Wednesday, November 2, 2011




Belo News
October 29, 2011

Galesburg, Mi. – As our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, pulled back the shark covers on his shark bed and stumbled out to the kitchen, he was beginning to feel an entire season of riding in his legs. The old Shark was finding it difficult to crawl out of that nice warm bed on a cold, dark morning at the Cove.

But up he was, and after checking the weather, and a quick cup of Shark Koffee, he was off for the Klutch in the dark in his Sharkmobilevibe.

As he approached the Klutch, the soft glow of lights in the fogged up windows and the neon “Open” sign called out to him of the end of the season and perhaps his final appearance at his favorite koffee shop, at least until ski season starts.

As our hero walked in the door, a shout of “Sharkman” was heard from the Saturday Morning Regulars and their leader, Mary. Even their numbers seemed to be low on this cold dark morning.

Soon after, Hoosier Boy, Brewman, and new Minion Kevin (name to be determined) arrived as Sharkman regaled his fans on the upcoming Iceman and his fear of the dreaded hills he has heard so much about. Kevin, who Stryker Guy introduced to the Nation, stopped to check in before driving over to the trail head.

After their koffee, and the corresponding pit stops, it was a wave of goodbye to Jaime and the Saturday Morning Regulars as our hero’s saddled up and headed out to Ft. Custer.

To the east and south, the riders saw yet another beautiful sunrise. But as they rode into the park and past Whitford Lake, the dark, ominous clouds to the north were highlighted by one of the largest and longest bolts of lighting they’d ever seen! With a whiff of ozone (or was that Sand Hill Crane droppings?) and the snap of the thunder, the small but mighty Minion Nation wondered if they would be able to avoid the rain.

At the trail head, 11 Minions were ready to rock and roll! Iceman was back with several of the Team Taylor riders including the infamous Mr. Nicey, as well as Bissell Boy and Stingray. As the riders left the trail head, the sun broke through the clouds and another fantastic Saturday at Ft. Custer began to dawn as the rain clouds made an early exit.

The entire group decided to warm up on the Blue loop before taking a shot at the Red. Halfway through the Red, the groups split into two, with some doing the entire red, while the other did another loop of the Blue and back to parts of the Red, with Cardiac Hill thrown in for their hill work.

There were no exciting crashes or mishaps to report, but most of the riders stayed way clear of Sharkman whenever they stopped to determine direction, remembering last weeks episode.

Bissell Boy escorted Brewman and Sharkman out to the Galesburg exit before heading back to the trail head. Total miles for Brewman and Sharkman when they got back to the Klutch totaled 29 miles and our hero could feel it in his legs! Oh, the humanity!

As everyone who is anyone in the world of cycling knows, this Saturday is the Iceman Cometh in Traverse City. We are not exactly sure of the exact Minion count that will be in attendance, but a whole bunch of the Mighty Minion Nation will be there to ride, including our hero the Sharkman who is just hoping to be able to walk when he is done.

In assuring Sharkman that he would be fine for the ride, Gazelle Girl may have said it best when she stated,

“Oh Sharkman - the more the years go by the more Iceman becomes about a weekend away drinking beer w/my bike buddies --- with a bike ride tossed in to burn off the beer!”

Ah, nothing like having our sport put into perspective like only Gazelle Girl can do! Sharkman can’t wait to get up there to ride AND enjoy some of Bell’s finest!

So Belo News will be up at Traverse City to cover the Iceman this weekend to report on how the Mighty Minion Nation performs! Sharkman plans to stay in back so he can report better on the race and his coverage from the beer tent should be outstanding! Well, until he has had his second Bell's.

Remember Minions, you should report your result to Belo News so it can be reported in next week’s season ending blog! And don't forget photos!

Viva Bikes!


Belo News
November 2, 2011
From our hero, The Sharkman!

Galesburg, Mi. – With the Iceman Race this weekend, and impending gun deer season at Ft. Custer, this unofficially marks the end of yet another fantastic season of riding with some of the best Minions any Shark could every have. The Sharkman wants to thank everyone for coming out and making the KK-TdG the highlight of his week (which may be an indication of just how exciting his life is!). Although the Sharkman has had a regular Saturday ride going since 1988, it wasn’t until the Klutch opened and the Belo News started that the ride really caught on. Each of the past 6 seasons has been almost magical with new riders coming on board almost every year and with riders numbering in the mid 20’s almost every week between Memorial and Labor Day. With very few rainouts, the past 6 seasons have been nothing less than incredible.

The Mighty Nation Opening Day has always been the second Saturday in March and that will be March 10, 2012. So start planning now and mark your calendars!

We will put out special invitations for occasional Ft. Custer Rides (we actually rode out there until the first week in January last year), as well as possible Cross Country Ski events so stay tuned and check the blog periodically.

Thanks to the Mighty Minion Nation for another fantastic season of cycling!

The Mighty Minion Nation rules!

Viva Bikes!

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