Wednesday, April 7, 2010




Belo News
Galesburg, Mi.
April 3, 2010

Galesburg, Mi. – As our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, launched out of his Shark Bed on Saturday morning, he could smell the spring blossoms and feel the warm morning air through the Coves open windows! It was another outstanding weather day! Game on! The old Shark decided to ride to the start!

Upon arrival our hero was pleased to find 11 Minions ready to ride! Brewman and All Black were there after riding on Friday with the Sharkman, as well as Kid Doster and Raider Rick, who had not been around for a while. Ace Reporter, Dr. Dave, was in attendance after his western swing through ski country, as well as Wildman on his new Serotta, looking pretty cool. Dutch, and the Skipper were also on the scene and Airman was there sporting some new Zipp Wheels, living the Minion credo that if you can’t be good, look good! Oh, and Airman and Wildman were looking good!

Filling out the starting lineups was a long time reader, first time rider, Da Yoop, who had been taking some trash talk from the Iceman, who was not in attendance. Hey, what’s that all about?

The Skipper got things in order quickly and as is tradition, started the Mighty Minion Nation through Galesburg and on past the Klutch. As the Minion Train climbed the first hill out of town, Gazelle Girl approached rounding out the starters to 12 riders.

The Minions were very social in the first part of the ride, but the attacks came hard and fast at the col de Twin Lakes. As the Minion Nation crested the hill, they were greeted by Minion Photographer and team car driver, Nikeboy who get’s credit for the great shots in this week’s Belo News!

The speed picked up through Kellogg Korner and it was obvious that the Minions were starting to get their winter legs worked into summer shape.

The riders regrouped at the summit of the col de Norte to take another look at the marijuana house. We don’t know why this has become such an attraction, but suffice it to say, it has.

As the Mighty Minion Nation moved on to the C Ave. stop ahead, a familiar rider was spotted approaching from Frona’s. The Minions were not sure if the hat under his helmet was a dead animal or very wooly toque but he was quickly identified as the legendary Squeaky with insulated garden gloves, torn bike shorts and his ever present handle bar tape hanging from one side of the bike. A cheer went up in the peloton as everyone recognized Sqeaky had returned to the peloton for the weekend! There were now 13 mighty Minions in the nations peloton! This might be a spring record for the first week in April and officials went to the record books to check!

After crossing the Digital Divide, Sharkman attempted to put a pace line together, but it kept falling apart. Early spring we guess……

Raider Rick then lost a tail light in that section (do these roads suck or what?) and when Brewman went back to help him look for it, his seat came loose, causing the Minions to have to wait at the G Ave. crossing, a sprint that Gazelle Girl took going away. She owns that sprint and thus, consideration is being given to calling it the GGG crossing (Gazelle Girl G Crossing).

The Minions then formed a better version of a pace line heading south to the final stop ahead and the positioning for the final sprint began in earnest.

Of course, in keeping with the Spring Spirit, you have to come out and ride to find out who took the sprint, but suffice it to say it was a very closely contested jaunt to the Stop Ahead.

The fans went wild on the Champs le Galesburg and the frenzy continued into the Klutch where Nikeboy was waiting and had purchased the joe for EVERYONE! Yes, you heard that right, EVERYONE! The atmosphere was done right festive at the Klutch as Jamie served seconds on the Koffee and the Minions relived the days escapades. Over and over and over!

Final average speed moved up to 17.8 mph this week!

Nikeboy then gave Sharkman a ride home in the Team Car (love that Acura Team car!)
Nikeboy takes photo's, buy's Koffee and gives the Sharkman a ride home? Is this a great country or what? You bet your sweet patooti it is!

Falcon later reported that on his way home he got motor paced by the Skipper and Dr. Dave when they overtook him in their car on G ave up the Cul de Twin Lakes. A Sheriff’s Deputy reported clocking him at 40 mph on the flats between the lakes and 30 + on the col!
Hey, no motor pacing allowed!

You won’t want to miss next week’s edition of the KK-TdG!

Launch Time – 9:00 A.M. – SHARP!



Battle Creek, Mi. - When we put out the request last week to update the distribution list we were amazed at the response! To be honest, there are late Wednesday nights when we are putting the Belo News together wondering if anyone is actually reading it. We’ve chosen a few choice responses to share with our readers:

“down in FL.
Great write-up Sharkman! Renew my subscription!

How 'bout Cleary's nickname......Compression Boy?”

- Iceman

“hey sharky-keep me on the list-will show up in may-running borgess 1/2 m 24th april-then back to biking thank god! be safe”

- zickman

“Please keep me on as a form of inspiration.”

- Anonymous

“Please keep me on the list...I enjoy the insights offered by the Sharkman!”

- Anonymous

“What a great cycling publication! Please renew my subscription!”

Eddy Merckx

“The best publication in cycling! Keep me on the list! Is this a great country or whatski?

- Bob Roll

“Some of the most insightful sports writing I’ve ever seen! Keep up the great work!”

- Phil Liggett

Remember, we are cleaning up the distribution list, so if you haven’t renewed, please let us know if you want to stay on the distribution!

See you Saturday!

1 comment:

Bissell Boy said...

Greeat write up Sharkman. Look forward to seeing everyone Saturday!