Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Giordana Catalog and the Nation is in it!



Belo News
October 12, 2013

Ft. Custer, Mi. - As dawn broke over the Ft. Custer Trail Head, four mighty Minion Nation riders were ready to launch, waiting for the Cannon to return to defend his previous week's win.  

Gazelle Girl, riding her "sports car of mountain bikes," her cross bike, along with Ironman, Zickman and Danimal, all launched at the appointed time (9:00 a.m. - SHARP!) despite the Cannon's absence.

It was reported that they had a great ride in fantastic weather and are ready for this upcoming weekend at the final ride of the season, the Barry-Roubaix with lunch at the Waldorf in Hastings, to follow!

Check out Gazelle Girl, Zickman and brother, Tom Slick in bottom left!
It was also learned this week that the now, even more famous Bloody 'Ell 'Undred jersey designed by our own Gazelle Girl with some kibitzing from Zickman, was features in the Giordana 2014 Custom Cycling Apparel Catalog!  

Yep, you read that correctly Bunkie!  

Not only featured, but the models were Gazelle Girl, Zickman and his now equally famous brother, Tom Slick, no less! Is this great country or what!?! 

Even a guy who looks like Zickman can get his photo in a catalog when he is wearing a Bloody 'Ell 'Undred jersey!  Only in America!

Hey Bunkie, aren't' you sorry you didn't buy one of these baby's when you had the chance? 

Oh, the humanity!


Belo News
October 16, 2013

Shark Cove, Mi. - An event that the entire Nation has been waiting for is this Saturday!

The Barry-Roubaix Training ride launch from the K-Mart Parking lot near Applebee's at 9:00 A.M. - SHARP!

Sharkman will be in attendance and will need all the help he can get making it around the course.  Not only because of his poor conditioning but also because he has no idea of the route! 

However, early indication is that Toe Setter, who has an intimate knowledge of the route, will be there along with Gazelle Girl!

Bring your mountain bike or your cross bike and be ready to ride!

Oh, the humanity!

Again, the game plan is to meet at the K-Mart Parking lot in Hastings near the Applebee's for a 9:00 A.M. launch!  The K-Mart is on the south side of Rt. 37 on the west side of town.

After the ride, those wanting to enjoy lunch and perhaps an adult beverage with a bit of foam on top, will retreat to the Waldorf!

Sharkman will be leaving the Cove at round 8:00-8:10 a.m. and has room for three more bikes if anyone is interested in car pooling.  Please let Sharkman know if you want to ride with him so he knows whether to put the 2 or 4 banger rack on the back of the Shark Mobile Honda Pilot.

You won't want to miss this event and remember, the ride goes on no matter the weather!

Be there!

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