Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Hands across the ocean!





Belo News
May 26, 2012

Galesburg, Mi. – The Shark Phone rang at the Cove early Saturday morning as our intrepid hero, the Sharkman dashed to answer it.  It was none other than All Black asking the status of the ride.  Sharkman had been all over the radar trying to figure out his options.

"I'm game......"
“Are we riding?” asked All Black.  “I think I will ride to the start and see who shows…..”  was Sharkman’s reply.  As he said this he got a funny look from Lava Girl who commented, “you’re not riding in the rain! If you go, I’m not coming to get you!”  Just as Sharkman began to give her that “No one tells Sharkman what to do” look, and as if to extenuate Lava Girls vast superior wisdom, the first roll of thunder could be heard approaching the Shark Cove.

In pouring rain, Sharkman drove the Sharkmovibe to the start, wondering if anyone would actually show.
"Really?  We're going to ride?"

When he got to the parking lot, no one was there and though the rain had stopped, he began to convince himself that he was not going to get to ride.  It was then that All Black drove in, followed by Hoosier boy, then Polar Bear.  Squeaky soon joined the group on his bike with a rain jacket that seemed to be twice as big as he was.  Since Sharkman didn’t notice any artic gloves on Squeaky, he knew that though the weather was a bit wet, at least it wasn’t cold!

As they waited for any others and discussed whether to start, Squeaky stated that it should not be a matter of discussion and that as Minions the group would START because it wasn’t raining at the time.  Silence fell over the small quorum as Hoosier Boy stated, “I’m game….”

Red, white & blue weekend!
Interesting that it only takes one to say “I’m game….” and everyone is automatically “in.”
Sharkman, clad in his Red, White and Blues, and Polar Bear looking dapper in his Union Jack kit, the four mighty Minions headed out and had to slow at the Klutch so the crowd would notice they were riding by.  After all, no one at the Klutch thought the Minions would be out in that type of weather.

Just then, Hutch joined on and then they were five!

Shortly after, Tow Truck, Bissell Boy (looking fast in his red, white and blue Mick Jaggar kit), Cheetah and Ironman jumped on!

And then they were 10!

Polar Bear lead our hero out to the honorary first sprint, where he decided to take off his rain jacket as he was getting warm.

Squeaky jumped out to take the next sprint and shortly after the climb on the col de Twin Lakes, Stryker Guy and Hockey Boy jumped on!

Hockey Boy sighting!
And then they were 12!

Cheetah made a move in the Country Club section and Polar Bear stayed with him, but the rest of the peloton let them go.  Polar Bear noticed the lack of enthusasum for the pace and came back to the peloton while Cheetah seemed to disappear after the sprint to Rt. 43.

In the Bible Conference Hills, Sharkman stole the C Ave. Sprint before heading down across the Digital Divide, where one of the better pace lines of the season formed up.

With the peloton back down to 10 riders, with Cheetah and Ironman dropping off to go home, the pace line was humming like a whiporwills rear end! 

As the line stayed precise and well mannered, Squeaky decided to break away to take the G Ave. sprint, with his rain jacket now slung on his handlebars looking like a safety air bag.

The run to the finish turned out to be a barn burner.

Hockey Boy led things off and got the pace line started before turning it over to the ever present Tow Truck.  Tow Truck took the speed up a notch before Polar Bear and Sharkman came to the front to spell the clydesdale.  Meanwhile, Hoosier Boy moved into contention and the fast moving train began bunching up in the run up ascent before the finish.
Press Conference at the Klutch

Sharkman and Polar Bear dropped back while Bissell Boy and All Black threw in moves as the nation rolled down the final descent to the finish.

Tow Truck returned to the front to make his move and caught the peloton off guard, as Hoosier Boy, Bissell Boy and All Black tried to respond.

Hoosier Boy couldn’t close the gap, but Sharkman took advantage of the move and rode Hoosier Boy like a rented mule and nipped him at the line to take the second step on the podium.

The crowds on the Champs le Galesburg went wild as our hero’s approached the Klutch.  As the riders leaned their trusty steads against the walls and under the awnings of the Klutch, the sky’s opened up and it poured rain!

Interestingly, it stopped as the riders left the press conference and they rode dry once again.  Sharkman reported that when he got home, and pulled into the garage, the sky’s opened up again.

The Mighty Nation had beaten the rain!  It was a victory for America!

You won’t want to miss this week’s edition of the KK-TdG! 

Saturday – June 2, 2012 (June already?!)

Launch Time – 8:30 A.M.

Be there!


It was an angry sea, my friend!

Belo News
May 30, 2012

Battle Creek, Mi. – Tuesday the winds were blowing at gale force speeds (gusting to 30 mph) so everyone knew it was time for the Tuesday Night Ride!

