Sunday, April 29, 2012

Sharkman at the summit!



Belo News
April 28, 2012

San Antonito, N.M. – For those of you who are regular readers of Belo News, and you’d better be, you may remember last Thanksgiving’s failed attempt of the Sandia Crest climb by our intrepid hero, along with the Great Moultini and Retro Man.  Dirt road, rain, sleet, and then snow caused the riders to have to turn back.

See “Tour of the West!” Belo News (November 2011);

However, on this day the team was bound to exact revenge on Sandia Crest!

New to the team was Minion, Sara, soon to be known as Super Domestique Sara for pacing our intrepid hero to the summit.

Fortified with a major dose of breakfast meats (Moultini’s bacon along with scrambled eggs) Sharkman was mentally convincing himself he was ready for the climb.  After two days of riding at altitude, Sharkman was sure he was ready.

Retro Man and Sara, arrived and the bikes were loaded on to the legendary Tahoe as they took off for the drive to San Antonito, where the team would begin the ascent.

Sandia Crest rises just east of Albuquerque and peaks out at approximately 10,600 feet.  The team would begin their attack on the climb at 6,500 feet.  With approximately 4,000 plus feet of climb in just 14 miles of muscle cramping effort, the old Shark had his work cut out for him!

Unlike the ill-fated north face attempt of last Thanksgiving, the team was on a paved road on the south east side of the mountain.  The climbing began immediately as they left the parking lot near the Shell Station, as the Great Moultini and Retro Man jumped out to an early lead.

New Minion Sara and the Sharkman brought up the rear as Sharkman realized early that this was going to be a monumental climb and he did not have a 27 in his rear cassette (though that may have been a blessing as he would have ridden in it all morning and taken even longer to get to the top!).

As the team ascended the mountain, super Domestique Sara stayed with the Sharkman as they turned the pedals over and over and over and over again.  At one point Sharkman got excited as he saw mile marker 9 and thought they had gone 9 miles when Sara pointed out the numbers went the other way.  They hadn’t gone 9 miles,……… they had 9 miles yet to go! Oh, the humanity!

Super Domestique Sara
With the Great Moultini and Retro Man off the front, Sara moved ahead to join them as Sharkman just kept turning the 25 cassette in a very methodical approach to the climb.  Leftover patches of dirty snow began lining the shaded sides of the road. The air temperature continued to drop. As our hero began to fade, he pulled out a pack of “Sharkies” that Retro Man had giving to him before the ride began.

How could the Sharkman not know about these energy bites?

He immediately ripped into the package with his shark teeth and began chomping on the shark shaped gummy bites!  A swish of water later, he was fortified and stood up on the pedals and attacked the final ascent to the top where the rest of the team was beginning the celebration!

Looking down on Albuquerque
After a few photos and a quick view of the City of Albuquerque from 4,000 feet above, the team donned some warmer clothes for the spine tingling descent back to San Antonito.

Sharkman, Moultini, and Retro Man at the top
The ride down was well worth the work to get to the top!

Diving into the switch backs, snaking through the turns, without a speedometer on the Pinarello, our hero was unsure of the speeds, but suffice it to say, it was a FAST descent to the car!

Once at the Tahoe, with bikes loaded, the next race began!

Sharkman and the Great Moultini were meeting the family at the Albuquerque Zoo, while Retro Man and Super Domestique Sara needed to catch the train back to Santa Fe!

The Western Contingent 
Racing to the train station, the Tahoe performed flawlessly as the Great Moultini navigated his way to the downtown station.  Arriving just minutes before the train was to leave, the racing pair left their bikes on the Tahoe and barely caught the train.

After a sandwich at a local deli, the Great Moultini and Sharkman met the family at the zoo for an afternoon of watching lions and tigers and bears, oh, my!

Is this a great country or what!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Minions West Chapter Ride!




Belo News
April 27, 2012

Santa Fe, N.M. – As the sound of the shark alarm pried the eyes of our intrepid hero open, he could hear the sounds of his grand sharklet, Beck, again enjoying his breakfast.  The Great Moultini had called for an early start, and it was still dark outside as our hero dragged his sorry dorsal from his warm bed and emerged for some coffee in the Moulton Estate kitchen.

In addition to the Great Moultini, Sharkman’s daughter Nicole, aka the” Nickster” would be accompanying the ride this morning, along with several new inductees to the Mighty Minion Nation; Meaghen, Amy, Sarah and Ryan (names to be determined) were all virgin Minions!  Welcome to the Nation, Minions.

