Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Easty, Polar Bear, Bissell Boy & Boatman ready to ride!





Belo News
September 21, 2013

Shark Cove, Mi. - As dawn broke over the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero wasn't there.  He was on the road heading up to Bridgeport Michigan to conduct some training.  Thoughts filled his head about his beloved Minion Nation as he motored north.  It had been a while since he had ridden with the Nation and he spent the drive pondering the welfare of his beloved Minions and how his calendar had filled up this late season, and seemed to have taken over his life.

Sharkman reported that a week without the Nation was a week without some fun! And it has been too many weeks as the season wound down!

Sharkman has reported being in a depressed state as he has missed so many rides and October is not looking good for our hero either!  

However, the Nation did ride last Saturday and Mad Dog forwarded a photo and also stating that Bissell Boy was on fire for the ride.  Reports indicate he was at the front the entire ride and provided some great lead outs.

In addition to Bissell Boy and Mad Dog, Easty, Polar Bear and Boatman started the ride with B-Rod starting late after forgetting his helmet and having to go back.  Gazelle Girl joined on at her usual spot and two other riders who Mad Dog couldn't name.  Mad Dog also stated they were all surprised more riders weren't out to ride considering the great weather.

If the drop in riders was because our hero wasn't there, take heart Bunkie!  Sharkman returns this Saturday for the final road ride of 2013! Oh, the humanity!

Can it be?  Can it be the last road ride of the year?

Where did the season go?

But never fear, Bunkie, there is still Fort Custer and mountain biking!  Is this a great country or what!

You won't want to miss the last road ride of the year especially with the advance weather report stating it will be FANTASTIC!  

Saturday, September 28, 2013


Launch time - 8:30 A.M. - SHARP! 

Be there!

October 5 the mountain bike season begins at the Fort!

The Cannon speaks!

Belo News
September 24, 2013

Galesburg, Mi. - As all Minions are aware, Belo News is always looking for cutting edge topics to report.  This past week, the Editors came across some pearls of wisdom that had been posted on Facebook by that famous Minion, the Cannon.  Previously known only for his incredible sprinting ability and his lightning like mechanical skills in bike repair, Sharkman found these profound works of wisdom to demonstrate a maturity well beyond this young Minions age.  With his permission Belo News is proud to reprint these "pearls of wisdom" here for everyone's enjoyment……

"Ladies and Gentlemen:

If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it. 

The long term benefits of sunscreen have been proved by scientists whereas the rest of my advice has no basis more reliable than my own meandering experience…I will dispense this advice now: 

Lube your chain

"Everybody is 'that guy' sometimes" -Steve Wester

Just try to be "that guy" as little as possible, and you'll do alright in life.

A good pair of cycling gloves, shoes, or grips is worth its weight in gold

If you make it through life with only one good friend, you're doing alright

When true love stares you in the face, don't blink

I CAN measure a chain to its proper length, Daniel Tompkins


If you don't like Billy Joel, then you and I will never be drinking buddies 

Be quick with a joke (name that song!)

A six pack of a good beer is the best lubricant known to mankind. There is simply no better way to grease the wheels. 

Alcohol and/or Success each have a way of making smart people do stupid things

Don't swallow the worm. Don't EVER swallow the worm.

Listen to your grandma: A penny saved is a penny earned.

When (not if) you get stuck in the snow, just take a second to relax. You'll be alright.

"A little nonsense now and then, relished by the wisest men" -Willy Wonka


Don't thumb your nose down on people. You may turn into the person you hate before you even realize it. 

For all I know, this may all be a bunch of bull crap, but trust me on the sunscreen."

the Cannon

Is this great stuff or what?  Who knew the guy was a philosopher? What did we tell you?

Where else can you get this type of life knowledge?  Only in Belo News, that's where, Bunkie!  

Thanks Cannon!  Keep this stuff coming!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

A gathering of the Nation!

  • Belo News 
  • September  14 2013
  • Report filed by:  the Cannon!

