Sunday, August 12, 2012






Belo News
August 18, 2012

Zickman Estate, Mi. - It is finally here!  The ride/party every Minion has been waiting for!  

It's time for the BLOODY 'ELL 'UNDRED RIDE/PARTY starting from the palatial Zickman Estate to the Waldorf Brew Pub in Hastings for Lunch and return!

The Bloody Mary's will launch at 9 A.M. at the Zickman Estate with the Bloody 'Ell 'Undered to follow!

Rumors have been circulating that some major celebrities will be on hand to see the Minions off.  Those rumors include the Mayor, the Governor and both Presidential candidates, as well as the Queen of England now that the Olympics are finished! 

Hey, Zickman and Gazelle Girl are connected! You never know who might show!

It is important to RSVP ASAP so Zickman and Gazelle Girl (the co-hostess) have a dorsal count for beverages!

So let Gazelle Girl know at or 665-4555

How did this ride get started you ask?

"A few years ago the Minions did a convenient stop at Zickman's garage to put some air into Gazelle Girl's weeping tire. Such a pleasant place, Zickman's pad... thus, as the Minions exited the estate Gazelle Girl was heard to say, "I think we should start a ride from here some day. We could have Bloody Mary's first and then ride a century!" And, at last, it is so. 

Please join us Saturday, August 18 for the "BLOODY 'ELL 'UNDRED" (a metric 'undred, that is). Details on the invite here!

Be there!

Stryker Guy in his "Death Ride" Jersey

Belo News
August 11, 2012

Galesburg, Mi. - As dawn broke over the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero, the Sharkman was feeling a bit woozy from being over served by Yeti Boy the previous evening.  It was dark outside and Sharkman was thinking it would be a good morning to sleep in.  But alas, he is very dedicated to his Minion Nation and thought, "wait, maybe it is raining!"

Our hero threw back the shark covers and ran to the warm glow of the Shark iPad as he checked the radar and sipped some coffee.

Though the roads were wet, it looked as though the rain was past and the old shark began getting his stuff together.

The early morning darkness required that our hero put his lights on the bike, which always reminds the Sharkman that the season is beginning to wind down.

After riding a few miles towards the start, he removed his rain jacket as his body warmed, but kept his arm warmers on.

As he approached the empty parking lot he began to wonder if the overcast sky's and threat of rain were keeping the Nation at bay?

Sharkmans fears were quickly abated as first, Airman pulled into the parking lot, followed by Squeaky, Steve (know known as Mad Dog - more on that later), and Kid Doster.  Shortly after, the Gull Lake boys trickled in, including Bissell Boy, Tow Truck, Hutch, Zickman, the Green Hornet and a very dapper Stryker Guy sporting his "Death Ride" jersey!

But it was raining at my house!
Soon, Danimal pulled into the parking lot in his car to report he had gotten ready to ride but when it started to pour rain at his house he thought the ride would be rained out and decided to go to the store!  On his way, the rain stopped and he drove to the start.  What was he thinking!

Sharkman and Airman led the Minion past the Klutch as the early morning coffee crew waving to the train as it sped by.

As the Train headed north, the Green Hornet, minus Kato, slammed into a pot hole and "Mechanical!" could be heard in the early morning mist.

What were you thinking Danimal?
As the peloton waited for the tire change, Gazelle Girl rode up and a discussion of nicknames ensued between Airman, Gazelle Girl, Sharkman and new Minion, Steve.  Steve shared that Bull was part of his last name, but that was too easy.  However, Airman mentioned that we did not have a "Mad Dog" in the peloton and Sharkman was so smitten with the name, he couldn't resist!  Hence, Steve will now be known as Mad Dog!

As the tire was fixed, the Nation headed out again.

Airman led out our hero and then near the first sprint Mad Dog took over.  Sharkman had some concerns that the new Minion was unaware of the "ceremonial aspect" of the first sprint, but again, his fears were unfounded as Mad Dog pealed off and Sharkman took the first sprint at around 27 mph.  Mad Dog does need to know that the first sprint IS ceremonial and Sharkman doesn't NEED to work that hard to get it!

After the G crossing, the major discussion centered around Squeaky needing to get his chain fixed and how his chain was so stretched, he would probably need a new crank and rear cassette.  Squeaky claims to have a crank on order, but the peloton awaits.....