Another rider, already a Minion from the infamous failed attempt of the Sandia Crest mountain climb last Thanksgiving, arrived, but was not given a Minion name last year.  However, he corrected that situation on this day of riding as he sidled up on a sweet single speed, direct-drive Cinelli wearing a matching Cinelli hat!  Sean was looking good and Sharkman immediately anointed him with the Minion name, “Retro Man!” 

Retro Man!
As the temperature hovered around 39 degrees, the group headed out with the Sharkman on a very cool Pinarello Duo carbon fiber ride, care of the Great Moultini! At first he thought the gears weren’t working then realized he was riding Shimano instead of his usual Sram components.

The group was heading on the Las Campanas ride, a very sweet, rolling ride through the foothills of the Santa Fe range.

Nickster and the Great Moultini
Sharkman living large

Retro Man was impressive as he shot to the lead on his single speed while the Great Moultini and he toyed with each other off the front.  Sharkman, the cool veteran, was invoking his motto that the “race does not always go to the swiftest or fittest, but to the rider who conserves their energy the best!”  Translation is that he was sitting in, still attempting to acclimate to the altitude and to save some legs for the second attempt of the Sandia Crest Mountain climb that would take place on the morrow. 

Ryan, who arrived late and missed the group’s departure, came up from behind the group like a shark on the attack.  Riding a BMC (the majority of the Minions West Chapter seemed to be on Cervelos) he quickly overtook the group and shot to the front as Retro Man had to re-adjust his rear wheel of his single speed. 

The ride went 23 miles, with a lot of climb and roll, and Sharkman regaling the Nation with the story of the day at the Iron Horse when the “Family Betrayal” took place.  

A great ride, with great new Minions (the Mighty Minion Nation continues to grow!). Stay tuned tomorrow for the story of the second attempt at the Sandia Crest Mountain!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Niner Jet 9 RDO


Belo News
April 26, 2012

Santa Fe, NM. – Belo News is out west to cover the adventures of our intrepid hero, the Sharkman!

As the sun disappeared behind a layer of steel grey clouds creeping low over the humble Moulton estate in Santa Fe, our hero awoke to the sounds of Beck, his Grandson Sharklet, having a hardy breakfast with his Mom, the Nickster!

Upon his arrival, the Sharkman was the beneficiary of a retro Schlitz Jersey (eat your heart out Brewman, Sharkman is winning the next Brew Jersey Day!) along with a really cool U.S. Pro Cycling Challenge 2012 sweater (watch for a photo in future Belo News posts)!

Oh, the humanity!

Classic Schlitz Jersey!
As the old Shark watched his grandsharklet devour his sweet potato, brown rice, cumin, mango (and peas for finger food – does this kid eat healthy or what?), the Great Moultini rolled out of bed suggesting a mountain bike ride before he headed into work.  The Great Moultini wanted a shot at putting the Sharkman into the pain cave early in the trip!

Outfitted by the Great Moultini with a Niner Jet 9 RDO, dual suspension carbon fiber rocket (check it out at this link!).
Is this a great son in law or what?

Great Moultini & Sharkman!
Sharkman was more than ready to enter the “Pain Cave” that the Great Moultini likes to ride in on a regular basis.

The two riders headed out to the City Trails near the Moulton Estate where the Sharkman quickly realized he had not yet acclimated to the 7,000 foot elevation.  Sucking on his son in laws wheel like Brewman on a bottle of his own home brew, he began to enter the infamous "Pain Cave" that he has come to know!

10.8 miles with climps, dips, ascents and spine tingling drops! Oh, the humanity. 
Sharkman and Lily!
Sharkman was pleased to get his ride in by 9 a.m. as the Great Moultini showered up for his day in the office and he got a welcome hug from his grand daughter Sharklet, Lily! Is this a great country or what!

Stay tuned for more stories from the great west!  Until then……..
Sam's REI Bike Garage!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

(file photo)



Tuesday Night Ride Report!
Belo News
April 25, 2012
Galesburg, Mi. – With our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, AWOL yet again, Minion Stingray submitted the following, very well crafted report, on last week’s action! 