  • The Arsenal, Mi. - As dawn broke over the Cannon’s home (The Arsenal) he noted, to himself (he’s not actually engaged folks!), it was going to be the year’s debut of his cold-weather gear…

  • The ten Minions who showed up to brave the cold launched at 8:33 because yours truly had to retrieve some full finger gloves for Polar Bear (how does a guy named Polar Bear forget his cold weather gloves?  LOL).  The beautiful sound of Minions clicking in filled the crisp fall air, and we were off.  
  • Talk in the early miles was centered mainly on the impending Iceman race as Mad Dog and your humble author proceeded to pull the group along at a very leisurely pace until Gazelle Girl approached to the sound of the Nation shouting out, "Gazelle Girl!"  
  • A mile or two later it was shouts of “Ironman!”  
  • Then “Falcon!”  Bringing the attendance up to 13.  
  • Someone took the sprint to M43 but I have no idea who since they blew my doors off.   
  • Falcon regaled us with his tale of a nefarious stick blowing off his derailleur at the X100 Mtn Bike Race.  With his DNF at Lumberjack, that’s two in a row!  What bad luck!
  • The sprint up Sheffield Rd was taken by the Cannon by a nose over the Falcon.
  • At Frona’s, the Minions met with riders from another group ride on their way in from Kalamazoo.  They asked if they could tag along for a while and the Minions, kind-hearted as we are, obliged.
  • Then, something serious happened.  A Minion who shall remain nameless crossed the double yellow line on 39th street and miraculously avoided a becoming a dead bird embedded in the grille of a pickup truck.
  • *Minions are reminded to never cross the double yellow line, especially on a curve. * (Editors Note - Thank you Cannon!)
  • Bissell Boy gave the Minions an expert lead out to the Final Sprint, which was taken with a great move by Falcon over Yours Truly. 
  • The paparazzi was there to document the teaming throngs of tifosi going bananas, as usual, on the Champs le Galesburg as our heroes made their triumphant arrivals. 
  • Back at the Klutch we were regaled with tales of early Minion Rides from the Reagan years!  This has to be the longest continuously running group ride around.   And the best. (Editors Note - Thank you again, Cannon! - does this guy rock or what?!?)

  • This Saturday, September 21, 2013

  • Minions Ride No Matter How Cold it Gets!

  • Launch Time - 8:30 A.M. - SHARP!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


The Nation gathers! Looks sorta cold......


Belo News
September 14, 2013

Shark Cove, Mi. - As our hero was waking up after the first of two weddings he and Lava Girl attended this weekend, the mighty Minion Nation was gathering in the cool morning to take on the KK-TdG field of dreams!

Belo news only recieved one report about the ride and it was from Mad Dog.  However, he did include photos!

Though Mad Dog described him as a "Celebrity Rider" and one of the original Shark Minions, because he has ridden a few times over the past two seasons, he is still a Minion and does not qualify as a "Celebrity Rider."  However, being one of two original Minions (the other being the famous Bullet Bob) he is still quite a celebrity!  

It was none other than Karl the Kannibal riding his signature bike, a classic steel Eddy Merckx (the original Cannibal) with classic lugs and beautiful paint!  Oh, how our hero use to lust after that bike!

The Kannibal returns!
Welcome back Kannibal and Sharkman sends his regrets that he was not on the ride!

However, from the photos it looks like it was again, a great turn out.  But there were no reports on winners, losers or even who bought the koffee!  Oh, the humanity!

It sure was sunny! Oh, the humanity!
Sharkman may not be on the ride again this week and will not know until late Thursday or Friday.  So you will need to show up to find out if he is riding!

But the ride goes on and it is sounding like the weather is going to be fantastic!  

Fall in Michigan is some of the best riding in the world!

This Saturday, September 21, 2013

Launch Time - 8:30 A.M. - SHARP!

Be there and see if Sharkman returns!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Bissell Boy & Brewman take it for MSU!






Belo News
September 7, 2013

Shark Cove, Mi. - As dawn broke over the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero found his head full of cobwebs, as well as traces of Scotch, barbecue chicken pizza and Starboard Stout, from the previous evening.

Mad Dog was back!
Sharkman and Lava Girl had been out late and after 9 holes of golf, a beer and pizza at Arcadia, they were convinced that a boat ride while taking a tour of Scotland by sipping a few different single malts, would be a good idea.  

The old Shark dragged his tired dorsal to bed around 12:30 a.m. and was finding it a bit difficult to rise to the surface as the snooze alarm on his shark alarm clock continued to remind him he had to get up and ride!

As our hero rolled out of the shark bed and got the shark koffee maker started, he slowly began to come to life.

Again this beautiful morning, he saw life across the Cove and knew his faithful young Minion, the Rainman would be accompanying him to the mornings start of the KK-TdG.

