Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The return of Thor!




Belo News
July 27, 2013

Galesburg, Mi. - These days would usually be the "dog days" of summer, but after the rains came on Friday evening, a very welcomed cool front moved in and as dawn broke over the Shark Cove, the thermometer read 61 degrees!  Sharkman thought he might have to wear arm warmers but there was enough humidity in the air to make it feel warmer than the thermometer reported.  Our hero did have to resign himself to the fact that the days are again getting shorter and due to the cloudy mornings start, he had to put his lights on the bike for the ride over.

With the WAM ride, the old Shark was unsure of what type of turn out there would be for the ride on yet another beautiful morning in west Michigan!

As the old Shark launched from the Cove, Rainman was out in his driveway to wish him and the Minions well.  Rainman, who is working on his MBA at Western Mighigan, would be in class all day and would not be making the ride.

Sharkman was a bit surprised that Mad Dog wasn't there for the launch, but found him heading back from out on Watkins Road.  Turned out Mad Dog wanted to get more miles in and had launched at 6:30 a.m.!  What was he thinking!

When the duo got to the start, Brewman was waiting in the parking lot and other Minions started arriving.

Dutch was back and brought the "Mighty Thor" with him!  Long time Minions will remember Thor, who rode with the Nation for a couple of seasons before heading out with his new wife to teach in Tokyo Japan!  Thor and his bride were back for the summer, visiting their parents and he was able to fit in a ride with the Nation!  Welcome home Thor!  The Nation hopes you can make a couple more rides before you head back to Japan!

Dr. Dave, Tow Truck & Falcon enjoy a kup.
B-Rod, Airman, Hoosier Boy, Chico, Dr. Dave, Peugeot Guy, Hutch, Sasquatch, Falcon and Joe (Name to be determined) all were ready to rock as the clock hit 8:00 a.m. - SHARP!

As the train headed through town, the Klutch set was on point as the Nation caught the light and buzzed past their Koffee Shrine, greeting the waves from the tofosi and headed north.

Dutch decided to lead our hero out as Gazelle Girl joined on to her usual greeting and after Sharkman took his sprint, he pulled over to take a count of 15.

After they crossed G ave., Kid Doster joined on to make it 16 riders as the Nation headed to the col de Twin Lakes.

Chico went to the front and attacked the col de Twin lakes, setting off a frantic climb to the top by the entire peloton.

Chico continued to push the pace and the entire Nation stayed on him heading into the sprint after the Kountry Klub. That is when "mechanical!" was heard from the center of the Nation.  Falcon had flatted and though shouting for everyone to go on, Sharkman and Dr. Dave rode back to make sure all was well.  Falcon got the tire fixed and Sharkman was very pleased to see his Minions all waiting at the Rt. 43 Stop.

The train continued up the col de Norte and on through the Holy Rollers into Frona's, where "mechanical!" was heard once again, this time from Airman!

Airman was quick to fix his tire, despite disparaging remarks from Falcon (who wasn't any faster) and with the "snap" of the tire seating and a poof of CO2, the Nation was off once again.  Dutch, having to get back to work, couldn't wait and went on, but the rest of the Nation went on to the Inlet Sprint, where everyone HAD to stop at the stop sign when a Deputy Sheriff entered the intersection.  The Nation wasn't going to collectively run a stop sign!
The Klutch was rock'in!

As the Nation crossed the Digital Divide, Chico had to head home, while none other than Tow Truck came riding up!  It was like tag team action.  Chico pulling the Nation for the first part of the ride and Tow Truck taking over when Chico pulled off!  

Is this a great country or what?!?

Gazelle Girl had told the Nation she "wasn't feeling it" for the GGG Spot sprint, her signature sprint.  However, she had positioned herself very well to take it until Thor moved ahead and though challenged by Falcon, Thor took the sprint easily.

