Thursday, September 19, 2013

A gathering of the Nation!

  • Belo News 
  • September  14 2013
  • Report filed by:  the Cannon!

  • The Arsenal, Mi. - As dawn broke over the Cannon’s home (The Arsenal) he noted, to himself (he’s not actually engaged folks!), it was going to be the year’s debut of his cold-weather gear…

  • The ten Minions who showed up to brave the cold launched at 8:33 because yours truly had to retrieve some full finger gloves for Polar Bear (how does a guy named Polar Bear forget his cold weather gloves?  LOL).  The beautiful sound of Minions clicking in filled the crisp fall air, and we were off.  
  • Talk in the early miles was centered mainly on the impending Iceman race as Mad Dog and your humble author proceeded to pull the group along at a very leisurely pace until Gazelle Girl approached to the sound of the Nation shouting out, "Gazelle Girl!"  
  • A mile or two later it was shouts of “Ironman!”  
  • Then “Falcon!”  Bringing the attendance up to 13.  
  • Someone took the sprint to M43 but I have no idea who since they blew my doors off.   
  • Falcon regaled us with his tale of a nefarious stick blowing off his derailleur at the X100 Mtn Bike Race.  With his DNF at Lumberjack, that’s two in a row!  What bad luck!
  • The sprint up Sheffield Rd was taken by the Cannon by a nose over the Falcon.
  • At Frona’s, the Minions met with riders from another group ride on their way in from Kalamazoo.  They asked if they could tag along for a while and the Minions, kind-hearted as we are, obliged.
  • Then, something serious happened.  A Minion who shall remain nameless crossed the double yellow line on 39th street and miraculously avoided a becoming a dead bird embedded in the grille of a pickup truck.
  • *Minions are reminded to never cross the double yellow line, especially on a curve. * (Editors Note - Thank you Cannon!)
  • Bissell Boy gave the Minions an expert lead out to the Final Sprint, which was taken with a great move by Falcon over Yours Truly. 
  • The paparazzi was there to document the teaming throngs of tifosi going bananas, as usual, on the Champs le Galesburg as our heroes made their triumphant arrivals. 
  • Back at the Klutch we were regaled with tales of early Minion Rides from the Reagan years!  This has to be the longest continuously running group ride around.   And the best. (Editors Note - Thank you again, Cannon! - does this guy rock or what?!?)

  • This Saturday, September 21, 2013

  • Minions Ride No Matter How Cold it Gets!

  • Launch Time - 8:30 A.M. - SHARP!

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