Wednesday, September 14, 2011



Belo News
September 10, 2011

Galesburg, Mi. – The big question in cycling circles this past week has been, “did anyone ride last week?”

Early Saturday morning, our intrepid hero got an email from Falcon asking if he was going to ride. Since Sharkman was in McHenry Illinois, he certainly wasn’t riding (obviously, Falcon is not reading the Belo News! What is that all about?). He also realized that the only times he gets emails like that is when it is raining (or snowing)!

Later that same day, Sharkman sent out a couple of emails asking if anyone had ridden, but everyone said it was raining too hard and they did not go to the start. If he sends out a mass email, he usually gets people telling him untrue stories like they rode and won and yadda, yadda, yadda…….

However, today Brewman sent the attached emails and it was learned that Wolf King, Bison, Brewman, Ridley Cross Guy and Brewman and a fifth rider who Brewman did not know by name, showed up to ride in the rain!

Oh, the Minions are a Mighty Nation! (Mighty crazy!)

Here is the email exchange that took place with Brewman and Belo News as he reported in on the cyclocross season;

Email from Brewman;

The Kisscross season opened Sunday at Plaster Creek Park in Grand Rapids. It was a warm and sunny day, a great start to the season. The course was fast and flowing. Some tight turns, a little sand, some short steep climbs, barricades and a long flight of stairs. Addictively painful event. All worth it with a Founder’s Porter ice cream float at the finish! Remember – Sunday October 2, 2011 – Kisscross at Markin Glen park in Kalamazoo.


Return email from Belo News;

Thanks! We will post this at the site.

I am assuming last Saturday got rained out. Everyone I've asked said they didn't go, but usually someone does show up. Do you know if anyone rode?


Yes there were 5 hearty Minions! Wolf King, Bison, The Ridley cross bike guy, Brewman and one other ( he has a tattoo on his calf). I am not sure who had podium spots as I peeled off on DE Avenue after we crossed M-89.

Belo News;

Was the tattoo an ironman symbol? That would be.....Ironman. The only other tattoo I'm aware of is Wildman, who also has an Ironman symbol, but a different one....

Was it raining for most of the ride?


It must have been Ironman, it was not Wildman. It rained pretty steady for a little over half the ride. It did stop but was still grey and wet roads. At least it was fairly warm. No one wore any sissy rain jackets.

Sissy Jackets? Do Minions wear “Sissy Jackets?” We don’t think so, but we do know what Brewman is talking about!

So the Mighty Minion Nation did ride….or at least some of them did.

That is all we know and we can thank Brewman for this detailed report!

Where else can you get this type of in-depth cycle reporting?

Sharkman is gone again this weekend but will be back on the 24th!

The season is drawing to a rapid close and you won't want to miss another ride!

The Nation will ride on!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Launch Time – 8:00 A.M. – SHARP!

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