Sharkman was surprised as the MSU grad came down his driveway in a Notre Dame Jersey!  With Notre Dame playing Michigan Saturday night, Rainman stated it "was the one day of year he cheered for Notre Dame!"

As the two launched from the Cove, they were greeted by Mad Dog, returning after his mishap a
"Colby Cheese" joins the Nation!
couple of weeks previously.  The discussion centered around how the Nation was awaiting his return and had all been concerned about how well he was mending.  Mad Dog reported that other than a bad cold, he was back to normal.  Well, as normal as Mad Dog can be…….

Sharkman was a bit quiet on the ride over, as he was still feeling the effects of the previous evening on Lake Goguac and his tour of Scotland.  

As the three riders arrived at the start, B-Rod was getting his steed ready sporting his Purdue Boiler Maker jersey and a new Minion was unloading a fine looking yellow Scott bike.  The new Minion was none other than Colby, now know as "Colby Cheese."  His yellow jersey and bike left no other name for this Minion though Sharkman was thinking Bumble Bee, he was quickly out voted by the Nation.

Welcome to the Nation, Colby Cheese!

Rainman a Notre Dame fan?  
With Sharkman in his Wisconsin kit, Rainman in his Notre Dame colors and with B-Rod putting Purdue on the board, Brewman arrived in his MSU kit followed by Bissell Boy, giving the Spartan's an early lead with two jersey's.  

Polar Bear rolled in wearing a Chelsea Team Jersey and when asked about a Premier League Soccer jersey for College Game Day, he stated, "there is only one REAL football!"  Well said, Polar Bear, well said!

Nike Boy then rolled in and stated he got a late start and never caught on with the Sharkman and his entourage on the way over.  Even more surprising, he wasn't wearing his beloved Michigan colors! Oh, the humanity!

Spartans 2, Wolverines 0!  What were you thinking Nike Boy!

For the first time since the Nation has had a "College Game Day" the University of Michigan was not represented!  

Sasquatch was also back in the Nation, sporting his "Bridge Jersey" from the DALMAC the previous weekend!

A surprise rider on the morning was our own Toast. Toast had just shared with Sharkman the previous 
week that he had been diagnosed with cancer and actually they had exchanged emails while Toast was going through tests at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. So Sharkman was surprised and very happy to see Toast at the starting line. Toast stated he wanted to get a ride in before he went back to Mayo the following week to learn what his treatment would be and to get started on it. Interestingly, he also told the Shark he would lay back as he could not risk a crash that would delay any treatment. 
Polar Bear - "Real Footbal!"

Interestingly, later in the ride, Sharkman noticed Toast in the thick of a sprint and as he looked over, Toast was heard to say with a sheepish grin, "I guess I can't help myself……"

That is why the Nation knows our Toast will beat this diagnosis and why he is such a legendary Minion! The Nation has Toast in their thoughts, prayers and in their hearts and the the Nation leaves no Minion behind! So get well soon Toast and keep us posted on how your kicking butt during treatment!

Thirteen riders were ready to roll and as the sound of pedals "clicking in" filled the parking lot, the Minion Train pulled out of the station!

Sasquatch sporting his DALMAC Bridge Jersey!
The riders once again, were stopped by the light in town, giving their fans in the Klutch plenty of time to wave the Nation on!  Luann popped out to shout to the Nation, "ride safe!" as Sharkman shouted back to have the koffee ready!

B-Rod came forward to lead out the old Shark as Gazelle Girl approached to the sound of the Nation shouting out, "Gazelle Girl!"

B-Rod pushed the pace for a while, then Peugeot Guy came forward to lead out our hero, who of course, took the first, honorary sprint.  The count at the crossing was 14 riders, but they continued to jump on along the route.  Somewhere before the col de Twin Lakes the Cheetah jumped on making it 15 riders.  As the Nation climbed the col de Twin Lakes, virgin Minion, Colby Cheese had his front tire flat and had to pull over as riders went ahead to bring back the Nation. 

Colby Cheese made short work of the flat and the Nation crossed Rt. 89 and headed toward the Yorkville Church where Ranger Rick, Kid Doster and Zickman jumped on. Zickman was sporting a UCLA Jersey, rounding out the standings as follows;

Michigan State - 2
Wisconsin - 1
Notre Dame - 1
Purdue - 1
Chelsea (Chelsea?) - 1
Michigan - 0

It was also in this section that an attractive young blond lady was observed walking a dog while wearing a Michigan State T shirt.  Immediately, the MSU riders in the peloton wanted to count it for State but the Commissioner of Cycling felt that would be "Piling on" and disallowed the request.

