Thursday, September 16, 2021



In Memory of those who gave their
lives in 9/11 R W & B kit day!!





Belo News

September 11, 2021

Shark Cove, MI. -  As dawn broke of the Shark Cove, our intepid hero, the Sharkman, didn't exactly leap out of bed. The ole Shark woke up felling a bit "lethargic," with a stuffy nose and a bit of nausea. As his feet hit the floor, he thought that after a cup of koffee he would feel fine and be ready for Red, White & Blue Kit day, in memory of 9/11.

Yet as he downed his first kup, and though most of the congestion seemed to release, he still wasn't feeling quite right as he donned his colorful, retro (according to Reb) kit to get ready. He had received his regular flu shot the day before, but had never had a reaction to a flu shot in the past and sort of dismissed it as something he had eaten......

As the garage door at the Cove slowly opened, there was Yeti Boy, who Sharkman had not expected as he had out of town guest but had decided to ride to the start and then back home. He had overdressed on the morning and was in tights and a jacket but rationalized, it would be a shorter ride for him.

After picking up Reb and Fire at Helmer road, the 4 riders seemed to be cruising at a faster than normal rate and actually, Sharkman recorded the max speed on the day on the hill leading down into Galesburg. The ole Shark wasn't feeling much better either, but not worse.....

At the start, they saw Jeff, a former Virgin Minion who was back for more fun in the mighty Shark Minion Nation. Wearing a red, white & blue tank top (he stated he did not have a cycling jersey in those colors) some thought his Minion name might become "Tank Top Guy" or simply "Tank." But the speculation did not end with those names and continued on the ride. 

Jeff, now known as "Boxer!"

Shark Minions continued to pour into the start, many decked out in their best Red, White & Blue Kit.

The most amazing distinction this week was the number of Red, White & Blue socks the mighty Shark Minion Nation put on display!!!

Hermster, for the second week in a row, astounded the crowds with his kit! Not only a great USA, Red, White & Blue extravaganza of kit, but very interesting Red, White & Blue socks!!!

Hermster with his Memorial

And check out Hermsters 
cool socks!!!

Get a load of those babies, ladies and gentleminions!!!

Oh, the humanity!!!

And that wasn't all!!!

Sharkman's entourage was also in colors, well....except for Yeti Boy who was heading home anyway and was way over dressed......

Yeti was dressed for a Nordic

Fire was decked out in very interesting Red, White & Blue kit with a butterfly, while Reb claimed his "Jeep" T shirt qualified because a.) it had red, white & blue in it AND Jeep was an all American vehicle. 

However, in the spirit of transparency, Reb does own a Jeep.

Oh, and red seemed to be absent from the T shirt.

But we digress......

Fire in her "Butterfly"
American kit!
Riders continued to pull into the start and unload their steads as the mighty Shark Minion Nation gathered to rock the field of dreams known lovinlgy as the KK-TdG!

We don't see any red ,
but OK, Reb, nice try!
It was an extravaganza of color as 13 Shark Minions continued to arrive!!!

Brewman in the ever popular
Victory Jersey!!!

Wishbone in his Red & White

Maid Marion & Cricket with
Athletic Mentor's win the

The socks ruled!!

The Legend known as
Stryker Guy in his R,W&B kit!

Greyhound rocking it in his colors!!!

Hoosier Boy missed the memo!!...
As the mighty Shark Minion Nation began to line up for the start photo, they patiently awaited Snow White, who had driven in late and was trying to get her bike ready to ride with some adjustments and air in the tires. 

Sharkman tried to hurry her along as the the Nation was ready to rock and he stated that there were 13 riders with Snow White and how he hated that number of riders. One of the Minion shouted out to take picture so there was only 12 riders in the photo. So he did!!

And that is how Snow White got left out of the start photo!

Sorry Snow White, you snooze you lose, though the nation did wait for her to get to the start line before Sharkman called out the launch.

Though the respite from riding over had given Sharkman a second wind, it was very short lived.

As the Nation headed north, Reb and Fire surrounded to our hero, as they saw an approachign rider.

It was none other than Falcon and Sharkman commented to Falcon that he was very glad to see him. Falcon responded, "why?" Good question! 

Sharkman responded that Falcon made 14 riders and he liked that number way better!!!

Shortly after, Cricket came to the front to lead our intrepid hero out. Though Sharkman was appreciative and Cricket was extremely attentive, he almost killed the ole Shark with the lead out. Actually, Sharkman saw 32 mph come up on his Garmin and commented to Cricket, "don't spit me out!!!"

Though Falcon began to move up on the pair, as the speed continued, even he fell off that pace. 

To Cricket's credit, he delivered the Sharkman to his coveted honorary sprint at a season record speed!!!

