Wednesday, April 21, 2010




Belo News
Galesburg, Mi.
April 17, 2010

Galesburg, Mi. – The buzz in the cycling world the past few weeks has been, “Where in the Hell has Bullet Bob been!” The longest serving Minion who singularly could blow up the bunch finish with his sprint skills each week had been absent thus far this season and Belo News was actually getting letters from Minions asking the big question, “Where in the world was Bullet Bob?”

Well the answer to that question got answered this week when the famous BB returned to the peloton! But Bullet Bob wasn’t the only Minion returning to the Mighty Minion Nation. Along with BB, Rainman made his triumphant return despite the chilly morning air, and A-Rod was back in the pack as well.

Rounding out the starters were Airman, Chumbly, Yeti Boy, Kid Doster, and Falcon who was whining about needing to “sit in” because he had some mountain bike race the next day. Yeah, sit in, right……

As the train pulled out of Galesburg, Gazelle Girl joined in and made the number an even 10 riders.

The morning wind out of the northwest was brutal. As a matter of fact, Sharkman, who rode over to the start, stated that he knew it was bad when he was pedaling down hill into Galesburg, with his heart rate in the LT zone and his sped at 3.4 mph. You could hear his HR monitor redlining, “Dive-Dive-Dive!”

Rainman was this week’s lead out man for our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, who took the first sprint and then surprised the cycling world by taking the second sprint when Falcon “sat in” and our intrepid hero stole it.

As the peloton crested the col de Twin Lakes, a medical miracle was witnessed by all the Minions. There, at the top of the hill, , the sun shining on the returning riders helmet like El Cid’s armor when he rode out of the castle to face the Turkish hordes, was none other than the miraculously healed Pirate, along with his side kick, the Skipper!

Yes, one mention in the Belo News Injured Reserve Report and the Pirate seemed to have been miraculously cured from his recent hand surgery! Alleluia!

Skipper and the Pirate were immediately welcomed into the peloton, which now numbered 12 riders as they all braved the strengthening winds out of the north.

Though the Skipper claimed to have swept Kellogg Korner, it still seemed to be loaded with gravel as the Minions motored their way into what has become, one of the fastest sections of the KK-TdG. A-Rod and Chumly were leading the pack at the turn after the Country Club when Chumly began his move. Just short of the stop ahead, Rainman launched a counter attack and working ahead of Chumly, he feigned one way, moved the other and then maneuvered to Chumly’s rear wheel for an instant, before moving around him to take the sprint my centimeters! What classic move!

The Mighty Minion Nation was pleased to make the Col de Norte and start the portion of the ride without the gale force wind in their faces.

As the peloton continued through the Bible Conference Hills, Sharkman made yet another move on the final hill and was quite sure he had the sprint secured when Falcon snuck up behind him and stole it at the line. “Sitting in” yeah, right….

Sharkman returned the favor at the Inlet sprint as Airman and Falcon began positioning to get the other to take the lead and while they were screwing around, Sharkman came out of no where and took his third and final sprint of the day.

Pirate and Skipper peeled off before the Digital Divide and the peloton formed up into its usual pace line after making the crossing. This pace line was not as coordinated as in weeks past and Gazelle Girl could not get into position to take yet another 3G Zone sprint, which went to A-Rod instead.

Heading south to the finish, the pace line formed up slowly, along with the speed. At the crest of the hill to the finish, Rainman and Falcon (sitting in….yeah, right) took off, with Kid Doster stuck to their wheels. As the finish line drew closer, their speed came down as they each attempted to get the other to take the lead. Kid Doster and Sharkman saw an opportunity to steal the sprint as the jockeying went on. However, both Rainman and Falcon were watching closely and the gap was too large to overtake them. As he did on the sprint at Rt. 43, Rainman made his patented move to put Falcon out in front but as he came back around, Falcon kicked it up enough to take Rainman at the tape by a millimeter, with Kid Doster close behind. Rainman just ran out of course……

The fans went wild on the Champs le Galesburg and as the riders approached the Klutch, Bissell Boy and Nikeboy were there to greet the returning riders in for Koffee and to sign autographs.

Jamie greeted the returning hero’s and Yeti Boy bought Koffee for the Sharkman, thus getting a mention in the Belo News. There was actually enough room for the riders to sit down this week. General discussion centered around Falcon’s “sitting in” (yeah, right) and then contesting the final sprint and whether he should be DQed or not, but the Commissioner ruled that the win stand.

Team Neighbor, Nikeboy, also gave Sharkman a well deserved ride home to the Cove in that great Acura Team Car! Sharkman is living the dream!

Another outstanding ride and you won’t want to this weeks edition!


Galesburg, Mi. – As reported last week, we have several Minions on the Injured Reserve list, however after mentioning the Pirate in last weeks write up, he was miraculously cured and has returned to the fold. So if you’re injured, this is one list you want to be on!

Nikeboy is again riding, but only slowly, as he tries to get his back mended and his butt on the bike.

All Black has been diagnosed with a herniated disc and will be out for the next few weeks.

It has been reported that Hossman injured his pinkie finger while playing soccer with his kids. Can you do that? Not likely. Inside sources have revealed that he dislocated the finger while carrying cases of bike tubes into his garage and trying to fit too many of them into his seat wedge at the same time. Those tubes can leave a nasty mark when they snap back at you!

Meanwhile, and on a more serious note, our prayers still go out to Bianchi Boy who is still in the ICU of Cleveland Clinic awaiting surgery.

To all our Minions – Get Well Soon!


Every Tuesday Evening!

Battle Creek, Mi. - Have you ever wanted to try the “Dance of Death,” or “Race of Truth,” also known as the “Race against the clock?” Well here is your chance, Bunkie!

The Time Trial is one of the greatest tests in cycling and you can now do it by test yourself against, .....well….yourself! Yep, it is just you against the clock, ......mano y mano! 6.2 miles of pain! Is this a great country or what?!

Team Active has announced that they are sponsoring Time Trials on Tuesday nights in Battle Creek. As a matter of fact, our intrepid hero, the Sharkman did his first this week and ruled the 10K course OUTSTANDING and Minion worthy!

Riders can either meet behind Team Active at 6:30 p.m. to ride out to the start or ride out to the start on their own. The start is on River Road behind the Veteran Administration Facility. The start is just west of Custer Drive (also known as Clark Drive) and runs out to Dickman Road and returns. It is very informal and you time yourself (that is why we think the Sharkman was so fast!). If you are riding over from Augusta, you can simply catch River Road directly across from the Fort Custer State Park entrance and ride to the start. The course is well paved, lightly traveled and could be described as “gently rolling.”

Come on out and see what all the pain is about, Bunkie!


The weather is looking bit cool and possibly, rainy, so remember, Minions ride in the rain, but do not START in the rain.

Since it is still cool, the time will remain at 9:00 A.M.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Launch Time – 9:00 A.M. - SHARP!


Photo Acknowledgement

Photo taken by Nikeboy from two weeks ago.

(We didn't take any this week, that's why!)

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