Mad Dog with his foo foo koffee, "no more photos!"
As the Nation headed into the final leg, Tow Truck came to the front and took the pace up to 26-27 mph!  Mad Dog again came up to spell the mighty Tow Truck for a bit, but Tow Truck took the lead back as the Nation motored up the final ascent before the finish.  The train was all together as the crest of the hill was achieved and though Sharkman always worries about a group finish, the Minions stayed on line as B-Rod, Falcon and Thor attacked to the finish!

B-Rod was able to hold off Falcon, with Thor finishing just behind them!

Average speed for the ride was registered at 20.4 mph by B-Rod, despite the flat tires!  Actually, Sharkman checked time and the Nation was only 8 minutes off their usual time, indicating that Falcon and Airman did some pretty fast tire changes and flat's, though annoying, don't take a whole lot of time.

The crowds went wild on the Champs le Galesburg as our heroes headed to the Klutch for their dose of joe.

As Thor shared stories of life in Tokyo and Luann poured the koffee, the Nation rocked!  To everyone's surprise, Stingray also rode up to escort the old Shark back to the Cove!  Hey, what are Minions for but to take care of the old Shark, right?!
Thor talks about Japan at the Klutch.

So total riders on the day was actually 18 riders!  

Another great day in the saddle!

You won't want to miss this weeks special edition!

It is Shermanator Weekend, so that means…….


If you missed the last southern ride, you will want to make sure you attend this ride!  Sharkman has been out scouting more scenic opportunities and remember, each site is only $.50 (no change!)!

Stingray came over to escort Sharkman back to the Cove! 
So get ready to rock!

This Saturday, August  3, 2013 (can it be August already?)

Launch Time - 8:00 A.M. - SHARP!

Remember, if you are joining on, we are heading SOUTH and not north!

Be there!

Wildman, Stryker Guy, Fly Boy & Hockey Boy at WAM!

Belo News
July 28, 2013

Brooklyn, Mi. - Another Make a Wish Ride is now in the books and Belo News hopes to hear more from our own Iceman when he has time to report in.  

However, a few other Minions from both Team Taylor (Stryker Guy and Hockey Boy) and Team Eaton (Wildman and Fly Boy) reported in that they had one heck of an adventure!  Stryker Guy was quoted as saying that the weather was great and that all they needed was snow to hit all the Michigan seasons.  The first night he and Hockey Boy pitched their tent between sprinkler heads that went off at 12:30 am and flooded the tent!  

Well, at least they didn't need showers the next morning!

Stryker Guy & Hockey Boy at WAM!
Hockey Boy rode the first 75 miles with his front brake engaged after a minor crash, but Belo News suspects Stryker Guy did that so he could keep up with the reportedly under trained animal rider!

Wildman reported that the same about the weather changing every day and also commented, "is this a great country or what?!?"

Wildman further revealed that wishes were granted, smiles were plentiful and Team Eaton and Team Taylor had a great time, stating "it was another moving experience for all and I'm sure most like me are already looking forward to next year and hope to raise even more money for such a great charity!"  Well said Wildman, well said!

Wildman was also designated as a "Silver" rider for having done 5 WAM Rides!  Well done Wildman!

All hope to be back in the Nation soon!  Great job Minions!  You made the Nation proud!


Belo News
July 31, 2013

Galesburg, Mi. - Only a couple of weeks left until THE social event of the Minion Year!  Yes, time again for the Bloody 'Ell 'Undred!

The second annual ride will take place on August 17, and if you haven't made your reservations yet, you better let Gazelle Girl know ASAP!

Don't wait, Bunkie!  Make your reservation now!


Belo News
July 31, 2013

Shark Cove, Mi. - Belo News is sad to report that our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, has announced that he will not be in attendance with the Minions on August 10, 17 or 24.  This will be the longest absence our hero has had from the Nation since the inception of the KK-TdG.  Sharkman and Lava Girl will be heading out on a vacation, a wedding and then some training that the old Shark will be attending in Chicago.  Oh, the humanity!  But the ride will go on!

More in next weeks edition!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013


Sharkman & All Black in Team Taylor kit!



