riding the Team Taylor Ride on June 14 instead of the KK-TdG.

If you have not entered yet, well, …...what are you waiting for Bunkie!

Sharkman will be leading the Nation on this annual ride to raise money for Team Taylor and the Make a Wish Foundation!

The Nation will meet early to ride the 100K!

Registration is at 7:00 a.m. and Sharkman hopes to lead out at 7:30 A.M. - SHARP!

Don't just sit there Bunkie! Register now!

Learn more about the ride and register here:

So come on Nation! Let's show our support! Ride with Sharkman!

Be there!


Belo News
June 4, 2014

Battle Creek, Mi. - Team Active in Battle Creek has announced a special day for riders!
Come and join Sharkman and Lava Girl at the Team Active as they celebrate the Summer Solstice with a Full Moon ride! They had Sharkman at “donuts!”

From Team Active:

Full Moon In June!

Come join us on Saturday, June 14th for a fun filled day and night here at Team Active. We will be celebrating the summer solstice with lots of activities throughout the day culminating in a night ride followed by pizza and beer.

Some of the daytime activities include:

  • Demo rides on the latest bikes by Cannondale and Trek
  • Raffle Drawings for Free Stuff
  • Flat Repair Clinics
  • Yoga For Cycling
  • Tent Sale with great deals on all things cycling
Then at 9 PM we will meet here at Team Active for the "Full Moon In June" ride. We will pedal up to Sweetwater's Donut Mill and grab a donut then head back to Team Active for Pizza, Beer and Pop. The cost of the ride is $25.00 and includes a T-shirt and covers your donut, pizza and beverage. You will need to have a headlight and taillight on your bike.If you would like a T-shirt, we are asking people to pre-register by June 1st by calling the store at 269-962-7688 so we can get the T-shirts ordered.

It's going to be a fun day. Come celebrate the arrival of summer with us!

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.

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