Official report to the Commissioner of Cycling regarding last Saturday’s ride: 

It appeared to be a beautiful sunny Saturday morning over the KK-TdG-Field of Dreams, except the temperature was only in the mid 30’s and there was a mean wind coming in from the northeast.  Nevertheless, 6 fearless minions clipped in at 9am sharp!  All Black, Airman, Cheddar Head, Brewman, Stingray, and new rider Kevin Long---nickname TBD, but a possible nickname could be Polar Bear as he was the only one to ride in just shorts and a jersey---brrr!  Welcome Kevin! 
As the minions rode past the Koffee Klutch and waved hello to Luann, they noticed fellow minion Pirate in the parking lot fixing a flat.  Well trained by their intrepid hero, they waited for Pirate while he readied his trusty steed.  With the flat fixed the peloton of now 7 riders rolled out of town.   As we headed north the ride was social as the cold wind made it feel like an early March ride.  Gazelle Girl quickly joined on to the shouts of “Gazelle Girl!”  As always, Sharkman won the first sprint.  As the riders approached the Cul de Twin Lakes the speed picked up, the riders launched up the hill, and heading towards the stop ahead it looked like Brewman would cross the line first.  Airman, however had victory plans of his own and caught onto Brewman’s wheel, quickly attacked and was able to win the sprint!  It would be the first of many victories for Airman.
As we neared Gull Lake High School the riders stopped for another flat.  This time it was on Airman’s bike.  It was determined the flat was caused by the unprecedented levels of torque applied to the wheels during the previous sprint.  The flat was quickly fixed and the minions pushed on!

The pace continued to be friendly as most riders were just happy to find a wheel to tuck in behind as the blustery wind continued to batter them.  Soon after the last stop for the flat repair the minions were joined by Squeaky, wearing his patented parachute pants and somewhat-matching jacket.  Trending away from the “I-just-got-in-a-fight-with-a-Badger” look, Squeaky chose to use a leg cover (or was it a tube sock?) on his right leg so the remaining shreds of material would not get caught in the chain.  Good thinking!

The pack of 9 riders made the turn south they began to warm up some, though the thought of a bottomless kup of koffee was still great motivation to keep pedaling.  Airman continued to rack up sprint victories, while Kevin, aka Polar Bear, snagged a victory for himself on the sprint up to the inlet.  After crossing G ave, Airman took the reins with yet another monster pull.  As the minions crested the last hill leading to the final sprint, Airman pulled off, with his fellow minions saluting him for his herculean efforts of the day!  Brewman quickly took over the duties of leading the minions charging towards the finish in a pull of epic proportions, with Stingray and All Black on his wheel. With the finish in sight, Stingray swung out and accelerated, crossing the line first in what is being described as a “rare, fluke-like victory”!  All Black, riding velvety smooth on his Kuota, squeaked into second and Brewman took 3rd.  It was a great victory for Steamboat Springs, CO as the Moots team took 2 podium spots!  As the riders arrived back in town the throngs of fans were shouting “Moooooooots!” “Moooooooots!”.  Is this a great country or what?
The Mystery Rider!

Inside the clutch Luann presented the minions with a photo of a rider who actually showed up to ride on the previous rainy Saturday.  Realizing no one was going to show, they rode to the Klutch for Koffee, and Luann snapped a photo for evidence.  Ironically, none of the minions present this week were able to identify this lone minion in the picture for 3 reasons:  The top of the photo was a little dark, the rider had taken off his helmet and sunglasses, and none of the minions looking at the picture had their glasses with them!  The photo was submitted to the Commissioner of Cycling for further investigation and it was determined that the lone-wolf rider was……………Zickman!!
You won’t want to miss this week’s edition of the KK-Tdg!

Saturday, April 28, 2012
Launch Time – 9:00 A.M. – SHARP!
Our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, is out in Santa Fe testing bikes with his son in law, the Great Moultini!  Watch the blog for “possible” posts of his adventures out west!  Sharkman hopes to return for the May 5, 2012 KK-TdG!  Is this a great country or what?

Belo News

April 24, 2012 

Battle Creek, Mi. – “It was an angry sea, my friends!” Or at least that is what Sharkman and Rainman were thinking as they were the only ones who launched at 6:00 p.m. SHARP from Kellogg HQ!  With winds of 25 mph, gusting to over 200 mph (O.K. it just seemed that way) Sharkman suggested a 30/30 approach to the ride.  Sharkman would do 30 second pulls while Rainman would do 30 minute pulls.  Rainman wasn’t buying it, but was on fire for the night. 