It seems this season that the Mighty Minion Nation has had a series of incredibly windy Tuesday nights.  This past Tuesday was no exception for the four mighty Minions who toed the line to start their Chain Gang weekly ritual.

Along with Sharkman, All Black, and Hoosier Boy, making his first appearance of the year, Dutch, got ready to face the very angry sea of wind heading out of the west.

This wind was of Biblical proportions as the intrepid pace line decided to take 30 second pulls at the front.  The wind was so strong that at times, while riding behind the lead rider, the gust would take the leader down a mile or two per hour and it was like putting the brakes on.  The pace line yo-yoed its way out to Augusta, up the G Ave hills and on to Galesburg before the riders could get the wind at their backs.

Of course, the ride back to Battle Creek was incredible as the pace line hit speeds of 24-26 mph quite easily with the gusting winds.  Ending average speed was 20.6 mph despite the strong headwinds going out to Galesburg.  Sharkman commented that it was one of the hardest rides of the year, but a fantastic workout!

If you are looking for some great pace line work, this is the ride for you!

Tuesdays, 6:00 p.m. from Kellogg HQ upper parking ramp!  Come on out!

The Durango Kid!

Belo News
May 26, 2012

Durango, Colorado – The President of the Mighty Minion Nation Western Chapter, the Durango Kid once again took on the Iron Horse Race, sans Sharkman, Yeti Boy and the Great Moultini this past Saturday.  He reported in on the race and though he did not beat the train this year, he apparently had a great ride and made the Mighty Nation proud!  He is planning on being back in Michigan later this summer and he will be featured as THE celebrity rider the Saturday he is here.

From the Durango Kid himself:

Under clear skies and at times very windy conditions the Durango Kid completed the 2012 Iron Horse Bicycle Classic.  Although the wind was helping most of the ride, the 50 MPH wind gusts on the mountain descents did not stop the Kid from reaching the finishing line in a respectable 3 hours and 50 minutes. The unofficial time for the train was 3 hours and 35 minutes.  The Kid was disappointed he did not beat the train but was happy to be celebrating a safe and successful ride with friends, family and food provided by Toni Abbey, the Minion Western Division Team Hospitality Manager. 
Great job Durango Kid!
Sharkman and Lava Girl are planning to go out to visit with the Kid and the lovely Toni and take in the 2012 U.S. Pro Challenge Bike race! Oh the humanity!


Gazelle Girl - “Bring you spouse/significant other!”

Belo News
May 22, 2012

Galesburg, Mi. – The entire Minion Nation is a buzz with talk of the gala Birthday Plans for our own Gazelle Girl on June 9.  This could be the cycling birthday party of the century!  Gazelle Girl wants to make sure that everyone knows that spouses and significant others (sigoths – see photo) are welcome to take part in this  gala event!

As you can see from the flyer and this story, Gazelle Girl wants the Nation to come out to her digs and help her celebrate!

The game plan is to do the usual KK-TdG ride but end up at the Gazelle Girl estate (there might even be a Dr. Toe sighting!) post ride for adult beverages and other assorted goodies. Then, for those that are up to it, a second ride around the lake in reverse direction to get the miles our Gazelle Girl needs to ride her age!
Come on out and help Gazelle Girl remember this birthday (probably for a long time!)!

When - Saturday June 9, 2012

Where - Gazelle Girl Estate aka - Triple Nasty Rancho!

The flyer has all the information!

Sharkman says, "Be There!"


Belo News
May 30, 2012

Mattawan, Mi. - We want to remind everyone that the Tour de Taylor is coming up on Saturday June 16, when the KK-TdG will be suspended so that the Mighty Minion Nation can take part in this important event. Sharkman is planning to ride and is hoping the Nation will follow! All proceeds go to Make a Wish so click on the website now and join Sharkman for the ride! Rides of 10/30 and 62 are available!

Thursday, May 24, 2012


Stryker Guy!
Belo News
May 19, 2012
Reporter: Stryker Guy

Galesburg, Mi. - A beautiful day greeted the Minion Nation as the group readied itself for yet another attack of the Tour de Gull.  It was Kellogg jersey day and since only about 30% of the boys had Kellogg jerseys the hope was that Sharkman might grab a box or two of the fabled jerseys as he makes his final exit next month.   The team was in good shape in case anyone got sick during the ride as both Dr. Zick and Dr. Dave were there at the start line.  Unfortunately, that was as far as Dr. Z made it, as he suffered multiple flats coming out of the parking lot.

