Thursday, May 29, 2014

The Nation in their Red, White & Blues!



The Nation gathers at Frona's!



Belo News
May 24, 2014

Galesburg, Mi – As dawn broke over the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, was shaking the cobwebs out of his head, attempting to wake up for the earlier start. Though still a bit “nippy,” it seemed that all that would be needed on this sunny start to the day would be some arm warmers that could be shed as the sun warmed the roads.

The old Shark was pleased to see Rainman preparing his bike for the ride and as he waited at the foot of his drive, Nikeboy rode up to make it three!

As the trio headed out, Nikeboy observed a rider coming up from behind and it was none other than Mad Dog who also had some trouble getting out at the earlier time.

Mad Dog with his post ride banana!
The discussion centered on what type of turn out there would be for this Memorial Day Weekend Ride, as Sharkman commented that in many cases Holiday's were “feast or famine” as you never knew if people were traveling or staying home.

However, as the four riders approached the start, the parking lot was a buzz of activity as riders continued to pile in for the start.

Many of the Nation were wearing their Red, White & Blues for the holiday weekend and Sharkman rain around the parking lot trying to get photos.

A van pulled in and a woman rider got out and began to prepare her bike and Sharkman introduced himself and asked if she was new to the Nation. As she began to state that she had ridden before, Luke Skywalker walked around from the other side of the vehicle and instantly, Sharkman realized that she must be Princess Leia! Welcome back to the Nation Paige, aka Princes Leia!
Princess Leia & Luke Skywalker!

Last Dog also made a return to the Nation after a hiatus! Welcome back, Last Dog!

Another rider who came to be known as “Tan Man” stated he was a returning Minion, though Sharkman could not remember him (happening all the time to the old Shark, eh?). Welcome back Tan Man!

Squeaky rolled in and after a hello commented to

The Gull Lake contingent of riders seemed to arrive in waves and the parking lot began to fill!

Skipper was again in the mix, but before he lead the Nation out, Sharkman offered a brief safety tip about holding lines during the sprints and suggestions to all to ride safely.

The Skipper in his R.W & B's!
Soon after, Skipper lead the Nation into Galesburg and to every one's surprise, there was Gazelle Girl rolling up BEFORE the peloton even got to the Klutch! Amazing as the start was actually earlier and Gazelle Girl is not known as an “early starter!”

She was greeted with her usual shout of “Gazelle Girl!” as the Nation approached downtown, where Andrew was waiting outside the Klutch to cheer the Nation on! Shouts of “get the koffee ready, Andrew!” could be heard throughout Galesburg as the Nation headed out to the Field of Dreams they know as the Koffee Klutch Tour de Gull!

Ironman, Ranger Rick, Kid Doster all joined on as the Nation headed north with Hoosier Boy and B-Rod leading out our hero after Skipper dropped off the front.

After the old Shark took his honorary sprint, he took a count of 27 Minions in the Nation on this fine morning.

Though the Nation again seemed to be in a very mellow mood, the speed was a bit up as
Zickman in his R,W & B's!
they headed north through the col de Twin Lakes, Yorkville Church, Kellogg Korner, Kountry Klub section and on to the Route 43 Sprint.

As the Nation headed up the col de Norte and on to the Holy Rollers, the Nation split into groups and the speed continue to build. At Frona's the Nation reformed and then headed down to the Inlet Sprint and on to the Digital Divide.

Sharkman, as he usually does, checked the average speed and it was hovering around 19.2 mph as the Nation headed down to the GGG Spot Sprint and the peloton formed up into a relatively well working pace line.

As the Nation headed for the final sprint, Sharkman again cautioned all about holding lines and being careful.

Wildman in his Air force Blues!
Hoosier Boy immediately threw himself on his sword and went to the front to take the speed up. Sharkman was right on his wheel and took over for a short time before Stryker Guy came by like he was at warp speed! He went by so fast, Sharkman had to fight to get back on to his wheel.

As short time later, Rainman made a huge move and broke free from the peloton, which strung out the runaway train! However, he slowed at the base of the final ascent and the Nation caught back on and formed up at the top of the last climb!

As the Nation descended to the final sprint, B-Rod, Tan Man and Zickman moved to the front and went to the wire where B-Rod took the final!

Average speed, a season high 19.7 mph!

The crowd went wild on the Champs le Galesburg as the Nation waved to sponsors and
Zickman & Sharkman, "do our butts look

Andrew was waiting with hot koffee and even the kups felt hot! Way to go, Andrew!

The Skipper attempted to buy Sharkman's Koffee but the Great Dane got in line first and bought the first several kups for the Nation! Thanks Great Dane!

Another great ride and you won't want to miss this week's edition!


This Saturday, May 31, 2014 (yes, we got the date wrong in the Shark Minion Update.....)

The Klutch was rocking!
Launch Time – 8:00 A.M. - SHARP!

Be there!

Easty showing "Old Glory" on his back!

Rosie in his R,W & B's! Close enough!

Ox in his Flt. 93 jersey!

Sharkman in his colors!


Belo News
May 29, 2014

Shark Cove, Mi. - As many Minions know, Team Taylor puts on a ride every June to raise money for the Make A Wish Foundation and the WAM ride in July. The past two years the Nation has suspended the Saturday KK-TdG to ride for Team Taylor. This year, Sharkman will be back to lead the Nation in the 100K (62 mile) ride so mark your calendars AND register at the link below! Today is the last day to sign up before registration goes up and you won't be eligible for the Tech Tee Shirt!

- Free Tech T shirt if signed up by end of May.
- Free post ride cookout and soft drinks compliments of Asiago's Bakery and Deli.
- 3 great routes. 10, 32, 62 miles.
- Mechanics on site
- icy cold towels at finish
- snacks/drinks at all rest stops.

Sharkman has signed up and will be doing the 62 miler and hopes to have plenty of the Nation join him!

Don't just sit there Bunkie! Register now!

Learn and register here:

So come on Nation! Let's show our support! Ride with Sharkman!


Belo News
May 29, 2014

Battle Creek, Mi. - Team Active in Battle Creek has announced a special day for riders!

Come and join Sharkman and Lava Girl as they ride the Summer Solstice, Full Moon ride!

With donuts!

(They had Sharkman at “donuts!”)

From Team Active:

Full Moon In June!

Come join us on Saturday, June 14th for a fun filled day and night here at Team Active. We will be celebrating the summer solstice with lots of activities throughout the day culminating in a night ride followed by pizza and beer.

Some of the daytime activities include:

  • Demo rides on the latest bikes by Cannondale and Trek
  • Raffle Drawings for Free Stuff
  • Flat Repair Clinics
  • Yoga For Cycling
  • Tent Sale with great deals on all things cycling
Then at 9 PM we will meet here at Team Active for the "Full Moon In June" ride. We will pedal up to Sweetwater's Donut Mill and grab a donut then head back to Team Active for Pizza, Beer and Pop. The cost of the ride is $25.00 and includes a T-shirt and covers your donut, pizza and beverage. You will need to have a headlight and taillight on your bike.If you would like a T-shirt, we are asking people to pre-register by June 1st by calling the store at 269-962-7688 so we can get the T-shirts ordered.

It's going to be a fun day. Come celebrate the arrival of summer with us!

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.

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