Looking AND riding like Andy Schleck , he and the Sharkman fought their way out to G Ave., bucking what seemed like hurricane winds, the two crested the G Ave. hill only to face even greater winds as Rainman threw his chain. In the twink of an eye, Rainman had it fixed and was on point once again.
As they turned south on 37th Street, the average was at a lowly 17.1 mph and our riders were gasping for air! 

With the winds at their back for the return, the cagey veteran Sharkman volunteered to pull the entire way back, but Rainman was in no mood to ride in the back seat for long!  With Sharkman holding on for dear life, Rainman took speeds up to 25 mph on the return to the Cereal City! 

As the two turned onto Jackson, Sharkman shouted out for Rainman to go for it, but he would have none of it!  The two hung together, making up incredible time, for a finish average of 19.9 mph despite the crushing northwest winds! Oh the humanity! 

Next Tuesday, May 1, 2012 – Yes May Day, May Day! 

Launch time – 6:00 p.m. SHARP from Kellogg HQ upper parking deck!

The Squeak Man
Dear Style Guy, 
I find that when I wear long pants, especially when I commute to work, my pant legs get caught in the crank and make a darn mess of my cuffs.  This not only can leave a “grease tattoo” on my pants, but sometimes I actually get them caught in the crank and completely shred them.  Someone told me to put a rubber band around my leg, but that didn’t seem to work well.  Is there anything the King of Style can suggest to this torn pants rider? 
Signed: Bance Barmstrong
Dear Bance,
Rubber Bands?  Rubber Bands?  What kind of style is that?  No style at all I say! 
For years, I have mastered the fine art of what I call, “Squeaky Stuffing!”  Yes, there isn’t anything you can’t stuff in your shorts, jersey or even your socks!  I’ve stuffed pumps, water bottles, broken watches, small animals and even a 12 inch black and white TV into my socks!  Not all at one time mind you, but you can really pack the “stuff” away!  And you know how we style riders like our “stuff!”
So here is what you do, Bunkie!  Stuff those pant legs into, you guessed it, your socks!  Just tuck those cuffs away into the friendly confines of your  very own socks and enjoy riding in style like me, the Squeakman!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Rained out!




Belo News
April 14, 2012
Galesburg, Mi. – For the first time this season, it appears the Mighty Minion Nation was rained out of their beloved KK-TdG ride on Saturday morning.  With the Sharkman AWOL, attending a wedding in the Chicago area and with no one reporting in, it is feared that Mother Nature finally took revenge on the long streak of Saturday morning rides that the Nation has enjoyed.  Though our intrepid hero, the Sharkman will again be AWOL this week, the ride will go on!

This Saturday, April 21, 2012
Launch Time – 9:00 A.M. – SHARP!
Be there!
Tuesday Night Opening Crew!

Belo News
April 17, 2012 

Battle Creek, Mi. – After several aborted attempts to get the Tuesday night Minion Chain Gang ride together, success was finally achieved! At 5:46 p.m. on Tuesday night Sharkman led a field loaded with Minion talent off on the opening of the Tuesday Night Season!  Airman, All Black, Stingray, Yeti Boy, Wrongway, the Pirate (taking a break from his world tours) and the Ragin Cajun, returning to the Nation after a long absence! Rainman cut it close because he had his steed at Custer Cyclery for a tune up and had to send Tardette (best wife EVER!) to pick it up, which still made him a bit late, causing the one minute delay in the official launch time.
Rainman late again!

Though the early pace was social, a very nice double pace line formed.  As the Nation moved out River Road, the Skipper joined on, greeted with shouts of “Skipper, Skipper!” 

At the G ave. hill, the peloton blew apart and then formed up again on 37th for the run up to the KK-TdG finish line. 

Sharkman shouted for all the young “stud” minions to take the front as the nation developed a very smooth pace line on Rt. 89, with the old Shark near the back (giving pause to wonder, “why can’t the Minions do this on Saturdays mornings?”). 

As the lead riders peeled off, and accelerated, Sharkman had to dart up front to slow the mighty train down to keep from blowing Minions out the back!  The pace slowly worked its way up to close to 24 mph!

As the Nation cruised through Augusta and turned past Danimal’s digs at the Cyclery, the pace picked up again with the Pirate taking a long pull at the front.  He and his loyal side kick, the Skipper jumped off to head home as the train kept hustling back to Battle Creek.