As the Nation picked up speed going into Kellogg Korner, a rider heading in the other direction asked if he could jump on, to which he was given a resounding yes from the Nation.
Sharkman trying to convince Gazelle Girl of Sharkies value!

However, and as all readers of Belo News are aware, this is the section where the ride takes it up a few notches and this day was no exception.

When the Nation arrived at the Rt. 43 sprint, Sharkman could not find the new rider and was a bit concerned that they had left him behind.  However, no sooner had the thought passed than Toast was seen bringing the wayward Minion virgin back to the peloton.  

The new rider stated he was visiting his parents from Ohio but fortunately for him was unaware it was College Game Day and therefore was not wearing an Ohio State Jersey.  Once in the fold the new arrival was fine and did not seem to have any problems staying in the peloton.

The speed picked up through the Holy Rollers, Frona's and across the Digital Divide where Sharkman counted 20 riders and was unsure where the other riders were all coming from!

The pace was 19.5 mph as the fast moving train moved towards the GGG Spot Sprint.  Zickman made a move to the front and Gazelle Girl jumped on his wheel in an attempt to regain her rightful reign as perennial Queen of the GGG Spot!

As Zickman picked up the speed, the peloton followed but could not latch on to Gazelle Girl who was ramping it up to go around the Zickman for the win!

Sharkman trying some of Gazelle Girls "stuff."
Gazelle Girl made her final move as the stop ahead sign approached and Zickman gave out to the pull off and watch the sweetheart of the peloton take the GGG Spot easily!  All was right in the kingdom as Gazelle Girl regained her crown to the cheers of her adoring fans!

As the Nation headed south to the final sprint, a quick moving pace line formed up and several riders, including Sasquatch came forward to push the pace.

Everyone played nice and just as Sharkman began to worry about a bunch finish, Rainman shot to the front and did yeoman work to spread out the peloton.  The Cheetah stayed with him, but the Rainman pulled off just before the ascent to the final hill.

However, Rainman wasn't done, as he returned to the front where he, Cheetah and B-Rod lead a cast of thousands to the final finish.

Cheetah picked it up and edged Rainman with B-Rod following closely behind.

The tofosi and the paparazzi went wild on the Champs le Galesburg as our heroes zipped up their jersey's for their sponsors and waved to their adoring fans!

Luann was waiting for the onslaught as the Nation descended on the Klutch.

The discussion in the Klutch centered on Sharkman and Gazelle Girl trading their drugs of choice and weighing the pro's/con's of each as Gazelle Girl took orders for more BEU Jersey's.  Sharkman was just happy he had Rainman, Nike Boy and Mad Dog to pull him home on the day!

You won't want to miss this week's ride!

Unfortunately, Sharkman will again be gone for a couple of weeks.  (Say it ain't so!) Seems to be the year of "The Weddings" for our hero.

But the ride goes on!

Three weeks left until the seasons turns to the Fort for Mountain Biking!

This Saturday, September 14, 2013


Due to the darkening mornings and the cooler weather, the launch time is moved back!


Be there!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The Sharkman returns!





Belo News
August 31, 2013

Shark Cove, Mi. - As dawn broke over the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, was happy to be sleeping in his own shark bed.  As anyone in cycling knows, our hero had been out of town for three successive Saturday's!  This has been the longest he has been away from his beloved Nation and he was ready to get back in the peloton!

Charles the Elder
As the old Shark looked out his window, he saw signs of life at the Rainman Estate and knew the young Minion was going to make the call for the early ride.  Rainman had petitioned our hero to start the ride a half hour later due to less light, but the young Minion was reminded that it is still August and the time move might be a week or two away.

Sharkman was particularly excited to don his new "Bloody 'Ell 'Undred jersey, which he had picked up from Gazelle Girl earlier in the week.  He was "looking good" on this fine summer morning!

As the two riders launched from the Cove, Nikeboy jumped on and then they were three.  All three wondered if they would find Mad Dog along the route, but to no avail (more on this later).

