Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Record attendance as female Minions double!

Was that Boffo? Oh, Yeah!

Sharkman returns! Well, sorta…

Belo News
Galesburg, Mi.
June 21, 2008

Galesburg, Mi.- It was a unique edition of the KK-TdG as a season record 17 riders toed the line at 8:00 A.M. on another fantastic weather Saturday morning.

Some well known riders had returned to the peleton, along with some long time readers of the Update, first time riders. Chief among returning riders was Boffo the Clown! Fresh off the midget car race circuit, Boffo and his diabolical laugh had returned to the pack. Skipper had also returned to lead the group out of Galesburg sans the Sharkman who had returned late from a trip on Friday night along with a bad cold and had slept in (more on that later).

Other riders returning to the peleton after major absences were Hutch, Hossman, Sooner, to name a few. Two long time readers of the Update, but first time riders, were Tardy and Tardett, names they will carry for their tardiness until they learn where the ride starts. It was reported that Tardett, pronounced like Sade, gave a good account of herself and it is rumored that after riding with this group, she may ACTUALLY return!

The Update cannot report much about the ride other than Wolf King experienced the biggest tire blow out in Minion history, followed immediately with a flat from Stingray’s tire. Wolf King hit some gravel in the run up to the Country Club curves and it blew a sizable hole in the sidewall of the tire. He had to stick a dollar bill inside the tire casing to keep the tube inside the tire. Everyone wondered where he got the $1.00 bill? Stingray’s flat came immediately after and the Commissioner has launched an investigation as to why O.E. and Skipper have not been out cleaning up that curve!

The surprise of the day was the appearance of Sharkman on his Kawasaki Vulcan! After a delayed flight home, being sick as a dog, he got his sorry butt out of bed because he could not pass up a chance to have koffee with his Minions! After giving the Minions a motorcycle escort through Galesburg Days, the Skipper graciously bought Koffee for the Sharkman (a class act and something that should be repeated weekly by each of the Minions!).

The Paparazzi circled around the Klutch to interview the two female members of the peleton, as well as Boffo the Clown to see if he had truly returned or was toying with the peleton once again.

New rider, Tardett stands next to Cloud Girl outside the Koffee Klutch. But will she return? Note all the bikes!

Boffo confirmed that he is back! As a matter of fact, he thought that the Galesburg Day’s Parade was for him and actually had brought his little red clown fire truck. Though he was upset that the parade was not in his honor, he was a good sport and still made balloon animals for all the kids in the Klutch, laughing diabolically as he performed.

Learning that no one sent in the required $50.00 to vote on moving the start time up to 7:30 A.M., Falcon tried to take a vote on the matter at the Klutch and he was resoundingly defeated in the attempt. Actually, the Police had to stop the angry mob from lynching him.

Until the weather get’s hot, the start will stay at 8:00 A.M. Sharp!

You won’t want to miss next week’s edition!

Will Boffo return?

Will Sharkman return on a bicycle?

Will someone else buy Sharkman a kup of koffee?

Inquiring minds want to know!

Next Saturday, 8:00 A.M. SHARP Launch Time!

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