Wednesday, October 26, 2011




Belo News
October 22, 2011

Galesburg, Mi. – Can anything be as beautiful as Western Michigan on a chilly fall morning?

The answer would seem to be a resounding NO!

As the regular Saturday morning group awaited the Sharkman’s arrival at the Klutch, they were all commenting on how cold it was and wondering if our intrepid hero would arrive to sign autographs and regale the regulars on his feats of cycling.

Right on schedule, our hero arrived to a resounding cheer from the group and a greeting from one of his favorite Barista’s, Jamie. Jamie immediately asked if the Minions were riding in the 30 degree weather to which the Sharkman responded, “Of course!”

Arriving shortly after our hero, were Brewman, followed by Hoosier Boy, who recently ran a 3:08 time at the Chicago Marathon! That is fast!

Congratulations Hoosier Boy!

After some koffee and the corresponding pit stop, the threesome took off from the Klutch with the temperature recording at a very chilly 31 degrees as they headed up the Champ le Galesburg towards the Fort.

The sun was just breaking into the sky as the three riders made their way to the trail head. As they passed by Whitford and Lawlor Lakes, the mist was rising from the warm waters in the cold air as swans swam by the trail. This is what fall in Michigan is all about! The colors, the crisp air, the mist and wildlife just made it a drop dead gorgeous morning at Fort Custer, making Sharkman wish he had brought his camera with him.

To our hero’s surprise, the trail head was packed with the Michigan Mountain Bike Association members, led by Chumbly and M.C. Hammer and even Kid Doster, who were out there to work on the trails. Once again the Mighty Minion Nation was humbled by the work being done on the trails, making the rest of the group feel guilty. 19 Minions in all were ready to ride! A new Minion Mountain Bike record!

As Bissell Boy and Stryker guy rode in, a number of the Team Taylor riders were already in attendance, led by Iceman himself, as well as Ironman on a cross bike, and Danimal, chomping at the bit to lead the group out on the trail (he actually was in a hurry because he had to get back for soccer duty).

Bissell Boy once again volunteered to lead a B group doing miles in preparation for the Iceman, while the rest of the riders went out with Danimal and the Team Taylor studs.

Bissell Boy, Stingray, Brewman, Stryker Guy and Sharkman took off for the blue, then did a circuit of the red and yellow, more parts of the red and headed back to the trail head to determine what other adventures were to be pursued.

That is when it occurred…….

As the riders slowed at the entrance to the trail head, Sharkman pulled up along side Bissell Boy as they discussed who wanted to do the green trail. Sharkman, at a complete stop, shifted his weight to his left side, but could not get his foot out of the pedal and did a very embarrassing sideways flop, reminiscent of a Laugh In trike fall, right into Bissell Boy’s bike. Bissell Boy, being the class act that he is, tried to catch our hero as he tipped over like a drunken sailor, only to have his carbon fiber Niner get in the way of the fall. As Sharkman laid on his side feeling somewhat stupid for the miscue, and feeling something sharp in his back, he noticed that his handlebar end was resting on Bissell Boys front derailleur.

Stingray tried in vain to help the Sharkman get up, but Sharkman cautioned everyone that they had to be careful of the handlebar end screwing up Bissell Boy’s derailleur.

Sharkman was eventually able to get his foot loose, but as they lifted the bike, he saw that his handlebar had pushed Bissell Boy’s front derailleur far enough around the seat tube that the chain would not pass through the router without being straightened!

Oh, the humanity,…… not to mention the embarrassment!

Sharkman was able to accomplish this crash while STANDING STILL!

Our hero even was able to contract a major bruise on his back from the fall and has no idea what he hit!

Is this guy amazing or what?!? Oh, the clumsiness!

No harm, no foul. Stingray was able to load up Bissell Boys bike on his Stingraymobiletruck and take him to Custer Cyclery, where they performed the minor, but crucial, repair and Bissell Boy learned that a special tool is needed to perform this repair! Oh, the humanity! He was, however, able to ride home from the shop.

Sharkman, with his doral between his legs, followed Brewman back to the Klutch after briefly looking for Hoosier Boy, who was still out on the trails somewhere.

They did see Don Chic going the other way on the way out of Ft. Custer and though he was not there exactly on time at the start, he get’s credit for showing for a second time!

Total miles, 24.25!

You won’t want to miss this week’s edition! The weather is predicted to be about the same without getting as warm as last Saturday, but dry again!

Same drill.

Sharkman gets to the Klutch around 7:20-7:30 a.m., signs autographs, greets the crowds and launches at 8:00 A.M. – SHARP! from the Klutch. He will then ride to the trail head where the riders will meet and break into A, B, C to Z groups for rides around Ft. Custer as the Minions complete their final preparations for the Iceman on November 5.

Don’t miss another beautiful morning out at Ft. Custer! The season is almost over!

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