Wednesday, May 25, 2011






Belo News
May 21, 2011

Galesburg, Mi. – All it took was some good weather!

Saturday dawned bright over the Shark Cove and as the Sharkman glanced out the port hole in his front door he noticed that Nikeboy’s garage door was open and his bike was standing at the ready!

Was it warm enough for even Nikeboy to make his KK-TdG season debut! It was indeed!

As the Sharkman launched from the cove, there was Nikeboy, riding his new Trek Madone carbon fiber steed and ready to escort the diminutive hero to the start!

As the two riders made there way to Galesburg they regaled each other with “what we did all winter” stories. Even though they are neighbors, with the kind of spring this year here in Michigan there haven’t been too many opportunities for discussion over the proverbial “backyard fence!”

As the dynamic duo arrived at the start, they were pleased to see riders continue to pour into the parking lot. Even Skipper was back on his new Cervelo (see photo) living the Minion credo that “if you can’t be good, look good!” and the Skipper was looking pretty damn good!

There were so many Minions in attendance that Belo News does not have room (or the memory) to name them all, however, in addition to Nikeboy making his debut, Boatman and Luke joined on as the ride headed north. Welcome back Nikeboy and Boatman! Also, Luke, son of Tow Truck and herein known as Luke Skywalker, acknowledged that he is expecting his first sharklet this December, giving Tow Truck his first grand sharklet! Congratulations to the Miller Clan! Good to have these Minions back in the peloton and another Minion on the way! The peloton continues to grow!

The crowd of riders was so large; Luann had no problem seeing the mighty Nation as they stopped for the light in Galesburg. Luann came out to wave as she was greeted with shouts from the peloton to make sure she had enough koffee brewed when the Nation returned to the Klutch.

As the train headed north, Gazelle Girl, Boatman, Cheetah, Kid Doster and possibly others joined on the fast moving train. Falcon, always looking for way to get his name into the Belo News, led the Shark out for his opening sprint and also bought him koffee post ride! No, really! He did!

As the ride moved north, the count of riders was 23+. Interestingly, with all the riders, one Minion reported that they were talking as the group headed up the col de No Name and looked down at their speedometer and noted a speed of 24 mph with no effort. The large peloton was moving at a fast and very steady pace as it headed through Kellogg Korner and past the Country Club.

As the group moved past the Digital Divide and through the Bermuda Triangle of flat tires, a very efficient pace line formed up. As the snaking train moved towards the GGG Stop Ahead sign, Stryker Guy blasted from the field and took the sprint.

Unfortunately, he was later fined for not wearing his Stryker Team Jersey. Though Stryker Guy alleges that he was not issued one for fear he would actually wear it in public, the fine will stand as it might be the only time he would have gotten some press coverage for the team!

Everyone was together as the Nation headed south to the finish. Tow Truck went out early and along with Chico pulled the train to the top of the finishing hill. That was when the Cheetah made his move with Rainman and Falcon on his tail and that his how they finished with the Nation right behind.

Final average speed a blistering 19.6 mph! It was a victory for America!

The Tofosi went wild on the Champs le Galesburg as the large throng of riders zipped up their jerseys for their sponsors while the sound of camera’s clicked away along the road filled the air.

Sharkman was quick to get to the Klutch, but not as quick as Falcon in buying the first kup of koffee for our hero, the Sharkman his self! Great job, Falcon!

For the Minions it was a taste of a better weather season and hopes of great turn outs to come. The discussion centered on how the world was going to come to an end later this day and how everyone was going to spend the rest of their life before 6:00 P.M. Meanwhile, Sharkman was just glad to have Nikeboy to pull him home after the ride.

By now, we all know that the world did not come to an end. The really good news about the world not coming to the end is that the Minions get to ride again this weekend!

Though we intent to move the start time up as the weather warms, it has been decided to keep the time at 8:30 A.M. for the holiday weekend. So sleep in, Minions! The peloton will go to 8:00 A.M. the following week!

It is Memorial Day Weekend so show your pride and wear your Red, White and Blue Kit!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Launch Time – 8:30 A.M. – SHARP!


Belo News
May 21, 2011

Battle Creek, Mi. – In a related story and as reported last week, a Reverend Campling had predicted that the world would end on Saturday, May 21, 2011 at 6:00 P.M. Actually, he had reported that there would be rapture at 6:00 P.M. and that the end of the world would begin.

Coincidentally, Sharkman had decided to go for a ride around that time and when he did not return, search crews found his bike and kit along the side of the road, just south of town.

Could it be? Could it possibly be?


Belo News
May 24, 2011

Battle Creek, Mi.- The Tuesday Night ride had a celebrity rider this week when Stingray, Rainman, Wilier Boy and Sharkman (who mysteriously returned to the peloton) launched from Kellogg Headquarters at 6 p.m. SHARP! As the four Minions headed out of town, an unknown rider joined on. The rider stated that he was in town on business and had called Team Active to ask about any rides. The shop told him about the Minion East Ride and so he joined on. Turned out he works for the U.S. Postal Service so he was immediately named Express Mail as he not only looked good on the bike, he actually was good!

The riders, working in a pace line much like the old Chain Gang, rode in unison and averaged 20.1 mph for the night! Great ride and it was good to have Express Mail, our newest Minion, on board for the trip! If you’re looking for a good pace line type of ride, come on out and join the fun on Tuesday nights at 6:00 P.M. from Kellogg Headquarters!


Belo News
May 25, 2011

Boyne City, Mi. – If you are looking for some great, challenging road riding, and the Michigan Mountain Mayhem ride might be for you! Our own Conor is trying to put a group together to do the ride. He is planning on heading up for the 200K and looking for car pooling. He has a huge tent and is willing to share.

Check it out:

If you are interested, contact Conor at or via phone 773.301.5537

1 comment:

Never enough bikes said...

Where are the paparazzi photo's?