Belo News
July 20, 2013

Shark Cove, Mi. - As dawn broke over the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero rolled out of his shark bed wondering if all the storms had finally passed.  The overnight thunder and lightening awoken our hero a couple of times and he was wondering what to expect when he cracked open the door to the Cove.

As the old Shark launched from the Cove, Mad Dog was riding in to greet him and advised that there was a lot of tree debris on Capital Avenue from the storm.

It became increasingly clear on the ride over to the start that the rain had not only been heavy, but apparently the wind had left its mark on the roads as well!

Squeaky's new ride (and shoes)!
When Mad Dog and Sharkman arrived they were greeted by a "pacing" B-Rod who asked, "was the Klutch open when you went by?"  Before the two could complete the answer of yes, B-Rod was off saying he would met the Nation at the Klutch as he had to make a deposit! Uh?

Shortly after, Brewman rolled in wearing a new Beer Jersey that was the talk of the peloton! One good looking Minion!

Brewman was followed by Toast and then Squeaky, riding a new steed! 

Well, not new, as he bought the very nice Lemond at a garage sale, but sweet none the less!  Squeaky was also wearing some stylish North Wave shoes that were two different colors!  

That's right! Two different colors!
Are those shoes a different color?

The Style Guy is back!

Everyone surrounded the new ride to take a look and there were several comments about the fact that Squeaky now had a big gear for the first time!  Oh, the humanity!

Talk also centered around the two different colored North Wave cycling shoes.  The Nation also began wondering if they would have to stop calling Squeaky, Squeaky, as the new ride seemed to have a lubed chain.  However, they all new it was only a matter of time before the chain would begin squeaking again!  

Good ole Squeaky!

All Black arrived and was the only rider besides Sharkman wearing a Team Taylor Jersey. 

Stroker drove in and unloaded his steed and got ready to ride.

Dutch - No Staff Meeting Today!
Dutch made his first appearance in some time stating there was "no staff meeting" on this morning so he was able to get out and ride. Wrong Way also arrived after a long absence.

The Gull Lake contingent rode in represented by the Skipper, Boatman, and Dr. Dave with the first reports of how bad the roads were filled with debris, then Ironman made an earlier than normal appearance to report a downed power line.  Skipper reported that many of the houses around Gull Lake had lost power with branches everywhere. Reports continued to flow in of how much junk was littered over the road. 

Skipper led the Nation out, past the Klutch where Luann was waiting at the door (most likely to get away from the smell wafting from the restroom) to wish the Nation a safe ride and to get a count or riders.  B-Rod was back in the Nation.

As the Nation headed north under the guidance of the Skipper, B-Rod, being several pounds lighter, took our hero, the Sharkman to the the front of the peloton, where they greeted Gazelle Girl as she joined on.
Wrongway back in the peloton!

However, as the Nation bore down on that first sprint, B-Rod and Sharkman opened up a bit of a gap.  That is when 3 large dogs came running out of a house, right at the old Shark.  B-Rod, exhibiting a phenomenal ability to sprint, left our hero to take on the three dogs alone!  Guess he figured he only had to out run Sharkman and didn't need to worry about the dogs.

The owner came out yelling at the dogs and after a short encounter in the road, he was able to get the dog's back into the yard to Sharkman's relief.  Sharkman re-mounted and Mad Dog pulled up to lead him out again before B-Rod returned with his "tail between his legs" and took our hero to the opening sprint.

Sharkman took a count of 15 riders as they crossed G Ave on their way to the col de Twin Lakes.

As the Nation headed north, the roads continued to worsen with tree limbs and large amounts of tree bark.  The riders described the debris as "shrapnel" as it hit wheels and spokes and flew up into tender shins, knees and on some occasions faces!  Oh, the humanity!  Sharkman reported later that he had to scrub his shins in his post ride shower at the Cove.

The speed picked up after the Yorkville Church, through Kellogg Korner, where the Skipper had to drop off to get back to the wife to celebrate her birthday (Happy Birthday Mrs. Skipper!) and into the Kountry Klub section.

For the second week in a row, the normal slow down after the turn did not materialize and the Nation was torquing to Rt. 43!  

