Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Bissell Boy & Brewman take it for MSU!






Belo News
September 7, 2013

Shark Cove, Mi. - As dawn broke over the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero found his head full of cobwebs, as well as traces of Scotch, barbecue chicken pizza and Starboard Stout, from the previous evening.

Mad Dog was back!
Sharkman and Lava Girl had been out late and after 9 holes of golf, a beer and pizza at Arcadia, they were convinced that a boat ride while taking a tour of Scotland by sipping a few different single malts, would be a good idea.  

The old Shark dragged his tired dorsal to bed around 12:30 a.m. and was finding it a bit difficult to rise to the surface as the snooze alarm on his shark alarm clock continued to remind him he had to get up and ride!

As our hero rolled out of the shark bed and got the shark koffee maker started, he slowly began to come to life.

Again this beautiful morning, he saw life across the Cove and knew his faithful young Minion, the Rainman would be accompanying him to the mornings start of the KK-TdG.

Sharkman was surprised as the MSU grad came down his driveway in a Notre Dame Jersey!  With Notre Dame playing Michigan Saturday night, Rainman stated it "was the one day of year he cheered for Notre Dame!"

As the two launched from the Cove, they were greeted by Mad Dog, returning after his mishap a
"Colby Cheese" joins the Nation!
couple of weeks previously.  The discussion centered around how the Nation was awaiting his return and had all been concerned about how well he was mending.  Mad Dog reported that other than a bad cold, he was back to normal.  Well, as normal as Mad Dog can be…….

Sharkman was a bit quiet on the ride over, as he was still feeling the effects of the previous evening on Lake Goguac and his tour of Scotland.  

As the three riders arrived at the start, B-Rod was getting his steed ready sporting his Purdue Boiler Maker jersey and a new Minion was unloading a fine looking yellow Scott bike.  The new Minion was none other than Colby, now know as "Colby Cheese."  His yellow jersey and bike left no other name for this Minion though Sharkman was thinking Bumble Bee, he was quickly out voted by the Nation.

Welcome to the Nation, Colby Cheese!

Rainman a Notre Dame fan?  
With Sharkman in his Wisconsin kit, Rainman in his Notre Dame colors and with B-Rod putting Purdue on the board, Brewman arrived in his MSU kit followed by Bissell Boy, giving the Spartan's an early lead with two jersey's.  

Polar Bear rolled in wearing a Chelsea Team Jersey and when asked about a Premier League Soccer jersey for College Game Day, he stated, "there is only one REAL football!"  Well said, Polar Bear, well said!

Nike Boy then rolled in and stated he got a late start and never caught on with the Sharkman and his entourage on the way over.  Even more surprising, he wasn't wearing his beloved Michigan colors! Oh, the humanity!

Spartans 2, Wolverines 0!  What were you thinking Nike Boy!

For the first time since the Nation has had a "College Game Day" the University of Michigan was not represented!  

Sasquatch was also back in the Nation, sporting his "Bridge Jersey" from the DALMAC the previous weekend!

A surprise rider on the morning was our own Toast. Toast had just shared with Sharkman the previous 
week that he had been diagnosed with cancer and actually they had exchanged emails while Toast was going through tests at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. So Sharkman was surprised and very happy to see Toast at the starting line. Toast stated he wanted to get a ride in before he went back to Mayo the following week to learn what his treatment would be and to get started on it. Interestingly, he also told the Shark he would lay back as he could not risk a crash that would delay any treatment. 
Polar Bear - "Real Footbal!"

Interestingly, later in the ride, Sharkman noticed Toast in the thick of a sprint and as he looked over, Toast was heard to say with a sheepish grin, "I guess I can't help myself……"

That is why the Nation knows our Toast will beat this diagnosis and why he is such a legendary Minion! The Nation has Toast in their thoughts, prayers and in their hearts and the the Nation leaves no Minion behind! So get well soon Toast and keep us posted on how your kicking butt during treatment!

Thirteen riders were ready to roll and as the sound of pedals "clicking in" filled the parking lot, the Minion Train pulled out of the station!

Sasquatch sporting his DALMAC Bridge Jersey!
The riders once again, were stopped by the light in town, giving their fans in the Klutch plenty of time to wave the Nation on!  Luann popped out to shout to the Nation, "ride safe!" as Sharkman shouted back to have the koffee ready!

