Wednesday, May 7, 2014

    Style Guy makes his move during the big race! on Sunday



Belo News
May 2, 2014

Galesburg, Mi – With the Sharkman doing the “Tour of the West” this past two weeks, Gazelle Girl again fills in with some ace reporting this week. Last Saturday's ride was a bit cold and damp, but that didn't stop the Nation from riding, nor Style Man from “Styling!” 

Read Gazelle Girls report here;

Due to it being "Marathon Weekend" in Kalamazoo and the potential chaos taking place nearby Toesetter's favorite Saturday morning haunt, the Borgess Fitness Center, he begged Gazelle Girl to join her and those in the Mighty Minion Nation brave enough to venture out on a damp, chilly morning ride. "Okay, but just this once," warned the sweetheart of the peloton - wary of this creature whose awesome beard seems to hog all the attention whenever they venture out in public together.

After a no-compete contract was signed by Toesetter, the two were off and delighted to see Ironman circling in front of the (former) meth house just up the road from the Triple Nasty Rancho. (Note: Ironman was not hoping for a salesman to emerge from the meth house, it just happens to be the ideal spot where he can watch for Gazelle Girl and the Nation at the same time.)

The three hearty Minions headed south on 36th St and soon saw a small but mighty trio headed toward them. Mad Dog, Squeaky Bob and - first timer this season - Hossman were the brave souls who made it out to ride.

Squeaky Bob aka Style Guy dazzled all present with his iridescent parachute pants (HAMMA TIME!) as always tucked into his fantastic tube socks. Not to be outdone, his jacket worked just as hard at billowing in the wind as those pants did. In preparation for the next day's Borgess Run for the Health of It 10k, Squeaky dropped off part way through the ride so as not to "get too tired."

The notion of Squeaky running a 10k got the editors at Belo News wondering what a runner like Style Guy would wear for a big event like that so they sent a photographer on location to get a few snaps. The only words the stunned photog could muster were, "Is this a great country or what?"

Gazelle Girl has a hard time keeping track of who wins what sprint, so will only report that she nudged out a surging Ironman to take her beloved GGG Spot. A victory for America!

Toesetter's peppermill was grinding (the bad hip) so he headed home leaving Mad Dog, Hossman and Gazelle Girl to enjoy some lukewarm koffee (Andy's gotta fix that) at the Klutch. Gazelle Girl even bought. Another victory for America!

Among many fantastic topics of conversation, Gazelle Girl regaled the boys with stories of her days racing school buses on the Galesburg Speedway figure eight and how Toesetter is still recognized as "That dude from the bus!" at area gas stations and convenience stores that cater to race fans. (Once again, Toesetter garners all the attention. Ack!)

Thanks Gazelle Girl for filling in for the Editors the past couple of week and a special thanks for the great coverage of Style Guy!

You won't want to miss this weeks edition with the return of our intrepid hero, the Sharkman! He is scheduled to roll in to the Cove some time Friday evening and will be waiting for Mad Dog and hopefully Rainman to roll by and pick him up at 8 a.m. - SHARP!

As this cold continues, the launch time remains the same for at least another week! Will it never end?


May 10, 2014

Launch Time – 9:00 A.M. - SHARP!

Be there!

Along Sharkman's Road Route!

Belo News
May 7, 2014

Santa Fe, New Mexico – After over a week on Sharklet Sitting Dooty, the Sharkman will return this weekend! Oh, the humanity!

Our hero has had a week of spectacular riding in beautiful Santa Fe! Not without mishap and adventure, which seems to be a part of our intrepid hero's way of doing things.

As he had enjoyed two great rides on the Blue Test Bike, he was ready for more adventure when he took off for a ride through La Campanos on Saturday last. Thinking of his Nation back in Michigan, he was facing some strong winds, but sunny warm temps as he headed out. 

About 2 miles from the Moulton Homestead he heard the unmistakable blast of a rear tire blow out!

Fortunately, he had brought his seat wedge, complete with tube and CO2. After a remarkably quick tube change he began to think he better had back, as he had no more tubes and Lava Girl had no idea where he was and would not be available to come to get him.

Good thing our hero did, as about a mile later, “bang.” Yes, a second blow out!

Our hero with his Sharklets!

The Sharkman was offered air by two cyclists getting ready to ride near a dog park, but told the helpful riders he needed more than air! Moments later, a guy who looked a great deal like George Hincapie, pulled up in a pick up truck with a mountain bike in back and asked if our hero needed a ride. Gratefully, the Sharkman loaded the Blue in back and jumped in.

The driver introduced himself as Mark and stated he had just been at the "La Tierra Stampede" for a mountain bike race and had just moved to Santa Fe from Livonia, Michigan three weeks earlier! More interestingly, he lived only a few doors down from the Moulton Homestead where he dropped our hero off after stating he would like to ride with the legendary Sharkman at some point in the future!

An inspection of the tire revealed the bead had shredded and the tubes were both blown out in the same location. The check also revealed two different tires on the bike and a quick check with one of the Outside Minions revealed this was the second tire shredded by the rim, hence a bad rim even though nothing could be felt on the inside of the wheel.
Lava Girl and the Sharklets on a ride in the Plaza!

Sharkman spent the rest of the week riding La Tierra on his mountain bike, taking the sharklets with Lava Girl for rides in the Burly and loving every minute on the trails. La Tierra is less than 2 miles from the Moulton Homestead and has miles and miles of dry riverbeds called arroyo's that make the Crazy Beaver at the Fort seem pretty mild!

Sharkman returns this week to his beloved Nation of mighty Minions!

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.

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