Friday, June 20, 2008

Sooner Speaks

Hi Sharkman,

I have no time this week to write a proper update, but here are a few brief comments about Saturday's TdG:

1. The weather was fantastic

2. Twelve riders

3. No Cloud Girl;...did the extra press attention scare her off?

4. The group stayed together the entire regrouping was required...didn't even have to wait for Wolf King after the Cul de Twin Lakes (what's up with that?).

5. Wolf King did some psycho motor-pacing on M-43 with his face a few feet behind a boat propeller.

5. No flats or mechanicals....although Woodie hit a pothole that had everyone wondering if he broke did not sound good.

6. Gravel and sand were ride my bike looked like I had been out mountain biking.

7. The usual suspects contested the sprints.....Airman, Wolf King, Nikeboy, and Falcon were looking strong.

8. Airman and Wolf King battled at the finish with Bullet Bob, Nikeboy and Sooner trying, but failing to stay with them at the very end.

9. Average was close to 20 mph give or take a tenth.

10. I mentioned WK way too much in this update.

Hope you had a great week! I plan to ride Saturday. Hope your back in the saddle!


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