As is the norm, when the nation got to Jackson St. and made the turn, the pack dug in to work for the best team average for the ride.  Even though the stop lights on Jackson did not cooperate, the average on Rainman’s computer read 19.6 mph!  Pretty quick for this early in the year! Oh, the humanity!

Don’t miss next week’s ride.  Launch time will be moved back to 6:00 p.m.  

Tuesday, April 24, Kellogg HQ upper parking lot – 6:00 p.m. launch! Be there!


Belo News
April 18, 2012
Mattawan, Mi. – As the Minion Nation knows, our own Iceman is also captain of Team Taylor, a Team that many of the Minions ride with, including our intrepid hero, the Sharkman.  Iceman sent the attached for Belo News to post in hopes that a few Minions can take part in this great event!  The Minions may need to shut down the KK-TdG so that everyone can make the special ride.

From Iceman himself: 

We have created a nice ride over here on June 16.  It’s called Tour de Taylor and named in memory of my daughter.  We have three loops (10, 30, 62 miles) Supported rest stops, free catered picnic for riders afterwards, t-shirts, free "stuff", all the makin's for a great day.   Maybe some of your Minion Nation will want to join us over here for some different scenery on a Saturday morning.  Maybe they would even put a challenge out to each other and ride over here, ride one of the loops, have some food and camaraderie and ride home.  
Please see our website for sign up and more information.  It's a bargain and cheap at only $30.  All proceeds go to Make A Wish of Michigan.  

Thank you and hope to see some Minions over in Mattawan enjoying the rolling hills and supporting a great cause.


Sharkman has reported he may even try to get Lava Girl to do the ride, along with some others!  More on that in future editions of Belo News.  Stay tuned!

The Style Guy!

Belo News
April 18, 2012

Richland, Mi.

Dear Style Guy,
I was very impressed with your cold weather riding gear featured in last week’s Belo News.  But I was wondering how safe it is riding with all that clothing on.  At the risk of sounding like Laurence Olivier, the diabolical dentist interrogating Dustin Hoffman in the Marathon Man, “is it safe?”

Signed:  Safety Minded Minion Rider 

Dear Safety Minded Minion,

Boy, am I glad you asked that questions Bunkie!  These cloths not only look great, but they have an aerodynamics that creates a protective bubble around your body so that if you should happen to crash, the jacket and pants are so puffed up, well you’d actually bounce down the road until you came to a safe stop! And I am speaking from experience! Did you notice the shredding on the bottom of the pants and the tear in my sleeve? Yep, these clothes have saved me on many a crash. 

 Yes, it can slow you down a bit as the jacket and sweat pants bubble up from the wind, but you’ll look great AND be safe AND warm. Sometime it bubbles up so much that your bike can become airborne (explains some of the crashing…..)

 Actually, I am hoping to develop an entire line of “Squeaky Wear” cycling clothes for cold weather riding which will be available at a second hand store near you soon! So stand by Bunkie! 

Thanks for writing Safety Minded Minion!
Next Question?

The Style Guy


Belo News
April 18, 2012 

Shark Cove, Mi. – Rumors have been flying that our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, has taken an early retirement and has left Michigan to join the pro tour.  Au contraire!  

Belo News has  it on good authority that the legend of the peloton is still at the Shark Cove and planning to return to the Nation and lead the Mighty Minions on May 5!  In the interim, he has a commitment this weekend and then is going out to Santa Fe to test bikes! Oh, the humanity! Our Sharkman is living the dream, Bunkie!

Carry on!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The Squeak Man himself!




