Wednesday, September 7, 2011




Belo News
September 3, 2011

Galesburg, Mi. – Another fantastic Saturday morning greeted our hero as he launched from the Shark Cove along with his trusty side kick, Nikeboy. Excitement had been building all week about “Beer Jersey Day” and the Sharkman was all decked out in his Oberon Jersey, his Summer Sun Socks and was ready to ride.

About half way to the start, the two riders heard a clicking in the back tire of Nikeboy's ride and the two legends pulled over to investigate. It seemed a “fish hook” had become lodged in Nikeboy’s tire!

A fish hook?

Yes, and not only was getting a fish hook in your tire a bit unusual, considering they were some distance from any large bodies of water, but it was a HUGE fish hook!

Was someone trying to hook our hero, the intrepid Sharkman? Such strange goings on!

Being the expert on all things “fish” that the Sharkman is, he immediately assisted in removing the barbed hook from the tire, only to catch his finger on the barb, causing some bleeding to our hero. Nikeboy, realizing that it might take a while to change the tire and being concerned about future flats with no spare, told our hero to ride on to the start without him. Dripping blood on the road, our hero swam on alone!

When Sharkman arrived at the start, the beer jerseys were already lining up and it was apparent that Oberon would win the day. As a matter of fact, at last count 9 Oberon Jersey’s were in attendance and they represented 2007-2011 (see photo)!

However, the best beer jersey went to the Dogfish Beer worn by the legendary Brewman himself! Come on, who else would win a Beer Jersey contest? Is this a great country or what?

Brewman was immediately named the winner of the best jersey not only because it was a cool jersey, but because the Sharkman liked the way it looked like a shark on the front & back (see photo).

After the press took a number of start photos, the Skipper launched 26 riders through Galesburg, past the Klutch and out, north of town. As the Mighty Minion Nation chugged past the Klutch, the errant Wolf King in his now customary Illini Kit joined on and north of town, Gazelle Girl, taking a weekend off from the party circuit, jumped on the fast moving train.

Sharkman re-secured his opening sprint and did his usual count at the G Ave. crossing and the crowd was now at 29 riders. Kid Doster jumped on later and it is guestimated (guestimate is a word the Sharkman made up because so many riders are jumping on and off the ride, it is hard to get an accurate number of riders) that the peloton was in the 30 range for the vast majority of the ride.

In the Country Club section, Chico again moved out to take the pull and took the speed way up as the peloton splintered up to the Rt. 43 sprint.

As the Mighty Minion Nation rambled through the inlet, Wrong Way followed Elwood past the D Ave. turn, confirming his name, Wrong Way, and had to hustle to catch back on to the Nation.

(Editors Note - Of course, Wrong Way could be forgiven for his behavior as he had spent the previous evening with the Sharkman and wives at a bread and beer soirée and had made an entire tour (actually two tours) of the beer world before retreating for the evening. As all good Minions should know, a Beer World Tour is when there are German Pilsners, Belgium wheat’s, British Stouts, etc. and you try every single one…..twice or more! Sharkman was smart enough to stop the tour in Britain after one trip around the world and a couple “Two and Out Stouts” and retreated to the Cove for the evening… has been reported he slept very well…….)

After the Digital Divide, Sharkman launched out to start the pace line and quickly turned it over to the fast moving train of riders.

At the GGG crossing, Sharkman and Hossman went to the front and took turns early in trying to get the Nation to spread out. Chico also came through and took the speed up considerably to the final hill before the descent to the finish.

Some time Minion Joe Pa (until he get’s a better Minion name) took off with the sun shining on his Stryker Team Kit (no, Stryker is not a brewery, Bunkie). Falcon and B-Rod and a cast of thousands trailed to the finish!

Final ride statistics, again in meters, from Wolf King;

Your Performance on the trip started on: Sep 3, 2011 8:05 AM

Trip time: 01:19:41
Trip distance: 44.6 km

Trip calories: 1163 kcal
Average speed: 33.6 km/h
Maximum speed: 166.9 km/h
Climbed altitude: 115 m

The Klutch was again, ROCKING and a record attendance created quite a back up in the Koffee line. Minions had to fight with the paparazzi and tofosi to find a seat as the Koffee ran short and the Minion Nation was kept waiting for their second kups of brew! Even Bissell Boy, who was errant at the start, showed up to score yet another Oberon Jersey in the peloton! Viva Oberon!

The party atmosphere at the Klutch kept things jumping for quite a while as Sharkman shared that he had gotten an email from Bullet Bob reporting that the Catlike Whisper helmet can now be purchased on line in the U.S. and in U.S. DOLLARS!

“What!” Said Zickman, decked out in his Catlike helmet and some obscure Brewery Jersey! Yes, you can now buy the Catlike in U.S. Dollars and you too can look as cool as the Zickman! Just ask Bullet Bob!

The Sharkman also announced that he would be on Grandparent duty the next two weekends and would miss the rides, but the rides will go on!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Launch Time – 8:00 A.M. – SHARP!

In remembrance of 9/11, Minions are asked to wear their Red, White and Blue kit if they have it! Show your love on the good old U.S. of A. land of the free, home of the brave and roads of the Mighty Minion Nation!

Ride safe!


Belo News
September 6, 2011

Battle Creek, Mi. – By agreement, the Tuesday Night Ride was moved up to 5:45 p.m. to make sure there was enough light. Rainman, Wrong Way, Airman, Pirate, Stingray and Sharkman were all on hand to make an attempt on the record set the previous week. Winds were cool and strong out of the North, Northwest, but it seemed as though it was in the riders face in whatever direction they turned. Final average speed was clocked at 21.3 mph and a bit off the previous week’s record. The Minions all agreed it must have been because the Skipper was not in attendance!

This ride moves to 5:30 p.m. for the remainder of what is left of the season, so it you want to do a great pace line work out, be ready to launch from the Kellogg HQ Visitor Lot at 5:30 p.m. next Tuesday!


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