After the G Ave. crossing, our intrepid hero sat in and tried to figure out what happening to him and how he was not only going to finish, but then get back to the Shark Cove!

As the ride went on, he struggled to stay on as the Nation headed up the Col de Twin lakes, past the Yorkville Church, Kellogg Korner and the Kountry Klub with Cricket and Maid Marion putting in huge pulls, though continuing to look back to insure all were on.

Sharkman was doing well to stay and ocassionally even at the front, but as the ride progressed, he wasn't feeling much better.....

After the climb up the col de Norte he was really feeling it as the pace picked up and he fought to hang on. Every time Greyhound went by, Sharkman grabbed his wheel to try to sit in the "vortex" known as the Greyhounds wake! Sharkman does want to apologize for all those riders he pushed out of the way to grab Greyhounds wheel in the process, particularly Hoosier Boy...

None the less, he was the last rider into the Feed Stop as the Nation got ready for the home stretch.

With Cricket and Maid Marion continuing to do the heavy lifting, the Nation moved on past the Digital Divide, where Sharkman went to the front to get the pace line started before dropping off at the top of the first hill and turning it back over to Athletic Mentors and Cricket asked, "in the absence of Gazelle Girl, who get's the GGG Spot Sprint?" To which Sharkman stated, "it is every Shark Minion for themzelves!!!"

The pace line was humming along so well, no one contested Team Athletic Mentors who easily took the sprint.

After the Nation crossed the GGG Spot and headed south for the final assault on the finish, the pace line was slow to start up. No one seemed to want to go out front and the speed dogs were nipping at the rear of the peloton to see who would go first so they could get into position for the final surge.

Surprisingly, Reb came forward to try to lead the charge and got the speed up but not enough to splinter the peloton, while the sprinters hovered at the back waiting to pounce. Sharkman was feeling so bad, he didn't even worry about a bunched up finish and knowing that when Team Athletic Mentors broke loose, no one would be able to contest anyway.

Just before the final climb, Cricket and Maid Marion made their moves to the front followed by a small group, then the AARP charge came on shortly after with that legend of the Peloton, Stryker Guy leading the pack of more mature riders.

Again, Sharkman saw Greyhound come by and he latched on to that wheel as best he could and settling into his vortex wake.

As the fast moving Shark Minion train bore down on the finish, it was Maid Marion, Cricket and Wishbone that grabbed the podium spots!!!

It was a victory for Athletic Mentors!!! 

Sharkman was just grateful he survived.

The tofosi and paparazzi went wild as our hero's rode down the Champs le Galesburg to the Press Conference at the Koffee Klutch where our intrepid hero, the Sharkman was so glad he survived, he bought the koffee!!!!

Wait,.....what?!? That's right Bunkie! Sharkman bought!!!
Raptore showed up in time
for koffee!

The back of Raptor's Jersey!!!

Raptor even gave Wishbone
a kiss on the head for 
his podium finish!!!

Wishbone was so worked up after his podium finish he got up to make a speech and then demanded the Nation take a vote on Jeff's Shark Minion name. Reb, had recommended "Boxer" because Jeff works for a container manufacturer. Other names included Snake, 

Boxer unsure of his new Shark 
Minion Name, while Stryker Guy
takes refill orders!

because he had a Snake on his tank top, Tank, or Tank Top Guy because of the tank top jersey he wore. After a heated debate and a counting of votes, the new Shark Minion name was determined to be.......drum roll please.........Boxer!!!

Welcome to the mighty Shark Minion Nation, Boxer!!!

The Klutch was packed with people! No, really!!! Ron and Leslie were jumping around like one armed wallpaper hangers!

The joint was rocking.....

As you can see, every table full!!
Oh, the humanity!

It had been so busy, it took a while for Sharkman to get the bill! However, he was in no hurry to get back on his beloved Litespeed, as he was "hitting the wall" and thinking of the climb up the Galesburg hill.

Thankfully, Fire kept the pace and the conversation going and Sharkman was able to limp home.

He ate as soon as he got to the Shark Cove and then took a 2 hour nap. But still did not feel well until the following day. Though he was glad it was only for a day, it couldn't bave been a worse day to be under the weather, but is looking forward to next weeks ride!

Saturday, September 18, 2021

College Game Day! Break out your favorite College Kit and see which school takes the day!!!

Since we haven't done the south course in some time, Sharkman suggests we take that route!

Plus he can use a few bucks so he will be pointing out scenic views attraction for only $1.00 a look!

Is this a great country or what?!?

Launch Time - 8:30 a.m. - SHARP! BE READY TO RIDE AT 8:30 A.M!!!

Remember, South route so you must be at the start!!!

Be there!!!

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.

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