Wednesday, April 14, 2010




Belo News
Galesburg, Mi.
April 10, 2010

Galesburg, Mi. – How great was the weather this past weekend? Well, the photo to the right should give you an indication of how good it was, so good the Minions enjoyed their koffee outside! Well, good weather and the fact that the Klutch was full of cycling fans awaiting their hero’s arrival left little room for the riders to sit down!

It was a bit cold on Saturday morning, so our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, decided to drive to the start. He was greeted by none other than Chumly, Yeti Boy and much to his surprise, Sooner who was making his first season start. Shortly after, Airman arrived and then in rode Bissell Boy, accompanied by Stryker Guy and Son of Stryker Guy, herein known as Hockey Boy.

As the Mighty Minion Nation motored by the Klutch, Hossman jumped on to the train, making it 10 riders. As has become the norm, Gazelle Girl met the Minions heading north of Galesburg and then they were 11 riders!

Game on!

Airman was a bit spunky early in the ride and led our intrepid hero, the Sharkman to the first sprint. After taking the second sprint, Hossman flatted at the base of the col de Twin Lakes and Sharkman went back to oversee the repairs. Sharkman seems to be very adept at telling others how to fix a flat. Hossman is working on a season record for flat tires and we aren't even half way through April!

After the peloton passed through Kellogg Korner, which was loaded with gravel, the peloton picked up it’s usual pace to Indy 500 speeds and the race was on!

After the Rt. 43 sprint, which was taken by Brewman, Bissell Boy went to the front and pulled the mighty Minion Nation to the foot of the col de Norte, where the riders scattered up the hill like ants on a sugar cube.

As the group crossed the Digital Divide, the usual pace line formed up in a way that rivaled the form of a late season attempt at this otherwise difficult maneuver. Running like a fine tuned Ferrari, the Mighty Minion Train was in go mode. Prior to getting to what has now become known as the 3 G zone because of Gazelle Girls frequent sprint wins, Stryker Guy cramped up and pulled to the side of the road. Sharkman mentioned to Son of Stryker Guy, Hockey Boy, that his Dad had cramped, to which he said, “Yeah?” then put his head down and kept going! So much for good old Dad!

Meanwhile, Gazelle Girl had once again cleverly positioned herself perfectly in the pace line to take the G Ave. sprint, endorsing the decision to call the G Ave. crossing the 3 G Zone!

Stryker Guy was able to get the cramps under control and rejoined the peloton for the final assault to the finish.

Sharkman jumped out early and lead the peloton down 37th, before Chumly came up and took over. Airman and Sooner got close as the entire peloton began to get into position for the final attack.

From out of no-where, Hockey Boy shot out and Sharkman, who had been sitting in behind Airman waiting for him to make a move, grabbed Hockey Boys wheel, going around Airman and Chumly to affect his escape from the pack. Sharkman, riding Hockey Boy’s wheel like a rented mule, waited till the final moment to make his attack. With just yards to go, Sharkman came around Hockey Boy on his right, thoroughly convinced of the win when he noticed a flash going by to his left.

It was none other than the swift and sure Brewman as he flew by the pack to take the finish while Sharkman fought off the surging Sooner by inches for second place. Sharkman thanked Hockey Boy for the awesome tow as he noted the average speed for the ride at 17.9 mph despite stopping for a flat.

The crowd’s went wild on the Champs le Galesburg as riders zipped up their jersey’s for their sponsor’s, waved to fans and stopped to sign autographs.

It was standing room only at the Klutch as most of the riders took part in the press conference. It was so crowded, Bissell Boy suggested sitting outside and Chumly was kind enough to shoot the attached photo of the Minions enjoying their Joe! Is this a great country or what?

The speed is picking up and the weather is getting warmer! You won’t want to miss this weeks ride so come on out! See ride details below.


Galesburg, Mi. – The Mighty Minion Nation has had quite a bout of injuries in the early season. As we all know, Nikeboy is still suffering from back problems and can only do minimal training. The Pirate is still out after hand surgery and this week, All Black missed this weeks ride with lower back problems. He is hoping to ignore common sense, as well as the doctor’s recommendation and return to the peloton soon. Now that is a great Minion attitude!

Our good friend and fellow Minion, Jeff Webster, AKA Bianchi Boy is also experiencing health problems and is in the Cleveland Clinic ICU awaiting surgery to repair some tears in his lower Aorita (big veins running from his heart down his legs). Keep our fellow Minion and Celebrity Rider in your prayers!

To all the injured Minions – Get Well Soon!


San Francisco, Ca. – A legend has left the Minion Peloton. The guy with one of the best and most unique names ever granted in the Mighty Minion Nation, "the Specimen," has taken a new job and is returning home to northern California. Who can forget “the Specimen” even though it has been a while since he has ridden with the Minion’s?

The name will forever live in the lore of Miniondom and in his honor (and to the thanks of future Minion’s) the name will be retired into the Minion Hall of fame and shall herein never be reused. There is only one Specimen!

Good Luck and best wishes to you, Specimen! We hope to catch up with you when next we ride in S.F! You better have beer in the house!


This Saturday, April 17, 2010!

Launch Time – 9:00 A.M. SHARP!

Be There!

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