Belo News

March 31, 2012

Galesburg, Mi. – As dawn broke crisp and cold over the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero was texting both Rainman and Yeti Boy, trying to determine logistics for the mornings running of the KK-TdG.  Actually, the communication had begun the night before when first, Yeti Boy offered to give our hero a ride to the start and then, when Rainman sent a text message asking the old Shark if he was riding in the morning.
As Sharkman checked the temperature on the Shark Weather Station, it was registering a very chilly 32 degrees and our hero convinced himself that he would hitch a ride to the start with Yeti Boy and then could ride home.  Meanwhile, Rainman did not return Sharkman’s text until close to launch time.
Rainman’s text read, “Rainman stuck to bed and can’t get out! Enjoy the ride!” to which the old Shark replied, “Sleepless?”
When Yeti Boy arrived in his pick-up truck, Sharkman threw a blanket over the side and his bike on top when he noticed the back of the truck was loaded with tree mulch. Oh, the humanity!  This was turning into a strange morning, but there was more to come!
When Sharkman pulled up in Yeti Boy’s truck, he took a bit of ribbing from B-Rod and Brewman about not riding over.  The riders were going back on how much clothing to wear when Squeaky came riding up.
Now we all know that Squeaky has a unique dress and gear code, things like soccer shorts, bike pump stuck in his belt, broken stop watches stuffed in his socks, etc.  But Squeaky brought his sense of style to a new sartorial splendor on Saturday.
In gear that could best be described as “Good Will Cycling Attire” Squeaky rode up with so many layers of clothing on that no one was sure if he was going on a trip to Antarctica or modeling for “Homeless Weekly” Magazine!
Squeaky was wearing tights under sweat pants with cuffs that looked like they had been run through his front crank, a jacket with a burn hole at the elbow that looked like he rolled over into the campfire, a muffler around his neck and a thick stocking cap with winter weight gloves!
Falcon and All Black rode up and Falcon questioned if Sharkman had been riding his Litespeed on the trails at Fort Custer. Sharkman looked down and noticed his front crank was loaded with the lawn mulch from Yeti Boy’s truck bed and hastily began brushing it off!
Filling out the mornings starters were Racker (formally Pat) Airman, and Airman.
As the Ten riders rode through town, the crowd at the Klutch came out, led by Mary, one of Sharkman’s major “groupies” and waved a hello with her broken wrist in a cast!
As the train headed north out of Galesburg, Gazelle Girl was greeted with a shout of welcome from the peloton as Airman started to make a move to the front.  All Black came forward and pulled our hero back to Airman’s wheel, and then Falcon came up to signal he would pull Sharkman to the honorary first sprint.
Airman continued to feel frisky as he and Falcon toyed with each other going into the next sprint and at the col de Twin Lakes.  Yeti Boy also made an impressive move at the sprint after the col de Twin lakes.
The Country Club section was its usual speed session as the riders formed up after the sprint to Rt. 43.
As the Nation moved to the top of the col de Norte, and the sun began to cause the temperature to rise, Squeaky started to show the effects of his several layers of clothes.
Normally a perennial pack rider, Squeaky began to suffer on the hills. Not only was the heat causing major problems for the rider, but the weight of the extra clothes was beginning to take its toll!
As the nation formed up at Frona’s, they waited for Squeaky and as he rode up he stated he was taking the cut off to the inlet and Racker, taking pity on the rider, volunteered to ride with him.
With Squeaky fading fast in the heat, the Minion Train formed up a very nice pace line as they headed to the GGG sprint.  The Nation complained that with the condition of the road, it is getting more difficult to form a pace line on the pot hole riddled section of road!
A move was made to launch Gazelle Girl to the sprint that is named after her, but Falcon covered it, stealing it from the first lady of the peloton!
With Squeaky nowhere to be found, the Minions headed south to the finish.
With both Hossman AND Tow Truck AWOL, Sharkman was concerned about a bunch finish, especially with Airman, B-Rod, Falcon and Brewman acting as though they were chomping at the bit to get to the Galesburg High School!
Airman led out, and then Falcon, as the fast moving train ascended the hill before the decent to the finish.
At the top of the hill, the entire train slowed, as no one wanted to lead out.
Airman, Brewman, Falcon, All Black and B-Rod all looked back at Sharkman as if to say, “well….?”
Sharkman, shouting, “O.K., let the old guy do it!” took off down the hill and pedaling with all he had tried his best to imitate Hossman and Tow Truck!  Hitting speeds of 23-24 mph, the pull didn’t last long as the testosterone set was all too anxious to rock!
First Falcon, then B-Rod, Brewman and All Black went around our hero like he was standing still!
With the finishing tape in sight, B-Rod rode Falcon’s wheel and then timing his move exactly, he went around Falcon for the win with Brewman taking the third spot on the podium.