The Skipper led the group out and set a torrid pace.  Danimal and his sidekick Bill (Mini-Me) were right behind with B-Rod ready to pounce on the first sprint.  It’s been awhile and my short term memory is about 5 minutes max, but I think Bill took the first sprint…or maybe Sharkman (was he there?)  Gazelle Girl jumped on board and made a comment about Tony the Tiger’s hand on the back of the jersey that almost made me ride into a ditch.  Chico, wearing the Kellogg jersey of Mexico—El Toro—decided that he needed to pull the group for about the next 10 miles and the Minions were happy to oblige.

I don’t remember what happened until we got near the Country Club where Chico tried to give the pull to Squeaky, who respectfully declined.  He mentioned being weighed down by the winter gloves that he had stuffed in the back of his jersey.  Bissell Boy looked like he was up there pushing for the lead and it was a blur until we reached M-43.

Dr. Dave returned to the group after leaving his medical colleague to fend for himself and jumped into the lead pack as the Nation headed to Frona’s.  Since it was my birthday I felt the need to try and win one sprint.  So after sucking Chico’s wheel for about a mile I edged out B-Rod for my first and last win of the year. 

The final sprint was neck and neck all the way with the usual suspects—Chico, B-Rod, Polar Bear, Dr. Dave and others vying for the finish.  Again since I can’t remember that far back—we’ll call it a tie.

Coffee, stories and much more at the Klutch. 

Respectfully submitted,

Stryker Guy

Wednesday, May 23, 2012





Belo News
May 19, 2012

Galesburg, Mi. – The editors of Belo News waited all week to hear if any of the Minions rode this past Saturday.

Who showed up? 

How many Minions?

Who won the final sprint?

We regret to inform our readers that NO ONE reported in to Belo News.  We have confirmed that there was a ride, there were somewhere around 20 riders, the weather was beautiful, a few people wore Kellogg Jersey’s, but other than that, we got NOTHING!

Remember Minions, WE NEED NEWS!

So let’s make some news this weekend when the Sharkman returns! Yes, our intrepid hero returns for Memorial Day Saturday!

As is tradition, and it being a holiday weekend, the Commissioner of Cycling has declared it Red, White and Blue Jersey Day!  Yes, pull out those stars and stripes for Memorial Day and pay honor to our veterans.  Even if it isn’t the stars and stripes, just wear the old red, white and blue anything!  Heck, even Polar Bear can come out with a Union Jack Jersey!  After all, it is Red, White and Blue, right!

Is this a great country or what!

Saturday - May 26, 2012

Launch time – 8:30 a.m. – SHARP!

Be there!


New Season Record Set!

Belo News
May 22, 2012

Battle Creek, Mi. – For the first time this season, the Tuesday Night Chain Gang Ride did not have a hurricane force wind to face.  Though the wind was out of the North West and it was around 10 mph, another adaptation of the steady, well-mannered pace line helped the Mighty Minions to a season high 20.8 mph!  Stingray, recovering from a major bout with bronchitis, Airman, just off the disabled list with gall bladder problems, along with All Black, Hoosier Boy and Sharkman launched from the Kellogg HQ parking lot at exactly 6:00 p.m.

Wildman met the fast moving train on River Road and helped pace the Nation as it moved through Augusta and up the G Ave hill.  Sharkman did miss the cowbell from the previous week, but Wildman mentioned he didn’t like to carry it on the bike.

Wildman peeled off just before the return to Augusta to go home, while Stingray and Airman put in major pulls.  As a matter of fact, Sharkman mentioned at the post ride press conference that he was planning to contract gall bladder problems with some bronchitis on the side if he could ride like that.

On the return on Jackson Street, the Mighty Nation hit and average of 20.8 mph when they got stopped at light at 20th Street.  The speed briefly dropped to 20.7 as they ramped up the speed to bring it home. Hoosier Boy and All Black pulled Sharkman, who made a move at the end to lead the train in for the final season high 20.8 mph average!  Interestingly, Sharkman reported his average HR was very low for the ride, clearly showing the effects of a strong pace line.

If you are looking for some great pace line work, this is the ride for you!

Tuesdays, 6:00 p.m. from Kellogg HQ upper parking ramp!  Come on out!


Belo News
May 22, 2012

Galesburg, Mi. - Guess who is having a birthday! You guessed it, our own Gazelle Girl! And she has planned a party and has invited the entire Minion Nation! What was she thinking? Too many PBR's and/or Bloody Mary's when she thought this up?

No, we're serious. As you can see from the flyer and this story, Gazelle Girl wants the Nation to come out to her digs and help her celebrate her birthday!

The game plan is to do the usual KK-TdG ride but end up at the Gazelle Girl estate (there might even be a Dr. Toe sighting!) post ride for adult beverages and other assorted goodies. Then, for those that are up to it, a second ride around the lake in reverse direction to get the miles our Gazelle Girl needs to ride her age!
Come on out and help Gazelle Girl remember this birthday (probably for a long time!)!