A large group of Minions attacked the sprint, but near the line, our hero made an uncontested move from the back to take the sprint! It was a victory for America as Boatman mentioned that the editors of Belo News were sure to remember who won that sprint!  

Correcto mundo Boatman! Correcto mundo!

The Nation headed up the col de Norte and on to the Holy Rollers after having to detour around a part of a tree in the road that the Nation had to maneuver around.

After the Digital Divide, a very sloppy pace line formed up and an attempt was made by the Nation to bring Gazelle Girl to the GGG Spot sprint.  But again she was denied!  This time by Wrongway who was soundly booed for his unadvised move to the front.

As the Nation headed to the final sprint, Sharkman again pleaded that the Nation hold lines and be careful, as Tow Truck, Hossman, Chico and Hoosier Boy were not there to string out the peloton.

However, Dr. Dave to the rescue!  

Post ride press conference.
As the Nation sped up, Dr. Dave took to the front and drove the pace up to 26-27 mph!  Sharkman held on to his wheel like Wolf King hangs on to a piece of fried baloney!  After a very long pull, Mad Dog went to the front and kept the pace going.  After giving some relief, Mad Dog backed off and Dr. Dave, throwing himself on his sword, took over again!  Oh, the humanity!

Dr. Dave continued the torrid pace up to the top of the final ascent, where Wrongway moved out from the pack and made his break away, quickly opening a gap to the dismay of the sprinters on hand.

B-Rod responded, with Brewman on his wheel and Gazelle Girl in hot pursuit.

However, Wrongway could not be caught and B-Rod had to settle for a distant second, with Brewman filling out the podium and Gazelle Girl taking fourth.

Rainman and Raindrop at the Klutch!
The crowds went wild on the Champs le Galesburg as the Nation rode on to the Klutch where they
found Rainman with his cute daughter, Raindrop, waiting with their Koffee in hand ready to sign autographs for the paparazzi.

The Klutch was rocking as the Nation talked of the great ride, Dr. Dave's awesome pull and how blue Raindrops eyes are!

You won't want to miss next weeks edition! 

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Launch Time - 8:00 A.M. - SHARP!

Be there!


Belo News
July 26, 2013

Traverse City, Mi. - This weekend is the Make a Wish ride and many Minions will be taking part.  The Nation wishes them all a safe and fun ride!  Make the Nation proud Minions!


Belo News
Where is Pirate?
July 19, 2013

Alp d'Huez, France - The Pirate has been reporting in from Europe this summer, between attempts to imitate Bissell Boy.  He reports in from France this week where he has been both watching the Tour de France AND riding some of the stages!

The Pirate reports:

Had some fantastic ass kicking rides in Europe. Tour de Flemish, Amstel Gold ride in the Nederland, Col de la Madeleine and Alp d’Huez in France.  Beautiful scenery some tough cobble stones with 18% grade and
The Pirate after the climb!
continuous 10% grade up the Alps.

Weather cooperated with us.  Unfortunate for the USA that TJ Vandergaarden did not hold the lead.  

He passed us with a 30 sec lead but must have tanked.  I don’t blame him, it is a brutal climb to do it once, and he did it twice in one day!!.

That is all from Pirate

Our Pirate, post ride, we think......

Thanks Pirate and get back here soon!  We're holding a spot in the peloton for you!



Belo News
July 26, 2013

Battle Creek, Mi. - Team Active and Bandeen Orthodontics are teaming up to raise money for community projects. The first of these projects will be a community playground. For each $25 donation, your name will be entered for a chance to win one of two AWESOME bikes from Team Active bike shop. 

The first bike to be given away is a Trek Mountain Bike Superfly 100 series that retails for $2340.

For more information, go to this link and get ready to win a chance at a great bike while helping a great cause!


Belo News
July 26, 2013

Galesburg, Mi. - Though it may be too late to get your Bloody 'Ell 'Undred jersey, it is not too late to sign on for the ride that everyone wants to be a part of!

Remember, you need to RSVP Gazelle Girl and all of the information is on the invitation!