Galesburg was buzzing as the three approached the Klutch.  Luann was posted at the side door waving at the three, as the Saturday Morning Koffee Group was cheering from the front of the Klutch!  And the ride hadn't even started yet!
Charles the Second

At the start, the riders started to pour in, donned in both beer jersey's AND their Bloody 'Ell 'Undred jersey's!

Hoosier Boy was getting his bike out of the car and was asked why he didn't ride over as he usually does.  Sipping his coffee, he stated that the Triathlon he was supposed to have been in got cancelled and at the last minute he decided to come on over to ride with the Nation!

There were three (if not more) new Minions on their first rides in the Nation.  Charles the Elder, Charles the Second and Tim (name to be determined).  Welcome to the Nation, Minion virgins!

Additionally, some Team riders form Styker and WSI had come to join the fun.

New Minion Tim

Back, after a hiatus, were both the Cannon, Nurse Ryan and Polar Bear, the latter wearing his BEU jersey and looking fast!
Polar Bear looking fast in his BEU Jersey!

Beer Jersey winner of the day was our own Skipper, wearing a La Chouffe Belgium beer jersey that he had procured from the Pirate.  We can only assume that the Pirate also has one and will be wearing at the next beer jersey day in an attempt to win.  However, only one winner per jersey.  Sorry Pirate…..  Skipper rode in with Bissell Boy, sporting his BEU jersey and also looking fast on that Pinarello!

A long lost Minion from Indiana who rides with the Nation when he visits his parents, Adam was also in the mix for the day and brought a new Minion with him!  Welcome back Adam!  

Brewman was looking good in his black and white Brew Kit and also sporting a fantastic engraved headset top (see photo!)! Engraved on the headset cap was "Brewman!"  Has this guy got class or what?  Easty was also present wearing a nifty black and white kit that looked like Brewman's, minus the beer theme.
Cannon on point to fix flats and lead out!

Yeti Boy arrived and the Sharkman attempted to help him with a tire issue, however just before the Skipper began to start the Nation off, the bead on Yeti Boy's tire was showing the exposed tube again.  The Cannon, expert mechanic that he is, stepped forward and quickly corrected the situation and the Skipper led the Nation out through downtown.

At least 22 riders (hard to get a count) were stopped by the light in front of the Klutch and Luann came out to wish everyone a safe ride as the Saturday Morning Koffee Group waved to the colorful field of riders as the light changed and they moved on.

Sharkman, feeling much better than he expected after being off the bike for so long, was led out by B-Rod and the two opened up a gap from the talkative Minions.

As they headed north Ironman and Gazelle Girl jumped on to a shout from Sharkman to both!  (Ironman always wines about how Gazelle Girl gets the shout out and and he doesn't so Sharkman didn't want any hurt feeling AGAIN!) Unfortunately, due to the gap, Sharkman was the only one who shouted out the greeting.

The Skipper in his "La Chouffe" Jersey!
Wanting to honor the first sprint, Sharkman took it up to 25 mph as he crossed the first sprint!

Sharkman took a count of riders and came up with around 24 as they crossed G ave.

The morning was warm but the hazy sky kept the Nation from overheating.  Some of the team riders who had joined on pushed the pace a bit at the front, but everyone played nice through the col de Twin Lakes and on to the Yorkville Church, where the road had been recently chip and sealed.

The pace picked up through Kellogg Korner and the Kountry Klub as the Nation broke up a bit at a very high pace, but all came back together at the Rt. 43 stop sign.  Just before the sign there was a horse trailer parked with a woman waiting for something, which initiated a number of pretty bad horse jokes from the peloton, particularly Sharkman, Gazelle Girl and Easty.

As the Nation crested the col de Norte, Ranger Rick and Kid Doster jumped on.  They reported that they had ridden to the Yorkville Church and thought they were behind the Nation, however the late start from Galesburg had actually put them ahead of the Nation.  So thinking they were behind, they went across to the east side of the lake to ride north to meet the Nation!
Beer Jersey Winner!

Also, somewhere in this section and unbeknownst to our hero, the intrepid Zickman jumped on.

As the Nation went past the Zickman Estate, Sharkman led the peloton in shouts of "Where are you, Zickman?" and "Hey Zickman, rustle us up some bacon and Beer!"  only to ride a bit further and find Zickman in the peloton!  Zickman reported that he shouted along with the Nation as they lifted their voices to his Estate only to have him ride up and say hello to the surprised Sharkman.