When - Saturday June 9, 2012

Where - Gazelle Girl Estate aka - Triple Nasty Rancho!

The flyer has all the information!

Sharkman say's, "Be There!"


Belo News
May 22, 2012

Mattawan, Mi. - We want to remind everyone that the Tour de Taylor is coming up on Saturday June 16, when the KK-TdG will be suspended so that the Mighty Minion Nation can take part in this important event. Sharkman is planning to ride and is hoping the Nation will follow! All proceeds go to Make a Wish so click on the website now and join Sharkman for the ride! Rides of 10/30 and 62 are available!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012






Belo News
May 12, 2012

Galesburg, Mi. – As our intrepid hero hunched over the shark radar on Saturday morning, it wasn’t looking good.  The first email came in from Wildman asking about the ride.  He was told that an email would go out around 8 a.m., but the radar had blinking green/yellow/red all over the field of dreams the Mighty Nation knows as the KK-TdG
The Commissioner of Cycling hates mornings like this when it is not raining hard enough to go back to bed, but raining enough that the ride is in jeopardy.

However, as the morning wore on and All Black and Wildman sent emails reporting the bad weather over the course, it was finally determined that it would be best to cancel the ride.
Once the email went out, several  Minions responded that it was the right call.  However, Sharkman did hear later from a couple of Minions who attempted the ride to the start who got very wet and turned back.  One Minion reported riding from Kalamazoo to Battle Creek and back and that it was a very wet ride.

However, and as all Minions know, the Nation will ride IN the rain, but will not START in the rain!
But we digress, lets move on to this next Saturday!

KELLOGG JERSEY DAY!  Yes, wear your favorite Kellogg or Tony the Tiger jersey!

May 19, 2012

Launch time – 8:30 a.m. – SHARP! – NEW TIME – NEW TIME – NEW TIME!

Several Minions did comment on the start time and the general thought was to move the time to 8:30 a.m. and to 8 a.m. if/when it gets hotter this summer.  There were a few Minions who liked the 9 a.m. start, but we have a few others who need to get to work (some at local bike stores) or kids events and they feel they can pull the ride off if the start is at 8:30 a.m. or earlier.  Therefore the ride start will move to 8:30 a.m. until the heat arrives.

Unfortunately, our hero, the Sharkman will not be in attendance this weekend, but hopes to be back next week!

Ride safe, Minions!

Belo News
May 15, 2012

Galesburg, Mi. - Guess who is having a birthday!  You guessed it, our own Gazelle Girl!  And she has planned a party and has invited the entire Minion Nation! What was she thinking?  Too many PBR's and/or Bloody Mary's when she thought this up?

No, we're serious.  As you can see from the flyer and this story, Gazelle Girl wants the Nation to come out to her digs and help her celebrate her birthday!

The game plan is to do the usual KK-TdG ride but end up at the Gazelle Girl estate (there might even be a Dr. Toe sighting!) post ride for adult beverages and other assorted goodies.  Then, for those that are up to it, a second ride around the lake in reverse direction to get the miles our Gazelle Girl needs to ride her age!

Come on out and help Gazelle Girl remember this birthday (probably for a long time!)!

When - Saturday June 9, 2012

Where - Gazelle Girl Estate aka - Triple Nasty Rancho!

The flyer has all the information!  

Sharkman say's, "Be There!"


Belo News
May 15, 2012

Mattawan, Mi. - We want to remind everyone that the Tour de Taylor is coming up on Saturday June 16, when the KK-TdG will be suspended so that the Mighty Minion Nation can take part in this important event.  Sharkman is planning to ride and is hoping the Nation will follow!  All proceeds go to Make a Wish so click on the website now and join Sharkman for the ride! Rides of 10/30 and 62 are available!

Be there!


Belo News
May 15, 2012

Battle Creek, Mi. – The wind on Tuesday nights this year have been consistent, if nothing else.  Usually 20-25 miles per hour out of the west, the Minion Nation has had their hands full getting out to Galesburg each week.

Tuesday night was no exception as Rainman, Hoosier Boy, Wilier Boy, All Black and Sharkman headed out into the 12 mph winds, gusting to 28 mph!

Again, the small put strong team set up a pace line of short, steady pulls and found themselves at an 18.2 mph average as they turned south on 37th Street.  This, despite Wilier Boys computer malfunction on River Road when his compute flew off as the mighty pace line hit warp speeds.

With the wind at their back, the pace picked up considerably, but due to construction on Jackson Ave. in the Creek, the crew had to take a detour on Custer Drive to River Road and back that cost them more miles and stops.  Despite these barriers, the Minions still registered a 19.9 mph average speed for the 31 mile ride.  Oh the humanity!