Don't wait, Bunkie!  Make your reservation now!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Make a Wish Jersey Day!




Belo News
July 6, 2013

Shark Cove, Mi. - As dawn broke cool and bright over the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero had some difficulty getting his sorry dorsal to rise and shine!  Western Michigan has been experiencing one of those classic Michigan summer with warm, sunny days and cool, good sleeping nights, and Sharkman loves his Sharkbed.  But he also loves his Minions and after shaking the cobwebs out of his eyes, he was ready to ride!

Kia Pet & Minion virgins!
Knowing the Mad Dog and couldn't ride, he knew that Stingray said he was riding over, but when 7:00 a.m. arrived without Stingray, the old Shark launched.

As he headed out of town he saw flashing lights ahead and thought it might be Stingray, but instead found Cheddarhead ready to ride over for the first time!

The discussion was lively and as a result, so was the pace and the two found themselves at the start a bit early when Brewman rode in followed by a bunch of the Team Taylor Guys in full WAM kit!

New Minion, Tommy Boy!
Yes, it was WAM Jersey Day and the Team Taylor guys certainly wanted to be a part of it!  Iceman led Kia Pet, Bounty Hunter, Airman, who they picked up on the way over, and two virgin Minions, Tommy Boy and Dave (name to be determined). Dave actually rides with the Eaton Team and knows Wildman, though the Nation does not hold that against him. A little later, another Team Taylor rider pulled in named "the Zinn Master" riding a Zinn Litespeed!  

All Black, B-Rod, Sasquatch along with another virgin Minion whose name was not available at press time, and Ranger Rick pulled in with and had brought "Scarl" not the Nation for yet another virgin Minion!  Welcome to all the virgin Minions!

Then the Gull Lake contingent arrived led by Bissell Boy and Stryker Guy, with Kid Gallagher, Boatman among others.  

Out of no where, Stingray appeared!  Apparently, he overslept and missed the early call for the ride over! Oh, the humanity!

Soon, there were 25 Minions and virgin Minions ready to ride, that is after all the photos, interviews with the press, and speeches by dignitaries.

New Minion, Dave!
Promptly at 8:00 A.M. the Nation launched and the cheers went up at the Klutch as our hero's rolled by.

Heading north, first Hossman jumped on, followed by Gazelle Girl and her accompanying cheer from the Nation!

B-Rod and new Minion Tommy Boy led out our hero, the Sharkman, to his honorary first sprint.  

As our hero pulled over to take the count, he counted 27 riders!

The Nation moved up to the col de Twin Lakes were B-Rod won his first Mountain Points in his illustrious career!

The Kountry Klub section was again, heavily contested.  Kid Gallagher went to the front with Sharkman and B-Rod in tow and took the pace up as they headed over the hilly section after Kellogg Korner and into the Kountry Klub section.  The usual easing at the turn never materialized and the Nation began to bear down on the Rt. 43 sprint.  As the Nation approached the final sprint, they saw Tow Truck on a tandem with his lovely wife and all wondered why he can't pull the Nation AND
New Minion, Zinn Master!
his wife around the lake every week?

After the ascent of the col de Norte, a pace line led by Hutch and Sharkman took off and really took the speed up.  Alas, Hutch and Sharkman found themselves at the back of the pack as the Nation flew through the Holy Rollers.

After everyone gathered up at Frona's they were off again to the inlet, where Sharkman turned back to see if he could find any stray Minions and when he didn't, he found the Nation patiently waiting at the Digital Divide for the final assault on the finish.

Sharkman attempted to form up a pace line on the way to the GGG Spot, but it was one of those day's when the Nation didn't seem to want to play that game.

As the Nation crossed the GGG Spot and headed south, Sharkman shouted out safety warnings and was concerned about the crush of riders descending on the finish at one time.

Team Taylor Captain, Iceman!
However, there was no need for worry as Bissell Boy, Ranger Rick and others shot to the front to take the Nation up to 26 mph to the final ascent to the finish, spreading the Nation safely out across the road.

