Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Here's to you!






Belo News
August 25, 2012

Shark Cove, Mi. - It has been a long two weeks without our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, but it seems that all is well in the realm!  Yes, the Sharkman and Lava Girl have returned from their adventures out west, the Bloody 'Ell 'Undred is now in the history books as is the U.S. Pro Challenge, and it is College Game Day Saturday this weekend in celebration of the start of College Football! Is this a great country or what?!?

Oh, yes it is a great country and Belo News has a lot of "stuff" to share, so let's get started!


Belo News
August 18, 2012
The Organizers! Gazelle Girl & Zickman!

Zickman Estate, Mi. - The news broke early here at Belo News that the Bloody 'Ell 'Undred Ride/Party was a huge success.  The emails started flooding our system from staff photographer Dr. Dave, along with some great captions.  Later, some unsolicited testimonials came in like this one from Hoosier Boy:

"Hope you are enjoying Durango.  You missed a good time on Saturday at the Bloody 'Ell 'Undred.  Zickman and Gazelle girl did a great job on the party logistics.  Perfect day for riding ….. also had a lot of breaks that made a long ride relatively pain free – bloody mary’s in the morning, lunch and beers in Hastings in the afternoon.  Left my house at 7:00 am and didn’t get back until 5:30 pm and I skipped the after party!
Waldorf instead of the Klutch?

And from Stryker Guy:

"The Bloody ‘ell was awesome, although carb loading for the ride has usually meant pasta or fruit.  The “multiple beers” and start your engines Bloody Mary brought a new dimension to a pretty intense cardio work out."

Then, the attached photos came streaming into Belo News Central from none other than Dr. Dave!

Someone needed cheaters.
Followed by the write up by our own legend of the peloton and co-host, Gazelle Girl!

"A list of participants, as best I can determine is below. I believe Zickman counted 24 at the start. Looks like I am overlooking one person. 

Zickman, Gazelle Girl, Bissell Boy, Bling Girl, Boatman, Chico, Dr. Dave, Dr. Toe, Tow Truck, Green Hornet, Cato, Green, Hossman, Hoosier Boy, B-Rod, Ranger Rick, Skipper, Toast, Stryker Guy, Brewman, Stan, and Falcon joined us for a portion of the ride, as did a man and woman who I didn't know.

A line up?
The Waldorf was wonderful in my opinon. Very accommodating. Great service, beer and food. And so VERY, VERY nice of Zickman to pick up the beer tab (which had to have been big, what with ALL those thirsty riders!) and Tow Truck to pick up the food. Is this a great country or what??? (I'm not sure if these humble gentlemen want this mentioned in the blog or not….)(Editors Note - well, we'll mentioned it anyway…..after all, Sharkman ALWAYS  mentions who buys his koffee!)

Dr. Toe
B-Rod pushed the pace ALL day. He had most mistakenly told his better half that he'd be home by 1 pm. Let's see.... in four hours two dozen people are going to drink Bloody Mary's, ride 62 miles, drink beer, eat lunch and pee. I don't think so....

And speaking of 62 miles... Zickman's route was divine! Lovely, lonely roads with LOTS of hills on the way to the bar and a fairly easy ride back post-lunch. Just perfect!

Green Hornet and Cato
Zickman's wooden Renovo bike Debut!
It was a FABULOUS day with gorgeous weather, drinks, food and company. Afterwards, at Zickman's, we enjoyed more fine beer and were treated to a lovely banquet provided by Ranger Rick's gal Robin who had catered a work affair the night before. Again, is this a great country or what? Hossman's wife joined us as well, cracking everyone up with her keen sense of humor (of which Ranger Rick's gal Robin is no slouch either!). Great fun at the lake after a great day on the bikes! I think we need to do this AGAIN!"

Unfortunately, the Commissioner of Cycling is disqualifying the entire group for "Having such a great time, without the Sharkman!" to insure that there is never, ever, another party while he is gone!

The Renovo!
Big thanks to Zickman and Gazelle Girl for throwing this thing together!  You two did the mighty Minion Nation proud!

The Debut of the now famous Renovo Wooden Bike was also a huge hit!  Congratulations Zickman!

Rocky Mountain Minion Nation does the U.S Pro Challenge!


Belo News
August 18, 2012

Durango, CO. - As previously reported, our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, was out in Durango for the U.S. Pro Challenge.  Hosted by the President of the Rocky Mountain Chapter of the mighty Minion Nation, the Durango Kid and his wife, the Lovely Toni. Lava Girl and Sharkman had an incredible time!