If you are looking for some great pace line work, this is the ride for you!

Tuesdays, 6:00 p.m. from Kellogg HQ upper parking ramp!  Come on out!


The Pirate does France!
Belo News
May 12, 2012

Quimper, France – Right after the cancellation email went out for the ride on Saturday, the Belo News Offices received the attached photo and report from the Pirate that he was in Quimper France, doing some pre Tour de France scouting for Belo News.  He has rented the nice Trek you see in the photo and has personally committed to checking every brew pub along the Quimper section of the Tour de France. 

Subsequent investigative efforts have revealed that the Tour de France doesn’t go anywhere near Quimper, France, but that is not stopping our hero, the Pirate, from scouting out all the appropriate pub locations just in case there are any changes to the route. (Where else can you get such in-depth reporting but here at Belo News?)

On this particular Saturday, the Pirate rode for three hours reporting that the weather was beautiful and the beer cold!

Belo News waits with great anticipation for Pirates next report from the front lines! (Those beer lines can be murder in northern France whether you are in the back or front of the line!)



Belo News
May 16, 2012

Richland, Mi. – Again, no questions from you style deprived Minions!  What’s with that?

I also spoke last week about Sharkman’s lack of style when he wore red and white riding shoes, and then in a case of complete reckless abandon, wore the same shoes along with aviator Ray Ban sunglasses.  A major fashion faux paux in the Squeakman’s opinion.

Boffo's cycling shoes
A better approach might have been to wear the type of cycling shoes that our own Boffo the Clown wears when he is cycling.  Please see the photo and decide for yourself.  

Now, Boffo has style in spades! Though I tend to lean towards black only shoes, you have to give Boffo credit for his sense of style!

O.K., Minions, bring on the questions! Are you out there? Is this microphone on? 



Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Skipper welcomes Boffo back!





Belo News
May 5, 2012

Galesburg, Mi. – To say that Sharkman was excited to get back to his beloved Mighty Minion Nation would be a major understatement.  The excitement began to build early in the week as he read the write ups from the past Saturday and Tuesday Night rides (with thanks to Gazelle Girl, Stingray and Rainman).  This had been the longest period, other than winter, that our hero had been away from his Minions and he was literally itching to get back into action!

The excitement reached a crescendo when he got a text from Rainman on Friday night stating that he may escort the old Shark to the start in the morning.

So imagine our hero’s surprise when, just as the Shark was throwing his cell phone in his jersey to head out the Shark Cove door, it began to ring.  It was Rainman calling to say that the radar showed rain so he was going back to bed!

Whoa, Rainwimp?

Sharkman assured the young Minion that the rumors of rain were greatly exaggerated and told him that from his vast experience as a ride leader, IT WOULD NOT RAIN! Alas, Rainman signed off, only to call back moments later to say he would go! 

Ah, the Sharkman guilt effect in action……..

As the two rode over to the start, Sharkman gave the young Minion a course on “Sharkman weather predicting 101” and regaled him with stories from old Santa Fe.

Sharkman did have some concern that the turn out could be low because he had been gone, but he reported being pleased to see the parking lot filling up as he rode in.

To everyone’s surprise, none other than Boffo was getting ready from the back of a small fire truck! Two times this season! Is the irascible clown finally returning to the peloton as a regular?  It can only be hoped for.

Sharkman's Giro shoes! Looking good!
The first comment thrown Sharkman’s way was that he must be secure in his manhood (or should we say “Sharkhood”) by wearing the red and white Giro shoes he had on. 

That’s right; this guy gets more swag then anyone in the cycling world!  Turns out that Sharkman complained to his son in law that he thought his feet were getting bigger with old age and his beloved Sidi’s were hurting his feet.  Walla!  The Great Moultini had new shoes for him!  Knowing that previously the Sharkman would only be seen in black cycling shoes, he began to take some joking about the flamboyant shoes and whether they made them in colors for men.

Sharkman shrugged off the comments, secure that he was living the credo, “if you can’t be good, look good” and our hero was looking good!

Soon after, Skipper, Bissell Boy, Boatman, Tow Truck and a very dapper Stryker Guy, decked out in a new, bright red, Redwings jersey pulled up for the start, all surprised to see Boffo back!

They were also joined by Polar Bear, All Black, Ranger Rick, B-Rod and Zickman who shared that he was still waiting for delivery of his new Wooden Bike! Yes, you heard that right!  Zickman has a bike on order that is made from wood!  That might actually warrant a special edition of Belo News when it arrives in June/July, so stand by Minions! (Where else can you get in-depth writing like this?)

Finally, Hossman, the horse of the peloton pulled in driving his Ford Mustang and very understandably parked in the side parking lot.  No door nicks for this rider, eh? Don’t park near those Minions!