Other Team riders also joined on in this section and Sharkman estimated the total riders at that point to be around 30-31.  One of the riders was Joe from CMS/Stryker who quietly jumped on somewhere during the ride.

Shortly after coming together after the Holy Rollers and Frona's, a rider had a flat tire and once again, Cannon was on it in a second and had the new tube on in record breaking time!  Thank you Cannon!

Brewmans cool engraved headcap!
As the Nation crossed the Digital Divide, Sharkman noted an average speed of 19.3 mph.  A nice, double pace line seemed to form up and as they approached the GGG spot, several of the team riders moved to the front.

At the GGG spot crossing, Sharkman gave his usual lecture on worrying about the finish due to all the riders and particularly, sprinters, and not having the Tow Truck, Chico or Hossman to string out the peloton. Sharkman also noted that the average speed had moved up to 19.7 mph!

However, after the crossing, Joe from Styker went to the front and uncorked an amazing pull all the way to the top of the final ascent to the finish leaving Minions gasping behind him!

With a cast of thousands on his wheel, Joe pulled while the Cannon, Rainman, Nurse Ryan, B-Rod and others started to move to the front to take over.

Joe, Cannon and Rainman did a nice job of spreading out the Nation as Nurse Ryan and B-Rod fought it out to the final with Nurse Ryan edging out the win.

Unfortunately, in the confusion, Belo News was unable to determine who took the third spot on  the podium.

Average speed on the morning was clocked at 20.1 mph, most of which came over the last two sprints of the day!  Oh, the humanity!
Joe signing autographs at the Klutch!

The fans went wild on the Champs le Galesburg as the heroes zipped up their jersey's for the paparazzi and tofosi's lining the street.

Luann was ready for the masses as Bissell Boy was the first to the counter, threw down a $20 and told Luann he was buying for the first $15 worth (which included the old Shark) and leaving a $5 for her!  What a Minion!  Is this a great country or what!?!?  Pure class.....

Talk centered around how Mad Dog was doing and if he was O.K.  Belo News is pleased to report that Mad Dog is on the mend and would have been back but contracted a pretty bad cold and decided to rest and try to knock it out before returning to the Nation.  He reports that he is appreciative of the concern and hopes to be back next Saturday!

This Saturday!  September 7, 2013!

The Klutch was rocking!
It's College Game Day!  Yep, it is time for college football so get out your favorite college jersey to ride in!  Show your pride and let's see which college get's the most jerseys this year!  MSU has been a consistent winner of this contest and the Big Ten always wins the conference, so get out there this week with your jersey!

Launch time 8:00 a.m. - SHARP! 


Sasquatch does "the Wall!"

Belo News
September 1, 2013

East Jordan, Mi. - While the mighty Nation was riding the Beer/BEU jersey ride, another Minion was showing his colors at the DALMAC ride up north.  Sasquatch checks in with this photo of him not only completing the wall, but doing it in his Bloody 'Ell 'Undred jersey!  Is he a great Minion or what?!?

In his own words;

"I know I missed last week but that doesn't mean I wasn't out riding.  Last weekend I rode the Dalmac bicycle ride and represented the Minion's by wearing "Bloody 'Ell 'Undred" jersey.  Attached is a picture of me after completing "The Wall" in East Jordan, MI."

You made the Nation proud Sasquatch!  Hope to see you back in the peloton next week!


Belo News
September 1, 2013

Shark Cove, Mi. - It is very hard to believe that the season is almost over.  As all Minions are aware, the road season ends the last weekend in September and moves to Ft. Custer in October so that the Nation can start to get ready for the Iceman Cometh in November.  As in past years, watch for announcements on rides at the Ft. in October starting the second week in October.

With the season winding down, it is once again time to post the season standings.  It was a great year for the Nation and with each passing season the mighty Minion Nation seems to grow larger and more competitive.  This season was no exception and here are the top ten riders for the 2013 season in descending order;

1.  Sharkman
2.  Some Minion
3.  Some Minion
4.  Some Minion
5.  Some Minion
6.  Some Minion
7.  Some Minion
8.  Some Minion
9.  Some Minion
10. Some Minion

Yes, once again the mighty Sharkman finishes the season in first place.  He is so far ahead in points, he cannot lose and has been declared the season champion.  

Actually, that makes 8 years in a row!  And that, is why he is the Nation's hero!