Thursday, July 14, 2022


The mighty Shark Minion Nation ready to rock!!!





Belo News

July 9, 2022

Shark Cove, Mi. - As dawn broke cool and bright (has this bee a great summer or what?!?) over the Shark Cove our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, was ready to rock. After 4 weeks of re-hab and with Shark Week coming up on National Geographic, the diminutive Shark was anxious to "get his game on!" 

Though he did worry about being able to ride the entire course due to his lack of fitness, he was ready none the less.

Lava Girl, however, did not agree and was not happy that Sharkman planned to ride. After all, she had been taking care of the big baby shark for the last 4 weeks, listening to him whine andn pine about not being able to ride. 

However, justice prevailed and Sharkman agreed to drive to the start and not do the entire 53 miles he normally rides on Saturday.

Swede and Wishbone.

Sharkman headed out a bit early, anxious to ride with his Minions and as he took the road from the Eaton Plant down into the thriving metropolis of Galesburg he notice a man along with a woman rider heading into town and was sure it had to be Fire and Yeti Boy, as the female rider was blonde. As he approached, he put his passenger window down, ready to shout out some profound and funny statement when he realized it wasn't them!!! Oh, the humanity.

The "bad selfie" is back!!!

People were already at the start, getting unpacked from their cars, and the greetings from his beloved Shark Minion Nation began! Sharkman was happy to be back in the Nation again!!!

Both Brewman and Doctor Dave arrived wearing their Shark Minion Kit in recognition of the Ole Sharkman's return to the peloton. The "Sweetheart of the Peloton," Gazelle Girl herzzelf rode in, minus her main squeeze, Toesetter and Sharkman missed the entrance and wasn't able to get his "Gazelle Girl" shouted out!!!

The first question Sharkman had was, "where is Toesetter?" 

Brewman in his Shark
Minion Kit!!

Sadly, Gazelle Girl reported that he had injured his wrist in a biking "incident" and it hurt enough that he broke down and was going for X-Rays hoping they would prove negative for a break.

Riders kept to piling in......

Swede, Stryker Girl, Brewman, Bissell Boy, Skittles, Maid Marian, Crickett, Hermster, Wishbone, Swede, Stryker Girl, Dr. Dave and Fire.

As Sharkman made a count, he had 13 riders and almost cancelled the ride, but a recount brought it to 14!!!

Is this a great country or what!!??

Sharkman shouted out to get the mighty Shark Minion train to pull out of the station, smiling as he listend to the sound of pedals clicking in and the chatter from the Nation! Sharkman had also commented he would not be contesting sprints and that included his ceremonial, first sprint.

The "Sweetheart of the Peloton!"
Gazelle Girl!!

As the Sharkman worked his way up and down the peloton to press the flesh and thank his Shark Minions for their well wishes, Skittles came up and offered to lead him out. However, Sharkman said no thinking he needed to save his energy to just finish. But then Gazelle Girl and Cricket, who were at the front, slowed and Sharkman took the bait and got a lead out from the pair. Feeling he had to honor the sprint he actually got his speed up to 19.5 mph, taking the sprint and again, all was well in the Kingdom!

At this point, Sharkman tried to stay at the back of the peloton. Now for years (roughly 40ish) Sharkman has always stated, "nothing good happens at the back of the peloton. Oh, was he wrong!!! 

Who knew they served Mimosa's back there??? Sharkman also heard that if Kia Pet and/or Reb were riding on this day there may have been donuts!!! What had Sharkman been missing!!! This IS a great country!!!

The ride was swift, but not as fast as usual and the old Shark suspected the Nation was going easy on him as he had not been training. However he hung in as well as he could and was able to hold on as they approached the Col de Twin Lakes.

When the fast moving train got to the Col de Twin Lakes, he slowly dropped back as the peloton passed, but Dr. Dave hung in with him and drafted him up the hill tothe spring stop ahead sign. Thanks Dr. Dave!!!

Fire was on hand!

Soon after, Dr. Dave had to take a call but shouted out to go ahead and he would catch up with the Nation later.

After a spirited run through the Kountry Klub section, and an attack by Hermster that was countered late and then taken by Cricket with Skittles on his wheel the Nation stopped at Rt. 43 and Dr. Dave was back pretty quickly! 

Sharkman spent most of his time riding the wheel of anyone who went by him, in hopes of just finishing!

As the Nation lined up for the final ascent to the finish, Sharkman tried to get into position up near the front, hoping he could just draft on riders until there were no more riders to draft off of and sneak in quietly at the end.

However, as the pace began to pick up and the peloton broke into three smaller groups it happened! "Mechanical!" was heard from the back of the Nation and it was learned that Yeti Boy had flatted his rear tire. Yeti seemed to have an entourage around him and Skittles was quick to dive in and help. It was commented that Yeti needed an entire tire and the only semblance to an actual tire was that it was round and made of rubber. 

The tire was worn to the cords and had split open. Maid Marian went back to see what was taking so long and quickly offered a dollar bill to use as a boot in the tire to hold the tube in and "viola!" it was fixed. Thank you, Maid Marian!!!

Sharkman, Dr. Dave and Yeti Boy.
Yeti Boy get's and escort in!!!

As the ride headed to the finish, Dr. Dave and Sharkman escorted Yeti Boy to the finish, making sure the tire held, which it did!

Sharkman missed the final ascent but word was that Cricket captured the tape, with Wishbone on his wheel but no one at the Klutch seemed to know who captured third place.

The crowds on the Champs le Galesburg went wild when they saw Sharkman and his mighty Shark Minion Nation zipping up their jerseys for the sponsors as they rode on the famous street while waving to the throngs of paparazzi and tofosi waiting to see their hero's!!!

Bissell Boy won the sprint to the Klutch and threw down his credit card for the koffee!!! 

Thanks Bissell Boy!!! This IS a great country!!

Toesetter greeted the Nation to the Klutch and gave us the great news that his wrist was NOT broken!!!

The Koffee flowed as did the chatter as Sharkman relished being back in the Nation!!!

Sharkman will be gone this weekend but the ride goes on!!!

Saturday, July 16, 2022

Launch Time - 8:30 a.m. - SHARP!


The Klutch was rocking!!

Toesetter give the Nation
his high sign! No broken

Dr. Dave in his Shark

Skittles was back!!!

Cricket & Maid Marian were in the mix!

Yeti Boy sporting his
Iron Horse Jersey!

Riders joining the Shark Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Shark Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.

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