As the clock hit 9:00 a.m., Skipper shouted, “Let’s go, Minions!” and to the sound of pedals clicking in the Mighty Minion Nation headed out past the Klutch where Luann came out to welcome the Sharkman back to the peloton!

The nation was very disappointed that they did not see Gazelle Girl on the way up 36th street, but she had gotten a late start and joined on with the group later on the east side of the lake to shouts of “Gazelle Girl!”  It was also reported that she had won the 3G Spot sprint at the TdG Friday Night ride and amazingly she repeated the feat again in the KK-TdG! 

(Editor’s note: from Gazelle Girl herself!)

“My taking of the 3G spot sprint (with lead out by B-rod and near loss to Polar Bear - who thought better of stealing something so rightfully owned by the queen of the peloton) I did, indeed, take back-to-back 3G spot sprints that weekend. I got the Friday Night TdG 3G spot sprint only because no one else seemed to be going for it, so I literally barged my way between the two lead riders, got out of the saddle and rode as if my life depended on it. At the stop sign I snottily remarked, "Like taking candy from a baby." (If you can't earn it, take it! Say I.)

Well played Gazelle Girl, well played!

And then they were 15 (actually 14 as Bissell Boy had dropped off, but the total count on the day was 15)!
Sharkman took the customary first sprint, led out by Rainman.

The Country Club section was again a major speedway, where Bissell Boy dropped off to perform Kid Sports Duty and as Boffo was saying goodbye, he looked up and the peloton was gone! Oh, the humanity!
For whatever reason, when the count was done by the Shark Shepherd at the Rt. 43 stop, Boffo was mysteriously missed in the count.  However, not having heard the diabolical clown’s laugh for some time, the old Shark noticed he was missing at the top of the cul de Norte.  As the Nation circled, Sharkman headed back and found the clown working his way up the hill. 

Boffo tried to claim two flat tires, a thrown chain and that the clown fire truck sag wagon had told him they were full, as well as his story of saying goodbye to Bissell Boy, but no one was buying the clowns fables. We know they can fit a million clowns in those fire engines…….

As the Nation came together, Zickman had a flat tire, but told the peloton to go on, as he planned to stop at home and pick up another tube.

A “sort of” pace line picked up south of the Digital Divide, but as the Nation got south of G Ave. and Gazelle Girls demonstration of her sprint prowess, the train got really serious.

With Hossman and Tow Truck at the front, it was like having “Team Clydesdale or more like “Team Secretariat” at the front! Rainman, Sharkman and Polar Bear all jumped on for the ride with the mighty train just behind!

With speeds over 30 mph (actually 31.3) before they even got to the final ascent to the finish, Hossman, then Tow Truck then Rainman then Polar Bear worked the front of the peloton!

At the top of the hill, even the old Shark took a turn and kept the train moving on to the final assault.
But Sharkman came back faster than a garlic milkshake as the Nation began to line up for the finish.

With the Minion peloton moving on the finish, Tow Truck came back to the front with Polar Bear and Boatman on his wheel to take the top three podium spots!

The fans went wild on the Champs le Galesburg as the riders zipped up their jersey’s for the sponsor’s and waved to the throngs of 2-3 people cheering them on to the Klutch.

Sharkman, feeling good as the press corps waited to talk to Tow Truck and the riders at the Klutch, bought coffee for a couple of the Minions behind him (no, really, Sharkman bought!).

The Klutch was rocking as the riders regaled the locals with stories from the day’s ride!

You won’t want to miss this week’s ride!


Belo News
May 12, 2012

Galesburg, Mi. - Realizing that there have been no jersey days declared yet this season, the Commissioner of Cycling has declared that this Saturday will be Kellogg Jersey Day!  Formally known as “Tony the Tiger” jersey day, several riders have stated they do not have Tony Jerseys but do have Kellogg Jersey’s.  We would like to point out that you can get a Tony jersey at Team Active in Battle Creek, and anyone who is anyone in the world of cycling should have one, but any Kellogg Jersey will do!

Upcoming jersey days will include, Beer, Bissell, favorite and College Game Day jersey days!  So if you do not have one of these jerseys now, you need to start shopping immediately! 

After seeing Stryker Guy’s Redwing Jersey, the Commissioner is thinking of a “pro-sports” jersey day….MMmmm are we hearing Chicago Bears jersey……?

This Saturday, May 12, 2012

KELLOGG JERSEY DAY – Wear your favorite Kellogg Jersey!

Launch Time 9:00 A.M. – SHARP!

Be there!

Yes, that is his bone sticking out!


Belo News
May 2, 2012

Augusta, Mi. – We are sorry to report that while doing an easy loop of the Red Trail at Fort Custer, after doing two loops at race pace, Falcon suffered a crash that happened while going over the camel humps resulting in a broken elbow.

