Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Shark Minions!

Shark Minions!

We apologize, but time got away from us here at the Update this week and we weren't able to meet the press dead line. So, no Update this week or posting on the Blog.

The short version is as follows......

17 riders showed up on Saturday for one great ride!

Stroker, who might be numero uno in the pool, was numero last place to the starting line Saturday morning, delaying the start by three minutes! What part of SHARP do you Minions not understand?!?

Returning to the Peleton for the first time this year were Wolf King, Peugeot Guy, Boatman and Tardette who is not liking her name (Next weeks Update will have a "Name Tardette" contest so put your thinking caps on and be ready to name that Tardette).

Sharkman's vacation goatee was a big hit and went with his great Schwinn Retro Jersey that he was sporting, living his credo that if you can't be good, look good. And man, he was looking good...... He was good enough to take Wolf King on the opening sprint though the wily Wolf did try to dispute the sprint the vote went to Sharkman after a review by judges.

Cloud Girl, Gazelle Girl and Tardette showed who the real riders of the peleton are and Gazelle Girl took the G Ave. Sprint for the second week in a row! The Minions also put together one of the best double pace lines they've ever executed and as they say in Chicago, "it was a beootiful ting, a beootiful ting...."

Bullet Bob stirred up the finish with shouts of "Allez, Allez..." as he took a monumental pull at the finish that brought Rainman to the victory with Brewman and Stroker on his wheel and decimation in their wake. At least we think that was the finishing order, as the Update checked with several riders and none could really remember what happened.......

Cloud Girl again won the sprint to the Klutch, where Rainman and Tardette bought Sharkman's Koffee. Airman made an appearance at the Klutch to cheers from the paparazzi and signed autographs, including the back of Hutch's jersey. He is hopeing to be back this week. Wolf King took photo's but didn't submit them by press time.

So, you won't want to miss this weeks action when the answer to these questions will be answered....

Will the ladies all show up again?

Will Sharkman wear another retro jersey?

Will Airman return to the peleton?

Who will show up late at the start THIS week?

Will the weather be fantastic again (it is predicted to be near 80 on Saturday)?

Will Tardette give herself a name before the Minions do?

Who will buy Sharkman's Koffee?

Get the answer to these questions and more......

The weather is predicted to be a low on Friday night of 60 and a high of 83 on Saturday.

Launch time - 9:30 A.M. Saturday - SHARP!

Be there!


Anonymous said...

I think the double pace line was so excellent because we did not have Falcon trying to boss us around like a bunch of well, Minions.

The WolfKing said...

Wolfking still rules!!!