In the Kountry Klub section, Tow Truck and Mad Dog went to the front and took he speed way up, all the way to the Rt. 43 stop sign.

As the Nation crested the col de Norte, the peloton seemed to be all together and an informal pace line got started through the Bible Conference hills to the Frona Sprint and into the Inlet.

With 37th still under construction, the Minions gathered up at the 38th Street crossing on 89 at the Inlet after Sharkman chided Squeaky for the second time about circling in the road and trying to cross early.  Patience, my Minions, patience!  The Minons all cross together!

Hutch pulled off in this section and Sharkman warned the Minions that they were to stay together on G ave. and to wait at 37th Street and G for the nation to come together.

This week, the Nation decided to play by the rules and though a bit of a "rolling"stop the riders waited for all the Minions to come together for the final sprint.

To the sound of "all on!"  the mighty Minion Nation started to move in behind Tow Truck and Gazelle Girl as they ramped up the speed.  

Mad Dog, Gazelle Girl and Tow Truck led the train to the top of the final ascent to the finish where Gazelle Girl took over and was on form with Tow Truck, Sharkman and a fast moving Zickman on their wheels.

As the rambling crew came down to the finish, Tow Truck made a move and Sharkman responded immediately.  The two riders broke free of the peloton and Sharkman attempted to make a final move just before the finish, but described moving out and around Tow Truck was "like hitting a wall of wind!" Tow Truck took the sprint by a half a bike length and Zickman followed behind.  The three "veteran" riders went one, two, three on the podium!

The three riders celebrated on the Champs le Galesburg as their fans went wild.  The troika of the oldest guys in the peloton had swept the podium.  When Zickman used the term "troika" Sharkman was so impressed he asked him how to spell it!

Though there was no discussion of periodontal decease in the Klutch this week there was quite a bit of buzz about the upcoming Bloody 'Ell Ride and the fact that our hero, the Sharkman will be out at the U.S. Pro Challenge out in Durango Colorado.  This lead to a major discussion of how Sharkman loves road trips and he shared his story of his family vacation to California when he was 11 years old and how much it was like the movie, "Vacation." Oh, the humanity!

(Editors Note - Yes, our hero will be gone the next couple of weeks and will miss both the Bloody 'Ell Ride, and the Minion ride the following week and the next two Tuesday Night rides.  However, Belo News will be accepting any write ups from Minions, along with photos, from these events and BN hopes to continue to report all the important cycling news!)

Hutch and Dr. Dave post race!

Belo News
August 4, 2012
Dr. Dave

Richland, Mi. - Reporting in from this years Shermanator, where several Minions competed, Belo News is proud to provide this report from Dr. Dave, hizzelf!

Shermanator 2012 was a huge success!  

Jim Mishler of Spirit Racing inc., the section coordinators (including the Minion Nations very own Ironman as bike route coordinator), and dozens of volunteers 
provided the 275 competitors with a great race experience.

Gracious sponsorship was provided by Minions from Team Zeigler Wellness Journey, Gallagher Uniforms and Bronson Orthopedics and Sports Medicine.  Aaron Zeigler, yet to be christened with another
name, rides regularly with the Minions on his black Cervelo Tri-bike.

Aaron put his skills to work earning a 5th place (35-39) despite throwing a chain.  No team mechanics on this course.  Podium finishers from the Nation include Pat Farrell #2 (45-50), Dr Dave #3 (45-50),
and Brent Sleezak #3 (55-60).  Hoosier Boy also looked strong and comfortable as he crossed the line in just over an hour.  
Boatman gets congratulations from Ironman!

I think it is safe to say that the athleticism, sportsmanship and style of the Minion Nation was represented well at the Shermanator 2012.   

Our Patron, the Sharkman, can be proud. (And he is!)

Along the course and at the post race festivities were spotted the likes of Hutch, Nike Boy, Pat Gallagher and Jim Patton.  Their encouragement was appreciated.

"Footnote" -  Hutch still holds the course record for the barefoot division.

Dr Dave

Editors Note - Thanks Dr. Dave, everyone did the mighty Minion Nation proud!)



Belo News
August 12, 2012

Shark Cove, Mi. - Get those DVR's ready, Bunkie!  Shark Week starts Sunday night, August 12, 2012 on the Discovery Network and runs all week at 9:00 p.m.

Sharkman's favorite week of TV!  

Who needs the Olympics when you have Shark Week!

Is this a great country or what?!?

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