As Falcon reported, and many Minions have confirmed, the second hump has a tendency to kick your rear wheel in the air as you go over, and that is what happened to the Falcon. Falcon reports that he landed on the front wheel first and hit a rock or something that caused the front wheel to slide out. This resulted in going over the bars and landing on the elbow, which was a compound break (see photo – yes that is his bone sticking out as he calls the office to report he will not be able to fly the following day.). Like the old saying, “Nothing is worse than a bad hump…..”
12 titanium screws later!

On Saturday, Falcon underwent surgery, where they installed 12 titanium screws and one titanium plate. If Falcon thought he had problems with TSA before, just wait until he has to go through metal screening! Oh, the humanity.

Falcon has reported he is doing fine and already contemplating his many summer days riding on the trainer in the basement. 

The Mighty Minion Nation wishes the Falcon a speedy recovery and it should serve as a reminder for all the Minion Nation to, “Be careful out there!”

Aviator Glasses?

Belo News
May 8, 2012

Battle Creek, Mi. – Four hearty Minions showed up for the Tuesday Night Chain Gang ride this week and set a season high during the ride.  Sharkman had forgotten his sunglasses and was reduced to riding with his “aviator Ray Bans” setting yet another style trend in motion and we are sure others will follow (see photo – what was he thinking?).

 Airman, Stingray and Sharkman started from the Kellogg HQ on time and met CheddarHead on Jackson St. as they headed out of town into 20-25 mph winds out of the west.  It had been decided by the group to try to do shorter, more moderate pulls at the front and attempt to maintain around 18 mph into the wind. As the Minion Chain Gang crested the G Ave. hill, they were greeted by a car ringing a cowbell!  It was none other than our own Wildman! (He actually carries a cowbell in his car for just such occasions! We know, strange, but true!) It was, well…..thrilling! Like being in the Tour!

The formula of shorter, steady pulls seemed to be a success, as the small, but well-oiled pace line kept it at 18.2 out to Galesburg.  With the wind behind them, and the encouragement of Wildman’s cowbell, the four were able to easily hold the pace at between 21-22 mph, bringing the ride home at a season high 20.5 mph!

If you like to do pace line work, and get a great work out, this is the ride for you!

We leave no Minion behind!

Tuesday Night, May 15, 2012 – Launch Time – 6:00 P.M. Sharp

Kellogg HQ upper parking ramp!


Belo News
May 9, 2012

Shark Cove, Mi. – The Cycling Commissioner is soliciting input on start times.  It is very difficult to keep all Minions happy and start times is one of those topics that it is difficult to reach an agreement about.  As the weather warms, we look to moving the times up to beat the heat.  In seasons long past, we’ve actually gotten as early as 7 a.m. when the weather was really hot.  But for the past two seasons, we don’t believe we have moved earlier than 8 a.m.

Early means less traffic and getting home to chores or family more quickly, while later means getting a bit of extra sleep, warmer in early spring and daylight.

Belo News would like to hear from the Minions what their thoughts are on start times.  As the weather warms, the time will be moved up to beat the heat, but should we keep the time at 9 until then or start to move it forward to 8:30 and then 8:00 a.m.? 

Please send us your thoughts and then the Cycling Commissioner will do whatever he wants to do anyway!

Send your comments in to Belo News!


Belo News
May 9, 2012

Richland, Mi.  Style Guy here…..

There were no specific questions this past couple of weeks, but I would be remise in my duties as “THE” style expert of the Mighty Minion Nation if I didn’t point Sharkman’s major wardrobe snafu’s this past week. 

What am I talking about, you ask? 

Well how could anyone miss it, I reply!

Come on, red and white shoes AND aviator sunglasses?  Talk about style issues!  Either of these wardrobe decisions are disasters in and of themselves, but both at the same time?

And he makes fun of my warm, safety bubble wind jacket with stylish burnt sleeves? 

Get real Sharkman! 

Black shoes, no sunglasses and lots of layers! Lots of layers!

That is what makes for style my friends!

You heard it here, and thanks for listening,

Style Guy Squeaky

Wednesday, May 2, 2012




Belo News
May 2, 2012
Reporter: Gazelle Girl

Galesburg, Mi. - What does any practical human being do when there is an 85% chance of rain with temps in the low 40s? Why, she goes on a bike ride with her friends, of course!

Feeling a bit of residual from the PBRs consumed over the pool table down at The Time Out Lounge the previous night (this activity being preceded by the Friday night TdG and the post-ride mandatory margaritas her poorly paid mechanic insists upon), Gazelle Girl started her KK TdG by turning north onto 36th St to get those darn hills out of the way at her own pace. No sense riding them twice today.