Sharkman & Sharklet Beck at the Marble Brewery Tap Room!
Before arriving in Durango, our hero spent time with his sharklets in Santa Fe and did two mountain bike rides with his son in law and a road ride with his daughter.  Chief among those rides was the Windsor Trail that is written up in this months Outside Magazine (we're sure that all Minions subscribe to Outside Magazine) and that our Sharkman complained to his son in law that he had never ridden.  When he heard it ended at a Mexican restaurant that served margarita's and Green Chili Cheese Burgers, Sharkman said he just had to check it off his list.
Riding the Windsor Trail!

Then on to Durango!

The Durango Kid and the Lovely Toni were phenomenal hosts and kept the first couple of cycling entertained for the entire weekend! 

The Lovely Toni & the Durango Kid!
The four found Wildman and his brother, herein known as Wildthing, at the Expo at the Ft. Lewis College and after getting a text from Wildman asking about their whereabouts.  Both Wildman and Wildthing were Official Race Marshals (pretty impressive, eh?) which meant they got to see each stage of the race up close and drink beer and party at night!  Whoa, this is a great country, eh?

Veteran Iron Horse Slayers!
The Durango Kid and the Lovely Toni took the first couple of cycling to one of the oldest hotels in town for a concert, arranged a personal tour of Indian ruins at Castle Rock, then to the play "Bicycle Man" and then to the race on Monday morning.  The fun just never stopped!

Race day was incredible! 

The four rode bikes down to the start along the beautiful Animas River that runs through Durango.

Fireworks at dinner!
The Durango Kid managed to get bleacher seats at one of the turns and the peloton did one parade lap and two sprint laps right in front of our hero.  After the riders rode downtown,  the Kid and Sharkman mounted their steeds and rode up to Wildcat Pass to watch the peloton as they came screaming down the mountain while the Lovely Tony and Lava Girl stayed in town to shop around and tour.  

After the peloton left town, Durango Kid and Sharkman met up with two other riders and rode Wildcat Pass so that Sharkman could ride some of the actual route (we told you that the Durango Kid thought of everything!).

The Fans!
As they got to the top of the Pass, and began their descent, the sky opened up with rain as they skidded and swerved down the mountain.

When they got to the bottom of the pass, Durango's cell phone rang.  It was the Lovely Toni and Lava Girl. 

That is when it happened, what has no come to be known and the "Impoundment Incident."

It appeared that when the ladies had gone back to the bleachers that the bikes were locked to, the bleachers AND the bikes were gone! 

OH, the humanity!

While Sharkman and the Durango Kid rode home in the rain to get the car and to put on some dry cloths, the ladies went in search of their bikes.

Wildcat Pass!
When Sharkman and the Durango Kid arrived at the police station, they found the two miscreant riders running their tin cups along the bars screaming their innocence!  They claimed they had been told they could leave their bikes locked to the bleachers but apparently the City thought otherwise! (Actually, the Police simply gave them back the bikes, minus the cable that they had cut off, commenting that Lava Girl's bikes was the nicest one they had ever confiscated. It just took the ladies a while to figure out where the bikes had been taken. No harm, no foul and the ladies were pretty good about it and even agreed to pose for the attached photo.)

Who cut my lock off?
All in all, a great visit.

During the week, Belo News also got a text message from Wildman who was with Bissell Boy, and a not from the Pirate that stated;

"One update my fine Shark hero. I missed the Bloody Ell Hundred. However I was successful in my first ever Vail Pass climb. 

Wildman & Bissell Boy in Aspen!
Today out did yesterday when my son Jared and I climbed Independence Pass and watch the riders come through the tunnel of people. I felt as though I was on the Alp d'heuz. 

What a thrill!

Hooked up with Bissell Boy and Wildman today. 
4116.3 mile road trip!

Is this a great country or what??"

Yes it is Pirate, yes it is!  If you've never seen a pro race, particularly one as big at the U.S. Pro Challenge, then you've got to figure out a way to see one.  It was an incredible thrill!

Big thanks to the Durango Kid and the Lovely Toni for fantastic hospitality and being such great hosts!  You did the Nation proud!

It was then on to the Grand Canyon where Sharkman went wild taking a gazillion photographs!  This is a great country and it was a great road trip!

The Grand Canyon!
Oh, the humanity!


Belo News
September 1, 2012

Galesburg, Mi. - It is "back to normal" this weekend when the Mighty Nation kicks off the College Football Season with "COLLEGE GAME DAY!" Yep, wear your favorite College Jersey kit as the college football season get's underway! With MSU playing on Friday night, we may not see them win the Jersey competition!

On Wisconsin!

Saturday, September 1, 2012 (it can't be September already can it?)

Launch Time - 8:00 A.M. - SHARP!

Be there!

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