Thursday, May 19, 2022


The mighty Shark Minion Nation ready to ROCK!






Belo News

May 14, 2022

Shark Cove, Mi. - As dawn broke bright and crisp over the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, bound from his shark bed, shed his "shark P.J.'s" and fired up the shark coffee pot. With the beaufitul weather and the thought of riding in short sleeves in his head, our hero was truly excited to get out on the road in his Shark Minion Kit!

It was Shark Minion Jersey Day and he knew he had an entourage to escort him to the start!!!

Is this a great country or what!?! Could it get any better!?! Oh, life it good, he thought as he put on his beloved Shark Jersey!

Yeti Boy was actually a bit early, also excited to ride, sans his Shark Minion jersey. Wait, what? 

Apparently he read Belo News but did not notice the jersey call out! Oh, the humanity!

Guess we've to to put it in the headlines because he wasn't the only one!

Then, to the Sharkmans surprise, Nikeboy showed up, making his season debut.

As they headed out on Watkins, they spotted the blinking lights of both Reb and Fire approaching. 

The gang was all on for the ride over.

After a tricky ride over a combination of dirt, gravel, and sand on Renton Road where they are resurfacing, the riders moved on and found Wildman riding towards them in the run up to the Eaton Plant, getting in extra miles in preparation for the WAM Ride.

Snow White was on time!!! 😜 *

The rider took the path behind the Gull Lake Distillary, which is a pleasant passage to Battle Creek Street and on to the start.

As the Sharkman and his entourage arrived, they noticed Kia Pet, Stryker Girl and Drug Czar were back, but it was short lived for Kia Pet. Now, riders have forgotten helmets, shoes, gloves,etc. that someone might actually have a spare for. However, Kia Pet went big in the "forget" category when he realized he had forgotten the skewer for his front wheel! 

However, he was wearing his Shark kit on the day and looking great!!! Hope to see you next week, Kia Pet, but you huge call out in Belo News and didn't even ride! Nice job!

Sasquatch was back, making his season debut and wearing his Shark Minion Jersey and ready to ride. Welcome back Sasquatch!!

Then that legend known as Fabio rode in, making his season debut! Zyckkmmann was back in the Nation! Sans his Shark kit....yet another not reading the blog!! Zykkccmann was just off of his Belgian Waffle podium finish, he had not even read about himself in the Belo News! Oh, the humanity!!

Skewer? What skewer?
Oh, Kia Pet......

And everyone seemed to be on time!!! Even Snow White!!! 🥴

After the Race Start Photo/selfie photo, Sharkman called out for the start as the train of 21 riders (22 if you count Kia Pet!) pulled out of the station for another edition of the world famous KK-TdG!!!

After traversing the Galesburg metropolis and making it past the recently patched pot holes to the start, the Mighty Shark Minion Nation headed north as one big unite of cycling humanity!

As the peloton bunched, Toesetter, sporting his now famous "Minion Socks," pulled up next to the Sharkman and asked if he was ready for the sprint. Sharkman responded, stating that Toesetter should make the move and he would decide if he would go for it or not.

As the Nation approached the first, honorary sprint, rue to form, Toesetter pulled out and Sharkman could not resist the kind offer. Toesetter moved to the outside where Sharkman jumped on and the two shot to the front. Looking back on occassion to make sure that the diminutive Shark was still on his wheel, they dynamic duo forged ahead, opening up a gap that they held as Toe pealed off and Sharkman took the sprint at a respectable, early season, honorary first spint speed of approximately 22 mph. Thanks Toesetter! 

Is this a great country or what.

Then Sharkman performed the "offical" count, confirming 21 riders were all on, and did so without falling off of his bike!!! 😜

Fire was back after her Hincapie
Fondo Mountain Ride!

The weather was just drop dead beautiful as the sun continued to rise, warming the backs of the 21 Shark Minions moving north on the col de Twin Lakes and on to the Yorkville Church.

