Thursday, May 5, 2022



Rainman at the start? Oh, the humanity!



Belo News

April 30, 2022

Shark Cove, MI - As dawn broke over the Shark Cove, Sharkman didn't even look out the window as he bound out of bed, ready to ride!

It was only when he got a text from Wildman that he began to panic (well, as much as Sharkman panics 😱)! The text stated, "Looks like rain, I'm out!"

Rain? What rain?

Sharkman immediately pulled up the radar and sure enough, there was rain all over the place. But it looked like it might break up and he waited. 

However, at each check, there was rain and though light rain, it was only about 47 degrees and with the wind, the "feels like" temp was at 43. Perfect hyperthermia weather, though in texts with Sharkmans weather department, Reb, he called it "Hypocondriac Weather."

At 7:50 a.m. our hero, remembering the credo that "Shark Minions will ride in the rain, but will not start in the rain," decided to cancel the ride and would have to again, suffer the second guessing from some Shark Minions. Sharkman hates those mornings when it is a close call, but the forecast was saying 90% chance of rain on and off all morning.

At launch time, Rainman (yes that Rainman) who was given the name when he declared he does not ride in the rain, reported in by text, "Let the record state that the Rainman is riding in what was to be threatening rain. All dry here!"

Though it was raining lightly at the Shark Cove when the text came in, it looked like a dry launch for the man who doesn't ride in the rain!

The radar around launch time seemed
to indicate rain approaching the start!

Sharkman went to the radar and it sure looked like more rain. He did hear from some Shark Minions indorsing  the call, but still felt bad that he had canceled the KK-TdG.

Sharkman and Yeti went out to ride later in the morning, around 10:30 a.m. and did get rained on, but only lightly. However, they were both pleased they had not ridden the usual 50+ miles in that cold, raw wind with the damp and wet roads. It was a miserable day to ride and he was feeling marginally better about the call.

Later in the day, Squeaky reported in that he and Hermster did the ride and did not have any rain. Sharkman informed Squeaky he needed photo evidence of any ride, but strongly suspected that he and Hermster did, in fact, ride.......

Hopefully, this week will be better!

So, let's try this again and always remember that if there is any question of rain/snow/cold and cancelation, an email and a post will go up approximately one hour before the ride!

Saturday, May 7, 2022

The forecast is for dry (though so was last weeks 🙄) but cool weather again, so Launch Time remains the same!

Launch Time - 9:00 A.M. - SHARP!


Riders joining the Shark Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Shark Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.

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