Wednesday, September 18, 2013


The Nation gathers! Looks sorta cold......


Belo News
September 14, 2013

Shark Cove, Mi. - As our hero was waking up after the first of two weddings he and Lava Girl attended this weekend, the mighty Minion Nation was gathering in the cool morning to take on the KK-TdG field of dreams!

Belo news only recieved one report about the ride and it was from Mad Dog.  However, he did include photos!

Though Mad Dog described him as a "Celebrity Rider" and one of the original Shark Minions, because he has ridden a few times over the past two seasons, he is still a Minion and does not qualify as a "Celebrity Rider."  However, being one of two original Minions (the other being the famous Bullet Bob) he is still quite a celebrity!  

It was none other than Karl the Kannibal riding his signature bike, a classic steel Eddy Merckx (the original Cannibal) with classic lugs and beautiful paint!  Oh, how our hero use to lust after that bike!

The Kannibal returns!
Welcome back Kannibal and Sharkman sends his regrets that he was not on the ride!

However, from the photos it looks like it was again, a great turn out.  But there were no reports on winners, losers or even who bought the koffee!  Oh, the humanity!

It sure was sunny! Oh, the humanity!
Sharkman may not be on the ride again this week and will not know until late Thursday or Friday.  So you will need to show up to find out if he is riding!

But the ride goes on and it is sounding like the weather is going to be fantastic!  

Fall in Michigan is some of the best riding in the world!

This Saturday, September 21, 2013

Launch Time - 8:30 A.M. - SHARP!

Be there and see if Sharkman returns!

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