Saturday, April 11, 2009

Easter Egg Hunt kicks-off ride

After a brief but raucous Easter egg hunt at the Galesburg Middle School, Skipper, in vintage Pearl Izumi, beckoned 10 leaderless Minions to the start line. As the Minions rolled into downtown Galesburg and rounded the corner at the KK they saw Gazelle Girl playing by the railroad tracks awaiting the peloton. As she joined the group and spun up 36th Street Hutch joined the Minions after an early morning run and swim in a nearby swamp in pursuit of his new pup making it 12 leaderless Minions.

Motivated by rumors of an Easter egg hunt the young Rain Man rejoined the peloton this week. The remaining Easter dozen included Bullet Bob, Falcon, Cloud Girl, Wild Man, Dancin’ Dan, Bissell Boy, Brew Man and All Black, who has been mostly black of late, as he has been sporting assorted pieces from the Bissell kit.

Even in his absence the great Sharkman won the 36th Street sprint, the remaining intermediate sprints were won by Cloud Girl who reports that Airman may be rejoining the peloton as his back is responding well to therapy. Falcon in early season form took KOM honors and the entire group looked strong in the early season. Hutch once again experienced wheel problems with a flat and was abandoned by the group north of the Bible Conference, breaking the Shark rule of “no rider left behind”.

Falcon queued the Minions up in a shaky pace line south of M-89 which didn’t get organized until the group was south of G Ave. and the youngster Rain Man, not wanting to play went off on a solo breakaway. Bissell Boy attempting to be a super domestique for Falcon partially closed the gap, but it was not enough and Rain Man won the final sprint.

The Minions eagerly await the return their leader and continue to ask; where’s Bofo, where’s Sooner and who is Wolf King?

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