An imaginary Sharkman took the honorary first sprint and, in celebration, Gazelle Girl commenced to circling… wondering: (1) if anyone was as dumb as her on a day like today and (2) how far would Gazelle Girl be willing to push on by her lonesome if no one showed up to ride. Soon, she saw two riders in the distance. It wasn’t too tough to figure out who her mates would be for this epic experience…. one had bare legs and the other was all a-billow. Polar Bear and Squeaky Bob (aka Style Guy) to the rescue! Off they went at a very pleasant pace… fast, but not retching fast.

The rain started to spit as the riders passed the Country Club, and became a full-on painful sleet by the time they hit the Cul de Norte. Sleet turned to a fairly heavy, steady rain, and the soaking and body part numbing began.

The riders pushed on, and in quite a chatty fashion, despite the wet grit flying into their mouths.

Squeaky, feeling the weight of his wardrobe bearing down upon his frozen frame, split for home at the Digital Divide. Polar Bear and Gazelle Girl pressed on amid conversation of local legends and some nonsense about six something’s of separation. (Ed. – Ask Gazelle Girl for details on that one when next you see her.)

Gazelle Girl took her post-ride coffee from the depths of a warm bathtub and marveled at how much better she felt than when she got up. Thank you, Style Guy and Polar Bear for a not-too-shabby rain ride!

(Editor’s Note: it was reported by Polar Bear that there was a Minion in the parking lot at the start who seemed upset that no one, other than Polar Bear, had shown up for the ride.  We apologize for any confusion, but as all Minions know, whoever shows, shows.  And if the weather looks bad, well, you take your chances!)


Sharkman returns!
Belo News
May 2, 2012

Shark Cove, Mi. – The Editors of Belo News are pleased to report that they have confirmed that our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, will be returning to the Mighty Minion Nation this weekend after his “Tour of the West” (see previous blogs).  You won’t want to miss this ride!

This Saturday!

May 5, 2012!

The Return of Sharkman!

Launch Time 9:00 A.M. – SHARP!

Be there!


Belo News
May 1, 2012
Reporter: Stingray (with comment from Rainman then Stingray again......)

Battle Creek, Mi. - While the weatherman had predicted sunny and 72 for the Tuesday night ride, it was actually overcast and, well, probably not quite 72.  But 4 fearless minions clipped in at precisely 6:04pm (can’t minions be punctual without the Sharkman present??).  Anyway, Rainman, Wilier Boy, Airman, and I pulled out of the parking ramp, making our way westward. 

As we headed out of town we were joined by Cheddar Head.  As a light spattering of rain continued, riders began to place a wary eye on Rainman, who was now considered a flight risk due to the precipitation.  The 5 riders pushed on, enjoying a generous tailwind, and the rain subsided with no riders going AWOL.

Rainman put in a monster pull on the road leading down to the High School.  Turning east we met the headwind; Airman and Rainman took the lion’s share of pulling us back to town.  At one point there was conversation about the missing Sharkman, and whether he would return to the Peloton this weekend.  Due to his lengthy absence, some minions had trouble remembering what he even looked like!   Oh the humanity!

The ride was a bit of a nature tour tonight, with an abundance of turkey and deer; well, ok only two deer but one was a buck in velvet.  They seemed quite impressed with our riding skills.

Average Speed 19.9mph

(Comment from Rainman)

One more note to add:

Nearing the end of the ride, and composed of the same line-up at launch (sans Chedderhead), the group checked-in with an average of 19.9mph at the Michigan Ave. turnoff.  With Stingray leading the group back into town, Airman made an aggressive move just past the light at Jackson St and Bedford Ave launching speeds into the stratosphere.  Rainman was quick to react to the sudden explosion latching onto Airman’s wheel, but this moved proved to be too much for Minion [East] Nation and the group was split in half.  Airman continued to pull at Warp Speed and Rainman waited for the signal to take a turn on the front.  In a flash, Airman gassed, Rainman took the helm and concentrated on the Doppler / Speedometer cranking the pedals at an aggressive rate.  Sure enough, 20.0mph average shortly after Airman pulled off!  After what seemed like forever pull (really only 30 seconds), Rainman looked back and Rainman was alone!?  A solo break??  No way!  Knowing that the average does not count unless at least two Minions cross the line together*, Rainman backed off to re-join the group.  19.9 mph average, a victory for Minion [East] Nation!

*UCI regulations recognize average speed on Tuesday Night only if at least two riders cross the finish line together.  Reason being, there is no proof of Minion average unless another rider is present when the official time has been logged.  This rule is in compliance of the Minion By-Laws that clearly state, ‘no Minion rider is left behind.’

(Comment by Stingray)

That is awesome….foiled again by those pesky UCI regulations