Wednesday, March 31, 2010




Belo News
Galesburg, Mi.
March 27, 2010

Galesburg, Mi. - As dawn broke sunny over the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero, the Sharkman checked his email to find a note from Falcon…."are you riding?"

Sharkman had decided to blow off Barry-Roubaix to ride with the Minions! After wishing Falcon, Danimal, Iceman and Cleary good luck, Sharkman headed out to the start for the ride.

Much to his surprise, he noticed a Honda Element that looked much like the Element owned by the famous Cycocross (Tom Cross)! Actually, Cycocross is a long time Minion and perpetual teenager who only makes one or two rides a year because he plays lead guitar in the rock band, "Joe Wang and the Test Pilots!" Since the Minions don't see much of Cycocross unless they hang out in wild bars, it was decided that Cycocross would be named this weeks "Celebrity Rider!"

Rounding out the Minion Nation was the ever loyal and present All Black. Dutch slid in just in time for the mass start!

As the Minions made their way north out of town, Gazelle Girl joined on to make a total of 5 Minions on a bright, but cool day. Turn out was low due to Spring Break and Barry Roubaix.

Dutch made the Sharkman work for the honorary first sprint, but the riding there after was social and low key. Gazelle Girl shared that a major marijuana bust had taken place at a house at the summit of the Cul de Norte and the peloton all stopped to gaze at the residence.

After crossing the Digital Divide, Cycocross lead a humongous paceline to the G. Ave crossing. The peloton stayed together for a group finish as the early spring crowd gathered along the Champs le Galesburg to cheer their hero's on.

Gazelle Girl and Cycocross passed on the Klutch, so noticing the crowd was down, Sharkman bought for EVERYONE! Jamie was back to great the hero's and Dutch, All Black and Sharkman drank their koffee, signed a few autograph's and headed out after a great ride.

You won't want to miss this week's ride!

The weather is forecast to be fantastic, with temps between 55-65 degrees!


Yankee Springs, Mi. - Over 700 riders turned out for the Barry-Roubaix Cyclocross Race in Yankee Springs. We are sure many Minions took part, but we only heard from one. Iceman recounted the days event to Belo News in this exclusive Belo News interview!

BN - How was the race, Iceman?

Iceman -You guys missed a GREAT race! Parking/registration was a piece of cake. Plenty of space!

BN - Should the Sharkman have taken part?

Iceman - Shark, definitely should have went up.

BN- Tell us about the ride.

Iceman - Almost 700 riders! Mass start, slow police escort for 3 miles on the pavement. That got it spaced out and it was just a cruise. Then it was "let 'er rip!" Then it was to that crappy 2 track section which was chaos, but tempers remained quite calm. Plenty of walkers in that spot (obviously not Minions). The race was a blast! Drafting, crashes, way too many hills. Tough course as you guys know. I passed Falcon with maybe 6 - 7 miles to go. He told me I was cheating on my cross bike. Ahh my sweet new cross bike. Greeeaaaaat feeling!

The last 4 or so miles were back on the pavement. If you had gas left in the tank, it was time to let it all hang out. I jumped behind a tandem and the train was behind me. On that huge double hill coming home the group fell apart, the tandem fell off and I pulled some folks in.

In terms of participation, this is the next ICEMAN. All the Minions need to be on board next year!

Finished 11 th out of 70 some in my age group 40 - 49 Sport. 2:06. Cleary was 2:23 or so (on Mtn Bike)

BN- Cleary? Cleary who?

Iceman - You know, that guy without a Minion Name yet who wears those compression socks.

BN - Oh, that Cleary….. guess we'll have to work on that name, uh? So, you enjoyed it?

Iceman - What a blast, what a sport!!

BN - Well, I guess that says it all. The Sharkman should have been there!


Park City, UT. - One of the big questions so far this early season has been, "where in the hell has Zickman been?"

Yes, inquiring minds want to know where that riding machine has been!

In another, in-depth Belo News investigative report, we hear from ace reporter, Dr. Dave who revealed the following:

Hey Sharkman,

Sorry to miss the ride yesterday.

I am here in Park City, Utah doing some family time training.

The kids were in ski school today so my wife and I had the freedom to cover 21000 vertical and 23 miles of trail.

My quads have never burned so bad (good)! The slow twitch fibers were maxed out a few times today. My telemark stance became the proverbial "sewing machine legs" by the end of the day.

I spotted another minion here at Park City Mountain yesterday.
Zickman is here doing some enhancement of his oxygen carrying capacity. He calls it 6 days on a snowboard with his college kids.

I think we know he is altitude training here at 10,000 so he can put it to the other minions back at 765 ft above sea level. One of my sources says they may have spotted him at the Olympic training facility down the road.

Something about boosting his wattage on a few key sprints coming up this season.

See you soon,

Dr Dave

Thanks for reporting in Dr. Dave! Sounds like the Minions have more than Zickman to worry about.
Zickman, we're waiting for your triumphant return to the Mighty Minion Nation. Yours too, Dr. Dave!


With the temps in the 60's, we will again move the start time up to 9:00 A.M. this Saturday. The weather is suppose to be fantastic so you won't want to miss this ride!

Launch Time - 9:00 A.M. Sharp!

Be There!

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