Wednesday, October 9, 2013

The Cannon!



Belo News
October 5, 2013

Grand Rapids, Mi. - As dawn broke over the Marriott Court Yard in down town Grand Rapids, Michigan, our intrepid hero was waking up after celebrating his 64th birthday the night before.  Our hero's first thought was "How did I get so old so fast?"

Sharkman was combining some church and work events over the weekend and could only think of his beloved Nation on this fine, brisk morning as he drove over to Holland in the early morning light looking for a Starbucks.

Meanwhile, at the trail head, the Cannon waited for the Nation to arrive and ride!

Cannon waited to the appointed hour to launch and was the only Minion to start the ride.  Where was the Nation?

It was reported that Cannon rode in stunning fashion and won every climb, sprint and finished first at the Trail Head to take the first mountain bike ride of the year!  Is this a great country or what?

More importantly, due to Cannon's diligence, the consecutive weeks of a Minion Ride continue for the 2013 season!

And though our hero, the Sharkman will again be gone this weekend, the ride will go on and the weather is sounding fantastic!

So the drill is the same as last week!

This Saturday;

October 12, 2013

Launch from Klutch at 8:30 a.m. and ride to Trail Head

Launch from Trail Head at 9:00 a.m.

Don't leave Cannon alone to win everything!

Be there!


Belo News
October 2, 2013

Shark Cove, Mi. - As previously reported, mark your calendar for the first ever, Barry-Roubaix Training ride for Saturday, October 19, 2013!

Sharkman will be in attendance and will need all the help he can get making it around the course.  Not only because of his poor conditioning but also because he has no idea of the route! 

Bring your mountain bike or your cross bike (as Gazelle Girl calls her's, "the sports car of mountain biking!")!

Oh, the humanity!

The game plan is to meet at the K-Mart Parking lot in Hastings near the Applebee's for a 9:00 A.M. launch!  The K-Mart is on the south side of Rt. 37 on the west side of town. If anyone has a better meeting place, let Sharkman know before next week's edition of Belo News goes to press!

After the ride, those wanting to enjoy lunch and perhaps an adult beverage with a bit of foam on top, will retreat to the Waldorf! Is this a great country or what!

You won't want to miss this event and the ride goes on no matter the weather!

So mark you calendars for Saturday October 19, 2013 in Hastings!  Be there!

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