Wednesday, September 28, 2011





Belo News
September 24, 2011

Galesburg, Mi. – Stories had been rampant in cycling circles of the recent disappearance of our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, as he had been AWOL for a couple of weeks. However, not to be deterred, the irascible rider returned to the Minion Nation on Saturday only to find the population in the peloton continuing to decline. That time of year, we assume, but the numbers are way down for the KK-TdG Saturday adventure.

Sharkman was out in San Francisco on Sharklet Sitting duty (note photo of him visiting the Palo Alto Bike Shop!) and doing the Brew Ride from Arcadia to the Darkhorse Brewery in Marshal, Mi. (see photo with Lava Girl and Yeti Boy)

As our hero mounted his steed for the ride over to the start, it was a bit foggy and damp, but the sunrise looked promising as the Sharkman made his way to the start.

As he pedaled down from the Eaton Plant, he was a bit surprised as two young men with a striking resemblance to Bevis and Butthead approached on his left on a small motor scooter and scared the bejezus out of him when they shouted, “Do you know the way to Augusta?”

Since it was around 7:40 a.m., the road was abandoned, and one would think anyone on a motor scooter, with no helmets, hoodies and stocking caps on that road would know where Augusta would be, the Sharkman was a bit perplexed in addition to startled.

The two wayward riders slowed and asked the question a second time, to which our hero told them how to get to Augusta. We here at Belo News would like to know the rest of THAT story……

As Sharkman pulled into the start, Stingray was driving in followed by All Black and Stryker Guy on bikes. The Mighty Minion Nation, which was a total of 4 Mighty Minions, waited an extra couple of minutes to see who else might join on, but to no avail.

As the train headed north, the legendary Gazelle Girl jumped on to a roar from the four, “Gazelle Girl!” had joined on!

Sharkman took his place at the front for the first sprint, edging out Gazelle Girl and moved ahead to take his normal count of Minions at the G crossing. Yep, still only 5 Mighty Minions.

All Black, feeling quite “frisky” took the next sprint with Stryker Guy and Stingray on his wheel, as Sharkman shared his motor scooter story with Gazelle Girl at the back.

As the Nation moved up the col de Twin Lakes, the Sharkman could feel the lack of miles in his legs, but the Minions were all waiting for him at the top. There after, the ride became very mellow with each of the riders taking turns at the front and in sprints.

As the morning went on remarkably quick, the sun also started to shine and a glorious dawn broke over the course the Minions call their “field of dreams” known as the KK-TdG. Is there anything more beautiful than a fall, misty morning around Gull Lake? Is this a great country or what?

All that was left was the finish!

After the pace line worked well together coming to the G Spot, the riders lined up for the finale. All Black, still showing signs of “friskiness” went to the front for his impersonation of Tow Truck and/or Hossman. He worked so hard that Stryker Guy started to worry for him and went around him to take a turn at the pull. But All Black was not to be denied!

Gazelle Girl dropped off to get something to mail at the Post Office after checking to see who was stopping for koffee as the Mighty Minion Train bore down on the finish line.

This was one train that would not be derailed, with All Black acting as the locomotive, he chugged his way at the front to take the Nation home! All Black’s pull was so long and powerful, no Minion dared to make a move on him as he took his first win in 4 years!

Is this a great country or what?!?! It was a victory for America!!!

As the sun exploded over the Champs le Galesburg, the riders zipped up their jerseys and waved to the crowds as they went wild over All Blacks stunning victory!

The riders all stopped at the Klutch to help All Black celebrate his win and Gazelle Girl came in after picking up her envelope for the Post Office. All Black signed autographs and gave a press conference while Sharkman regaled the riders with stories of cross country childhood vacations in huge old cars before expressways!

The season seems to be winding down early this year and Sharkman reports that he will be moving to the mountain bike in a couple weeks in preparation for Iceman. Additionally, he will again be AWOL this Saturday as he leaves the Cove for a Golf Weekend with friends down south (yes, you heard that right, Sharkman also plays golf though not very well…..).

So this Saturday, October 1, 2011, will be the last road ride of the year as the peloton moves to Ft. Custer. Watch for more information on Ft. Custer rides in next week’s blog.

This Saturday, October 1, 2011

The weather is looking dry, but a bit chilly, but it is……

The last Minion Road Ride, Sans Sharkman unfortunately….

Launch Time – 8:00 A.M. – SHARP!


Saturday, October 8, 2011

Ft. Custer Ride

Launch time and place TBD….watch the Belo News for more information!

Come on out and help Sharkman get back into shape!


Belo News
September 28, 2011

Battle Creek, Mi. – Our “some times” Minion, Da Yoop, sent us a link to some really cool Beer Bike Jersey’s. For those Minions who are tired of wearing another Oberon Jersey next year, and are looking for some fun and interesting beer jerseys, we’ve got the link for you! Click on the site and wow the Minions on the next Beer Jersey Day!


Belo News
September 28, 2011

Battle Creek, Mi. – Speaking of fun….we were speaking of fun, weren’t we? Theses links will take you on a wild ride that we are thinking the Minions might want to go on!



Urban Mountain Biking in Chile

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