Wednesday, October 5, 2011




Belo News
October 1, 2011
By Stryker Guy

Galesburg, Mi. – It was supposed to be the final ride of the season for the Mighty Minions. The weather was crisp. The leaves were turning and there was excitement in the air for the final ride of this great riding season.

A small problem—no one showed.

Well, almost no one.

Stryker Guy and Hossman were there-loud and proud (actually not very loud and kind of cold). Where was the rest of the Minion Nation?

Answer: probably in bed, where Stryker Guy and Hossman should have been.

Stryker guy was hoping for a nice fall color tour, but his biking brother would have none of it as Hossman took off past the Klutch like a man possessed or someone who wanted to get back for “Jimmy Wilson’s Bass Fishing Tips” on ESPN.

The highlights were fast and furious. Hossman dropped Stryker Guy at the first stop sign. We tied at the second sign (I think). I blew him away by at least ¼ of a tire on the third and it was really pretty boring the rest of the way.

Lots of interesting discussion about sports, kids, tattoos, piercings and favorite colors.

No coffee was to be had by either of the warriors. We voted each other Rider of the Year for being dumb enough to actually show up for the final ride.

Respectfully submitted, James N. Heath, aka Stryker Guy, Rider of the Year 2011

Editor's Note - A big thanks to Styker Guy for writing the blog this week and to both Styker Guy and Hossman for keeping the Minion streak of consecutive weekends together.


Belo News
October 5, 2011

Galesburg, Mi. – Though the forecast for this Saturday seems to be much more conducive to road riding, our intrepid hero, the Sharkman needs some time on the mountain bike in preparation for his assault on the Iceman in just 4 weeks! In a special undercover investigation, the Belo News has learned that the Sharkman had an all time low mileage total for the month of September and his worrying about the Iceman may be well grounded!

Therefore, our intrepid hero moves to the trails of Fort Custer this very weekend and is looking for the Mighty Minion Nation to follow. At least those who ride mountain bikes!

Since the Sharkman also needs a lot of miles, he has decided to launch from the Koffee Klutch at 8:00 A.M. on Saturday, after he has a quick Kup of Koffee with some of the Saturday crowd. He will ride to Ft. Custer through the back door and ride to the trail head arriving around 8:30 A.M. for anyone who doesn’t want to ride from the Klutch.

Considering Sharkman’s September riding mile totals, he has graciously volunteered to lead the B group while any other riders can attack the Red Trail at speed. So if you haven’t ridden the trails in a while, are old and slow like Sharkman, or are a first timer, Sharkman will lead you while riders like Falcon can lead the A group. The Shark is too old to ride fast and it will be a very mellow ride.

Ride Details:

Launch Time from the Koffee Klutch: 8:00 A.M. – SHARP!

Sharkman will be there around 7:20-7:30 A.M. to have a kup and sign autographs. All are welcome to join our hero.

Ride to trail head to meet any other riders.

Sharkman will be riding slow and looking for miles. He will probably be riding around the blue and yellow trails to just get miles and will ride for a couple of hours.

Everyone is welcome and can ride at their own pace.

Be there!


For those of you looking to get some more mountain bike racing in before the Iceman, you may want to consider the Peak 2 Peak race up north next week! Here is the link.

And finally, from the Chicago Tribune today and for those of you who’ve been texting while riding a bike (can that be done?) the following;

Chicago City Council bans texting while bicycling

Chicago City Council
Margaret Laurino

By John Byrne

Clout Street

12:34 p.m. CDT, October 5, 2011

Bicyclists soon will face the same restrictions against texting while riding in Chicago as motorists do while behind the wheel.The City Council today passed an ordinance prohibiting bicyclists from texting while moving. They also cannot make cell phone calls unless using a hands-free device under an ordinance that passed the council without dissent. The ban will go into effect next month.Fines will start at $20 for a first offense and go up to $100 for a third or subsequent violation. If an accident is involved, the fine could shoot up to $500.Sponsoring Ald. Margaret Laurino, 39th, said the issue is a matter of fairness as well as safety, since motorists already are prohibited from texting and making calls with hand-held devices in Chicago.
Copyright © 2011, Chicago Tribune

Go figure you need to legislate this kind of stuff.......

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