Wednesday, April 27, 2011





Belo News

Galesburg, Mi.

April 23, 2011

Galesburg, Mi. - It was like Opening Day all over again!

Sunshine? Could it be? Could it possibly be?

Though the morning broke with wet roads, the temperatures were in the 50's and to the Mighty Minion Nation it was like a tropical heat wave. At the start, the Minions were all unsure as to how many layers to put on and in the end, most of them over dressed. Excitement was in the air as it seemed like perhaps, the horrible weather that has jinxed the Nation this Spring had finally decided to give them a break.

The sound of pedals clicking in rang out as the Nation was ready to ride!

All Black, Stryker Guy, and Thor were there, as well as a couple riders making their season debut's. Wilier Boy was in the mix, as well as Toast, who had just returned from the Tour of Georgia and other points south, and they were ready to rock!

As the riders left the parking lot and approached the Koffee Klutch, Luann came out the front door to welcome the riders back to the roads and to cheer on the peloton!

As the Nation moved north, Gazelle Girl rode up as a roar from the peloton greeted her and shortly after, Jesse the Cheetah also joined in!

And then they were 8 Mighty Minions.

As is custom, Sharkman took the first sprint and looked as though that might be it for the day.

The pace was fairly mellow with sprints being shared around the peloton and it was easy to see the riders were just happy to be out in nice weather without two tons of layers and major water proofing!

A nice pace line formed up after the Yorkville Church and though the Cheetah threw in an attack right after Kellogg Korner, he got no takers to the charge and he was reeled back in by Thor and the Nation before the Rt. 43 Stop Ahead.

As the peloton grouped up at the top of the col de Norte, the wind out of the southwest could be felt and the Nation moved into a nice pace line through the Bible Conference Hills, Frona's and the inlet. The Cheetah bid farewell just before the inlet as All Black moved ahead to contest the sprint with Thor and Toast.

The peloton split into two groups heading south from the Digital Divide, where Sharkman and Wilier Boy led Gazelle Girl out to the G Ave. (GGG) sprint for the second group. We have no idea who took the first group sprint of All Black, Thor, Styker Guy and Toast.

As the peloton moved across G ave. Sharkman went to the front with the entire peloton on his dorsal wheel.

Just before the final ascent to the finish, Toast came around the Sharkman who was doing his best to impersonate the immortal Hossman's humongous finishing pull.

Toast went by the Shark so fast it was hard for the Patron to hang on. All Black and Thor began to get in position as Toast and Sharkman peeled off and Styker Guy, Wilier Boy and Gazelle Girl moved back to watch the fireworks.

All Black and Thor traded exchanges while Sharkman and Toast took a break at the back of the train as the they crested to the final finish. All Black then took the lead with Sharkman, Thor and Toast on his rear end.

At the bottom of the finishing hill, Thor made his move to the front and Sharkman latched on with All Black and Toast following right behind.

As the Mighty Minion Nation bore down on the finish, like the fish he is named after, the Sharkman attacked from behind with about 30 yards left and took the tape from the young Thor with All Black and/or Toast grabbing the last spot on the podium (that Shark was oxygen deficient and could not remember).

Final average speed 18.3 mph.

As the Nation moved up the Champs le Galesburg, the riders zipped up their jersey's for the sponsors and the crowds went wild!

Luann was there to greet our hero's at the Klutch and posed for photo's for the paparazzi while Sharkman bought Koffee for the peloton in celebration of the great weather and what seemed to be the real start to the season.

At the post race press conference, Stryker Guy gave a seminar on fixing flat tires and in true stud form, gave an actual demonstration as he found that his front tire had gone flat while he had been enjoying Luann's great Koffee!

It was noted that Stryker Guy fixed the tire in record breaking least for Stryker Guy, before heading home.

Now, some of you Minions might be tired next Saturday after getting up early to watch the Royal Wedding and eating English muffins and drinking tea, but if you really want to be one of the "in" people, come on out and ride, Bunkie!

You won't want to miss this weeks edition of the KK-TdG and let's hope the weather holds!

Saturday, April 30, 2011!

Launch Time - 9:00 A.M. - SHARP!

Be there!

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