Wednesday, September 21, 2011

What was 4, then 8 and ended in 6??

Answer: The Minion Ride last Saturday!

Belo News

September 17, 2011

Reporter: Stryker Guy

Galesburg, Mi. - The “lonely” Stryker Guy navigated through the dark woods to the Minion meeting spot only to find Brewman dressed for the cold, circling the parking lot. Toast emerged from behind the school building (must have been checking the architecture). Out of nowhere popped Squeaky in his Mariachis outfit. The band of four looked, hoped, waited for others, but that was it and off we went.

Past the Klutch, the throngs waiting for the peleton were a little surprised to see only four riders ready to attack the course. After discussing how hard (easy) we were going to go, we ran into Gazelle Girl and Falcon with his headlamp. Somehow we knew the pace would pick up.

We were assured of this when Dutch joined the group somewhere before the first sprint.

Squeaky won the sprint by a tire length, but that was to be his last hurrah as the parachute jacket and matching pants outfit started to take its toll on the Squeaker.

The few and proud attacked the Col de Twin Lakes with their usual tenacity and sprinted to the next stop. By this time Squeaky looked like Snoopy at the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade. We were surprised he was able to stay on his bike and not float over the top of us.

Falcon began a series of kicking everyone’s butt on every sprint as the boys and girl decided he was too tough and we were too hung over.

Danimal joined the crowd at the Country Club claiming something about forgetting what time it started and that he already did most of the ride…we of course made him get out and pull for the next 7 miles as punishment.
Unfortunately Squeaky dropped off because he forgot to put his ankle weights on along with the parachute outfit.

Eventually Danimal dropped at Frona’s to head back to work a bit upset that he had to pull the entire way.

After another Falcon win at the G spot (is that what it’s called?) the group of six headed for the last leg of the course. Stryker guy (I have to put my name in since I am writing this) pulled up the final hill knowing full well that he would get passed like a kidney stone shortly. He was not disappointed as everyone blew by him like he was fixing a tire including an 85 year old grandmother with a basket on the front of her bike.

Not sure who made it to the Klutch—no more than five unless the grandmother showed up.

Editors Note - Thanks Stryker Guy for filling in and well done!

The Sharkman Returns this Saturday!

Yes, the Sharkman returns this Saturday, so you will want to be there to see how much weight he has put on and witness how badly he has fallen out of shape!

Saturday, 24, 2011

Launch Time - 8:00 A.M. - Sharp!

Be there!


Gazelle Girl said...

Great commentary, Stryker Guy! (Poor Snoopy.) I have to reveal that NO ONE went to the KK post ride. (Unless they gulped their bottomless and split.) I turned off at HJ Ave with a plan to grab my rusty 3 speed grocery getter (no, I was not the granny that Stryker Guy spoke of) and head to the Klutch for a cuppa followed by a bit of grocery getting. 'Lo upon arriving at the Klutch I saw nary a bicycle. I think it's just as well, tho, as y'all probably would have challenged me to show up this week on the rusty 3 speed grocery getter. No way! I need any edge I can get!

Anonymous said...

I think Gazelle Girl should ride the "3 speed Grocery Getter" every week to even the field!

Belo News

Gazelle Girl said...

Whoever you are... PUT DOWN THE CRACK PIPE!