Ride average 18.4 mph!
The tofosi went wild on the Champs le Galesburg as the crowds waited for Squeaky to arrive.
Luanne was back at the Klutch serving up the Koffee and after most of the riders had their joe in hand, in walked the now 30 pound lighter Squeaky!
Squeaky, having been completely dehydrated from the ride in the polar Good Will clothing, put down 4 or 5 large glasses of lemonade as he gave a speech on proper cold weather riding attire!
Oh, the humanity!
During the ensuing press conference, Sharkman broke the news that he will miss the next 3 weeks due to a wedding, a church commitment and a trip to Santa Fe to test bikes for Outside and to visit his Sharklets! Oh, the humanity two times!
But the ride will go on!
Saturday April 14, 2012
Launch Time – 9:00 A.M. – SHARP!


Belo News
April 11, 2012 

Galesburg, Mi. – We here at Belo News are all about style!  As all Minions know, the motto that all Minions repeat is “If you can’t be good, look good!” and who can do it better than Squeaky!  Yes, our own Squeaky has agreed to edit the new Belo News Style Guide! 

So get your questions ready and fire away!  No question too outrageous for our own Squeaky!

Watch for the Style Guide coming to Belo News soon!


 Belo News
April 11, 2012 

Battle Creek, Mi. – The Tuesday night ride has yet to get started!  Actually, at start time this past Tuesday it was snowing! 

But the Tuesday Night Minion East Ride with try again next Tuesday and it is hoped that Sharkman will be in attendance to lead the ride!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Tow Truck takes it all!




Belo News
March 31, 2012

Galesburg, Mi. – It was an All-Star weekend for that legend of the peloton, the Tow Truck, as he completely swept every sprint and took the finally uncontested!

Yes, you heard that right Bunkie, every single sprint.

With the Sharkman out of action, and the Klutch klosed for the weekend, we were a bit unsure as to how the attendance for the ride would be.  Little did we know that it would mean only one, determined Minion would toe the line!

Tow Truck, not one to mince words, reported in last Saturday;

“I am reporting that I showed up at 8:58am EDT. For your info I pulled the entire route and won every sprint....and I was the only one riding. Must be that either your absence or no coffee kept all riders away.

I also took the entire group on a southern route.

Hope you are enjoying family.

Safe travels!”

Well, that says it all and a big thanks to Tow Truck for reporting in!  Even Luke Skywalker, Tow Trucks son was absent! 

Oh, the humanity!

We know that Tow Truck has been on fire this year, so he probably would have won anyway, but a clean sweep is pretty impressive! 

Congratulations Tow Truck and thank you for keep the streak of consecutive weekends of riding intact!  Belo News is unsure of how many consecutive weekends there are in the streak, but suffice it to say, there are so many, well, no one knows how many there are!

Hopefully, the Nation will be back this weekend and Belo News can confirm that the Klutch will be open for all the post race activities!

It is Spring Break so we are hoping at least a few riders show up!  So come on out to help the old Shark take at least one sprint away from the Tow Truck! After being off the bike for over a week, the Shark needs all the help he can get!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Launch Time – 9:00 A.M. – SHARP!


Belo News
April 4, 2012

Galesburg, Mi. – It has been reported that the famous and perennial winner of the final sprint, Hawkeye, has been seen riding and is definitely on the mend and getting ready to return to action! As our readers know, Hawkeye was diagnosed with stage 3 skin cancer last summer and has been fighting back all winter.

Hawkeye checked in with Belo News this week and reported that he is riding again, albeit on a limited bases, just enough to get the “legs and blood flowing.”  Hawkeye does have 3 more months of shots left, but hopes the treatments will end by mid June and after that will only need periodic scans. 


Hawkeye sends his regards to the Minion Nation and hopes to be back in the peloton later this summer! He also thanks the Nation for all their thoughts, well wishes and prayers!

The Mighty Minion Nation looks forward to seeing that Iowa Hawkeye jersey back in the peloton soon!

Tuesday Night Ride Doesn’t Happen Either!

Belo News
April 3, 2012

Battle Creek, Mi. – Our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, was on a real roll this past week, as no one showed for the Tuesday Night ride either! 

Scheduled to lead the ride this past Tuesday night, our hero got delayed returning from visiting with the Sharklets in California and was unable to be in attendance.  When he sent out a message to his Minions to report his absence, it appeared no one was riding! (Oh, yeah, it is Spring Break Week).

Sharkman will not be in attendance next week, but the ride is scheduled none the less and it is hoped that someone will report back to Belo News!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Launch Time – 5:45 p.m. – SHARP!

From the Kellogg Headquarters upper parking deck!