Wednesday, May 4, 2011





Belo News
Galesburg, Mi.

April 30, 2011

Galesburg, Mi. – As dawn broke over the Shark Cove, the Sharkman got pretty excited about riding to the start for the first time this season. Knowing that the temperatures were predicted in the 60’s, our intrepid hero was feeling good that he would finally be able to ride to the start, something he usually does earlier in the season. But as we all know, this season has been one of the coldest and wettest in Minion history!

The ride over was pleasant and the Sharkman felt great, as he beat the train on Renton Road (it can be a long wait when those freight cars go by) as he heard the crossing bells right after he had crossed the track. His first thought was lucky day and his second was how fast he seemed to be going along Michigan Ave. towards the Eaton Plant.

It didn’t dawn on our hero that the wind was coming out of the East, Southeast and pushing him along at a pretty good clip.

As he crossed the Kalamazoo River just east of Galesburg, his seat flew up and the horn of the seat was firmly implanted in a very tender location. After pulling to the side of the road and dismounting his titanium steed, he realized that his saddle had come loose and the horn of the seat was at a 45% angle to the top bar!

Is the Sharkman’s dorsal butt getting a bit heavier, perhaps? Could it be that with Oberon back this spring, he is perchance, indulging more than he should?

After all, how may times has a riders saddle done that…..? Sharkman isn’t talking…..

He tried to work on it but it seemed like the Alien allen wrench wasn’t long enough to make the fix, so our hero rode to the start standing on the bike.

Getting to the start about 15 minutes early (it was a very strong wind), our hero tried to find a longer allen wrench among the assembled riders and when he couldn’t, realized that his Alien tool kit would do the trick. Unfortunately, in his haste, he didn’t really get the horn of the saddle down low enough before the ride and decided to ride with it as it was. As a result, he actually had to sing in the Boy’s Choir in Church the next day but is doing better now and his voice has returned to normal!

At the start, B-Rod, the Pirate, CheddarHead (making his season debut), Toast and Falcon were gathered. Falcon had brought a friend to ride named Mark and mentioned that he should be known forthwith as Mr. Luv because he is a pilot for Airtran that is merging with Southwest, which is the “Love” Airline. I think Mark will be working on a new nick name, but better hurry before Mr. Luv sticks!

Approaching in his customary all black kit, All Black was riding his classic Atala steel steed, complete with down tube shifters! (see photo). This is one cool retro bike and the orange frame cooler seemed to make his black kit pop! What a classic look! We all know that the Sharkman covets that bike and All Black was wary of him the entire ride.

With the Skipper still AWOL, his faithful sidekick, the Pirate, led the Mighty Minion Nation at the start, past the Klutch and through Galesburg to the field of dreams we call the KK-TdG!

As the riders made their way north, a shout of “Gazelle Girl” went up in the peloton as the legendary rider made her customary approach and turned into the Nation!

Sharkman took his regular first sprint when B-Rod first led him out, followed by Falcon, who for fun, made it close at the stop ahead.

Sharkman surprised everyone by sliding past four riders and stealing the second sprint from B-Rod, who seemed to let the old Shark take the stop ahead by not responding to the sneaky attack.

The peloton hung together through most of the Country Club section with Toast, B-Rod and All Black battling at the front while others chose to sit in.

As the peloton crested the col de Norte and headed south, the strong east, south east wind met them head on. Sharkman started complaining about having to ride home into the wind with his saddle pointing up and after several complaints was severely chastised by Gazelle Girl for his incessant whining! (but it was windy!)

Though the wind continued through the Bible Conference Hills and a pace line formed up, it quickly fell apart as the Nation bore down on Frona’s.

After the Digital Divide, the pace line picked up again right up to the G Ave. sprint, which was not contested. Everyone seemed to want to play nice in the peloton.

As the Nation headed south to the finish, once again the Sharkman went to the front as if he repeated his imitation of Hossman from the previous week. Toast, B-Rod, Falcon, All Black and the Sharkman led to the final ascent before the finish and as they crested the hill, Falcon headed out with B-Rod and Toast on his wheel while the rest of the peloton seemed to have given into the strong winds. Falcon broke too early for B-Rod or Toast to catch on and that is the way they finished. Average speed was 17.9 mph which, considering the wind, seemed fairly respectable.

The Klutch was a buzz as our hero’s entered and ordered their Koffee from their favorite Barista, the lovely Luann. The regular locals who sit at the door to the Klutch then asked the riders why there was a slot down the middle of most of their bike saddles. That question led to a number of explainations, and more importantly a list of names for the slot that caused quite an uproar of laughter from the local fans. This led to a seminar on bike seats, which you would have thought would remind the Sharkman to fix his seat before the long, windy ride home, but he was so numb down there he forgot all about it!

You won’t want to miss this week’s edition of the KK-TdG! The forecast at press time was for rain, but we can hope, Right?

Remember, if it is raining, something will be posted here at Belo News!

This Saturday – May 7, 2011

Launch Time 9:00 A.M. – SHARP!


Belo News
May 4, 2011

Battle Creek, Mi. – The Tuesday Night, Minions East Chapter did this weeks Tuesday Night Ride on Wednesday Night when the forecast for Tuesday looked like Rain and Sharkman couldn’t ride on Tuesday. This change completely screwed up several Minions and the Sharkman has publically apologized for changing the day at the last minute. This will not happen in the future and going forward this summer this ride will be officially on Tuesday nights, regardless of the weather, leaving from the upper level parking lot of the Kellogg Headquarters at 6:00 P.M.

This ride is similar to the Chain Gang ride covering 29 miles out to Galesburg and back most of which is in a pace line. There will be no emails and whoever shows, rides. Tonight Sharkman, Stingray, Rainmain, CheddarHead, and the Pirate. The Pirate had bike commuted to work and used the evening ride to put in a few extra miles on his ride home. He was wearing a back pack that was so large, it looked like he had everything he owned in it. He also had a great, big “slow vehicle ahead” triangle attached to the pack, making him look like a farm tractor. Consideration is being given to a new name of “Tractor Boy.” Despite the heavy load, the Pirate kicked some serious butt before heading home on the return on Augusta Road.

Come on out and join the group next Tuesday night!


Belo News
April 30, 2011

Santa Fe, NM. – As we all know, the Sharkman’s son in law is none other than Sam Moulton, the “Great Moultini” of Iron Horse fame and a sometimes Celebrity Minion Rider. Sam is also an Executive Editor at Outside Magazine and also, Editor of the Outside Buyers Guide.

As the photo indicates, Lava Girl was pleasantly surprised to learn that her little sharklet, Lily, was featured on page 16, the Editors page, sitting on the lap of the Great Moultini during a canoe trip. Actually, it was also learned that it was a family affair as Lily’s Mom, Nicole, actually took the photo!

Sharkman was also pleased to see comments concerning the Editors father in law (that would be the Sharkman) and his new found passion for the mountain bike.

You will want to run, not walk, to pick up your copy, as Lava Girl seems to be purchasing every copy she can find to send to friends and relatives.

It is a great magazine if you like outdoor equipment, including bikes, running and camping gear, this is one fantastic read. And even if you don’t like that stuff, you will love the photo of the Sharkman's sharklet Lily! Get your copy today!

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