As the mighty Nation bore down on the finish line, B-Rod shot out to the lead, followed by Stingray, Brewman and a late surging Sharkman.

The fans went wild on the Champs le Galesburg as our hero's rode to the Klutch, zipping up their jerseys for the sponsors and waving to the Tofosi.

Th Klutch was rocking for the post ride press conference and the koffee was flowing as Sharkman shared some of his Sharkies and confessed to his new found love of the little energy bites.  Bissell Boy took one and gave his approval, but B-Rod seemed upset about the fact the were "organic" and "all Natural" and gave an interesting lecture on organically grown products.

All Black checks in!
The crowd seemed to stay late, enjoying the ambience of the day.  

You won't' want to miss this weeks edition of the KK-TdG!

This Saturday, July 20, 2013

Team Taylor Jersey Day!  

There are a number of present and former Team Taylor Minions so wear one of your Team Taylor Jersey's this Saturday and show your support for those Minions riding!

Launch Time - 8:00 a.m. - SHARP!

Be there!

Bissell Boy & Sharkman for WAM Jersey Day!

Love those Sharkies!



Belo News
July 17, 2013

Battle Creek, Mi. - Team Active and Bandeen Orthodontics are teaming up to raise money for community projects. The first of these projects will be a community playground. For each $25 donation, your name will be entered for a chance to win one of two AWESOME bikes from Team Active bike shop. 

The first bike to be given away is a Trek Mountain Bike Superfly 100 series that retails for $2340.

The second bike to be given away is a Cannondale road bike CAAD10-5 retails at $1730. 

For more information, go to this link and get ready to win a chance at a great bike while helping a great cause!


Belo News
July 17, 2013
Galesburg, Mi. - Though it may be too late to get your Bloody 'Ell 'Undred jersey, it is not too late to sign on for the ride that everyone wants to be a part of!

Remember, you need to RSVP Gazelle Girl and all of the information is on the invitation!

Don't wait, Bunkie!  Make your reservation now!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013


The Klutch was rocking after the Double Header!



Belo News
July 6, 2013

Galesburg, Mi. - The 4th of July was not the only reason for celebrating this past weekend!  

It was also a "Double Header KK-TdG Weekend" and major crowds took to the roads to take part!  It was a celebration of cycling!

Our intrepid hero, The Sharkman!
It can always be difficult to estimate how many riders will show up on holidays and particularly on the weekend of holidays, as people travel and need to spend time with family.  But this weekend the "Field of Dreams" the Nation calls the KK-TdG were packed with Minions decked out in their finest red, white and blue kit, as well as their favorite Beer Jersey's!  

Is this a great country or what?!?

Both riders were eerily similar with the Nation decked out in special kit, the number of Minions for both rides stood at 28, the Nation had some new Minions in the mix and a celebrity rider on Saturday morning!

Big welcome to Stryker Guys college buddy, Jim who was in from New York for the ride. A welcome to new Minion Tom, aka Music Man, who Sharkman mountain biked with in Colorado 13 years ago, and to Joe and a special welcome to celebrity rider and Kid Gallagher's daughter,
Minion virgins, Music Man and Joe!
Katie who rode on Saturday along with new Minion Steve East, herin known as "Easty!  The Nation loves when they show up with their own names!

Welcome to the Nation, Jim, Music Man, Joe, Katie and Easty!

On the 4th, riders were decked out with USA jerseys, celebrating the red, white and blue of the 4th of July.  Bissell Boy with his Mick Jagger jersey with sleeves and Boatman with his with no sleeves, Brewman, Skipper Zickman, Sharkman, and Yeti Boy were all wearing the red, white and blue and many of the Minions had the colors without the stars and stripes. The Skipper led the Nation out in his red, white and blue kit and took the Nation past the closed Klutch with no Luann to greet the crowd.  The Minions touched their helmets in respect to the Koffee shrine known as "the Klutch…." closed for the 4th of July, knowing even Luann needs a day off…..