B-Rod came forward to lead out the old Shark as Gazelle Girl approached to the sound of the Nation shouting out, "Gazelle Girl!"

B-Rod pushed the pace for a while, then Peugeot Guy came forward to lead out our hero, who of course, took the first, honorary sprint.  The count at the crossing was 14 riders, but they continued to jump on along the route.  Somewhere before the col de Twin Lakes the Cheetah jumped on making it 15 riders.  As the Nation climbed the col de Twin Lakes, virgin Minion, Colby Cheese had his front tire flat and had to pull over as riders went ahead to bring back the Nation. 

Colby Cheese made short work of the flat and the Nation crossed Rt. 89 and headed toward the Yorkville Church where Ranger Rick, Kid Doster and Zickman jumped on. Zickman was sporting a UCLA Jersey, rounding out the standings as follows;

Michigan State - 2
Wisconsin - 1
Notre Dame - 1
Purdue - 1
Chelsea (Chelsea?) - 1
Michigan - 0

It was also in this section that an attractive young blond lady was observed walking a dog while wearing a Michigan State T shirt.  Immediately, the MSU riders in the peloton wanted to count it for State but the Commissioner of Cycling felt that would be "Piling on" and disallowed the request.

As the Nation picked up speed going into Kellogg Korner, a rider heading in the other direction asked if he could jump on, to which he was given a resounding yes from the Nation.
Sharkman trying to convince Gazelle Girl of Sharkies value!

However, and as all readers of Belo News are aware, this is the section where the ride takes it up a few notches and this day was no exception.

When the Nation arrived at the Rt. 43 sprint, Sharkman could not find the new rider and was a bit concerned that they had left him behind.  However, no sooner had the thought passed than Toast was seen bringing the wayward Minion virgin back to the peloton.  

The new rider stated he was visiting his parents from Ohio but fortunately for him was unaware it was College Game Day and therefore was not wearing an Ohio State Jersey.  Once in the fold the new arrival was fine and did not seem to have any problems staying in the peloton.

The speed picked up through the Holy Rollers, Frona's and across the Digital Divide where Sharkman counted 20 riders and was unsure where the other riders were all coming from!

The pace was 19.5 mph as the fast moving train moved towards the GGG Spot Sprint.  Zickman made a move to the front and Gazelle Girl jumped on his wheel in an attempt to regain her rightful reign as perennial Queen of the GGG Spot!

As Zickman picked up the speed, the peloton followed but could not latch on to Gazelle Girl who was ramping it up to go around the Zickman for the win!

Sharkman trying some of Gazelle Girls "stuff."
Gazelle Girl made her final move as the stop ahead sign approached and Zickman gave out to the pull off and watch the sweetheart of the peloton take the GGG Spot easily!  All was right in the kingdom as Gazelle Girl regained her crown to the cheers of her adoring fans!

As the Nation headed south to the final sprint, a quick moving pace line formed up and several riders, including Sasquatch came forward to push the pace.

Everyone played nice and just as Sharkman began to worry about a bunch finish, Rainman shot to the front and did yeoman work to spread out the peloton.  The Cheetah stayed with him, but the Rainman pulled off just before the ascent to the final hill.

However, Rainman wasn't done, as he returned to the front where he, Cheetah and B-Rod lead a cast of thousands to the final finish.

Cheetah picked it up and edged Rainman with B-Rod following closely behind.

The tofosi and the paparazzi went wild on the Champs le Galesburg as our heroes zipped up their jersey's for their sponsors and waved to their adoring fans!

Luann was waiting for the onslaught as the Nation descended on the Klutch.

The discussion in the Klutch centered on Sharkman and Gazelle Girl trading their drugs of choice and weighing the pro's/con's of each as Gazelle Girl took orders for more BEU Jersey's.  Sharkman was just happy he had Rainman, Nike Boy and Mad Dog to pull him home on the day!

You won't want to miss this week's ride!

Unfortunately, Sharkman will again be gone for a couple of weeks.  (Say it ain't so!) Seems to be the year of "The Weddings" for our hero.

But the ride goes on!

Three weeks left until the seasons turns to the Fort for Mountain Biking!

This Saturday, September 14, 2013


Due to the darkening mornings and the cooler weather, the launch time is moved back!


Be there!

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