The pace was fast through Kellogg Korner and past the Kountry Klub and on to the Rt. 43 sprint.

The Neutral Zone on Rt. 43 seemed to cause a "yo-yo" paceline, but once on the climb up the legendary Col de Norte, the peloton spread out into a more comfortable rhythm.

Toesetter again went to the front as the mighty Shark Minion Nation was feeling their oats in all that sunshine, in short sleeves, sans base layers! Oh, what a day in the peloton!!!

The Nation spread out in the run up to the Holy Rollers, but came back together quickly on the hills into the feed stop. At the stop, they seemed to be two riders short. Reb and Nikeboy had dropped off early in the ride, but there were two riders missing after Raptor took the cut off and checked in.

However, as Sharkman was wondering about his math ability while trying not to fall of his "standing still" bike, sweeper on the day, Hermster, rode in with the Drug Czar who had lost her water bottle on a pot hole bump and had to go back to get it.

KimPossible returned for the ride!

All on and Toe and Wildman started back to the High Road to head to the Inlet.

Again, Toesetter pulled the pace with the Shark on his wheel and a cast of thousands on thier wheels.

A FULL stop was made at the Inlet and all were on!

After a quick crossing of the Digital Divide, Sharkman started the paceline to the coveted GGG Spot Sprint, quickly handing it off at the first hill to Wildman and Toesetter.

The paceline worked well for early in the season, as the speeds moved north of 22 mph.

As the fast moving train moved to the final curve, Toesetter pulled off as Sasquatch came up with the "Sweetheart of the Peleton" on his wheel to contest her traditional sprint.

As Gazelle Girl moved forward, chants of "Gazelle Girl, Gazelle Girl" rang out as she moved to embrace her special GGG Spot Sprint with great satisfaction as the Nation began to cheer, "it was a victory for America!!!"

Hermster was back!

All where on as the Nation made the turn to head south to the final sprint.

The pace picked up as Fire went to the front and the Nation began to bunch up before Hermster made his traditonal move with Zickymann and  the Shark Minions began to jockey for position.

At the sumit of the final approach to the sprint, Zyckmenn and Hermster moved to the front with Toesetter, Fire, Wildman, Gazelle Girl, Wishbone and Sharkman in tow.

Barreling down on the final tape, riders jockeyed back and forth in a torrid sprint to the finish.....but you had to be there to see it! 

As a matter of fact, it was a photo finish as two riders battled to take it while one came up at the last minute to squeeze into the hunt.

Who won? Come on out next week to see who wins.

One more week of spring training and then the season begins!!!

The Tofosi and Paparazzi went wild on the Champs le Galesburg as the hero's moved toward the Koffee Klutch Press Conference.

Wildman won the sprint (actually he stopped ahead of the ride to throw down his credit card like the class act he is) to the Klutch to by the koffee! Thanks Wildman!!!

Squeaky leading a pre-ride
yoga session....

The crowd was the biggest of the young, spring season and rocked the Klutch.

After a great pit stop and several servings of Bottomless Klutch Koffee, Sharkman, Fire and Yeti Boy were pleased to get a great tail wind back to the Shark Cove!

This is a great country!

You won't want to miss this week's edition, though at the time Belo News goes to press the weather forecast has rain but not until later in the morning. Remember, if there is any question of launch, check your email and/or Belo News for any cancelation announcements one hour before start time!

Saturday, May 21, 2022


That's right, Bunkie, blow the dust off your favorite beer jersey and come on out to ride!!

Launch Time - 8:30 a.m. - SHARP!


* Thanks to Raptor for some of the great photos in this edition!!!

Sasquatch making his 
season debut!

Some riders read Belo News!!!

Fabio returns!
Welcome home, Zyckmann!!

Toesetter modeling his
Minion Socks!

Stryker Guy and his 
bionic knee return!

The Klutch was rocking!

Sharkman and his Minions!*

Thanks for the koffee, Wildman!!!
You ROCK!*

Riders joining the Shark Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Shark Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.

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