The Skipper decked out in his R,W&B's!
Gazelle Girl jumped on at her usual place for both rides and on the 4th was wearing a stunning red, white and blue scarf that flew from her hair as she contested sprints throughout the ride.  Danimal was also in attendance on the 4th with a great USA jersey adorned with an eagle!  Come on!  Can it get any more American than an eagle!  Is this a great country or what?

Even Hoosier Boy had some red, white and blue even though he was wearing socks with the Canadian Maple Leaf on them.  What was that all about?

On Saturday, the Nation showed up decked out in their brewing finery.  Sharkman was wearing his retro Schlitz jersey and Stingray had on his Lucky Labrador Beer jersey and made the ride over with Mad Dog and Sharkman.  There were several Oberon jerseys and All Black had his Ryder Brewing kit on!  It was a beer jersey extravaganza!  

The rides were a couple of the fastest of the year and of
Hoosier Boy's Maple Leaf! Uh?
course, Sharkman took both opening sprints going away, led out by B-Rod on both mornings and though one miscreant Minion did try to steal one of the sprints, Sharkman put him away easily.

Though there was one flat on the 4th, there were two on Saturday and Mo Pink had to drop out with a broken spoke but reported in later that he made it home safely and actually got the spoke fixed right after the ride. 

Chico performed one of the greatest bike changes in Minion history when on Saturday he shot off the course in the speedy Kountry Klub section to get a new bike from his house because he had a split tire.  He caught back on before the Minions could re-launch from the Rt. 43 stop sign!

Bissell Boy proud of his Mick Jagger, until....
The sprint on the 4th was won by Rainman after he opened up a gap just as the Nation climbed the final ascent, with the Cheetah on his wheel, followed by B-Rod.  The only damper on the day was not having koffee after the ride, which all the Minions comment on that it just felt weird.

The sprint on Saturday was won by Hutch with a surprising Sharkman taking second with a speeding Boatman almost nipping both of them at the finish.

Charges of substance abuse were leveled at the Sharkman post race, however, he continued to maintain it is the Sharkies that are firing his engines these days.

The average speed for both rides was 20.3 mph which is the present season high, though most thought the ride on Saturday "seemed" faster than the ride on the 4th.

The Minions stormed the Klutch on Saturday, perhaps because they had missed their joe on the 4th and needed their fix. 

The Klutch was rocking with the ambiance of a great double header weekend on a beautiful course
.......Boatman showed up with his! Oh, the humanity!
with great weather. It seemed as though the Minions didn't want to leave the cozy confines of the Klutch but alas, they Nation filed out talking about next weeks ride.

And how about this week?

In recognition of the upcoming Make a Wish (WAM) ride, this Saturday is WAM Jersey Day!  

Those Minions who have ridden WAM (and many a Minion has, and a few will ride this year) should have a jersey in their wardrobe!

So show your support for our friends with both Team Taylor AND Eaton and put on your WAM Jersey this Saturday!

Zickman decked out in his 4th finery!
Next Saturday will be "Team Taylor" jersey day to show the Nations support for our own Team Taylor!

This Saturday, July 13, 2013!

WAM Jersey Day!

Launch Time - 8:00 A.M. - SHARP!

Yeti Boy in his "Brooklyn Team kit!"

Brewman!  Where was he for beer jersey day?

Gazelle Girl and Danimal sporting their colors!

Zickman "selling" his star spangled water bottle 

Katie!  Saturday's Celebrity Rider!

Virgin Minion "Easty!"

Stingray sporting his "Lucky Labrador Brewing Jersey"

Sharkman "looking good" in his Schlitz retro kit!

Kia Pet in his New Belgium Brewing kit!

Dr. Dave sporting the "Oberon Look!"

Ranger Rick pre ride meditation with cell phone


Belo News
July 10, 2013

Galesburg, Mi. - Though it may be too late to get your Bloody 'Ell 'Undred jersey, it is not too late to sign on for the ride that everyone wants to be a part of!

Remember, you need to RSVP Gazelle Girl and all of the information is on the invitation!

Don't wait, Bunkie!  Make your reservation now!