Thursday, September 2, 2021


The Bloody 'Ell 'Undred faithful, ready to rock it!!!

Belo News

August 21, 2021

Zyckmann Estate, Mi. - It was time, once again, for that ride every Shark Minion want's to be a part of, the "Bloody 'Ell 'Undred!!!"

A time for Bloody Mary's, Deviled Eggs, Yeti's Blueberry Buckle and 100K of riding, pizza and beer drinking followed by a dunk in Gull Lake! 

Is this a great country or what?!???

After last years hiatus due to the pandemic, this group was ready to ride the 8th edition of this beer, bike and pizza fest!

Festivities began at the Zyckmann (aka Fabio) Estate at 9:00 a.m. - SHARP! Well, at least for Sharkman and Fire, who were greeted by Toesetter, dressed in his party attire, and the "Sweetheart of the Peloton," Gazelle Girl, along with long lost Fabio who had just returned from his major hike in Colorado, clocking over 89,000 feet of climb and getting ready for another tour of Peru or some other exotic location!!! Oh, the humanity!

Soon, Wildman, Dr. Dave, Sasquatch, Greyhound, and the Pirate rounded out the group of 10 Shark Minions ready to rock the roads.

After the obligatory "Start Photo" and Sharkman's attempt to capture a selfie, the mighty Shark Minion Nation headed out of the Zyckmann Estate on a beautiful, but warm summer day!!!

Give it up, Sharkman!!!


Toestter, Dr. Dave and Wildman displaying the
variety of rider kit!!!
The Pirate was B.A.D!
Sooooo B.A.D!
Just the best freakin Bloody Mary's in the world!!
Fire, Fabio, Wildman and Gazelle Girl,
discussing ride strategy......
Bloody Mary's, deviled eggs, Yeti's Blueberry Buckles!
It can't get any better, Bunkie!!!

MMmm.....Blueberry Buckle!
Thanks Yeti Boy!

Sasquatsh & Gazelle Girl in their BEU kit!

Dr. Dave, Gazelle Girl and Wildman getting ready!

As the Nation pulled out of the station, the pace picked up on this beautiful day!

As they headed north, the group stuck together chatting, but continued to push the pace, ....yet in a good way.

After going through (we think) Pine Lake, the peloton hit a famous downhill and our intrepid hero, the Sharkman (and we know others), hit a speed just north of 42 mph! It is one of those long, downhills that seems to go forever and since there was not alot of traffic, the Nation had the road to themselves!

On past Orangeville and Gun Lake, the might Shark Minion Nation recorded an average speed of 19.1 mph when they arrived at the gas station to call in the pizza order! Oh, the humanity....

Then came the hills!!!

As the Nation splintered in the hills (what happened to "leave no Shark Minion behind!") the Nation got a severe dressing down from Gazelle Girl, particularly Wildman and Toesetter, for the major faux pas of "Dick Bangning" on the BEU! What were they thinking!.......Belo News believes the "average speed" went to their heads and they didn't want to back off! But Gazelle Girl was having none of that nonsense!!!

Recorded speed when the Shark Nation got to the Waldorf was still around 18.5 mph after the hills.

The beer and pizza were ready and the riders looked like the proverbial "hungry shark" looked like they hadn't eaten in years! Patrons stood and watched in amazement, the spectacle of the Shark Minion Mayhem that was taking place at the table.......suffice it to say, it was a Shark Minion eating frenzy of particular note......

Beer was sloshed, pizza flew and water was even downed! It was hot out there!!!

Wildman, Sasquatch and Greyhound dropped out after lunch with Greyhound stustaining a flat, front tire, so it was lucky he could get a ride back with Wildman and Sasquatch.

A Shark Feeding frenzy!!!

When is that pizza coming?!??

Keep those pitchers coming!!!
Note the beer is half empty before the water
is poured......

Tough getting on that bike after pizza and beer, Bunkie!!!

The mere 20 miles back to the Zychmann Estate was uneventful, slow and with one stop at the church/comfort stop about 7 miles out from the Fabio's resort!

Once the riders got back to the Zyckhman Estate, it was time for a dip in Gull Lake, which the hot riders desperately needed on this very hot day. A few riders had leg and foot cramps, none more than our hero hizzelf, Sharkman! His legs cramped so bad he had trouble getting out of the lake...Well, that and maybe the beer. The Pirate made a grand entrance into the lake, slipping on rocks and demonstrating how to dive in shallow water. Well done, Pirate, well done......

Additional beer was consumed and soon, a very happy Shark Minion Nation was on their way home!

It was a fantastic BEU and thanks to our hosts, Fabio (aka Zyckhmann) and the "Sweetheart of the Peloton," Gazelle Girl. Thanks to Yeti Boy for the Blueberry Buckle and to Toesetter for those Bloody Mary's!!! 


WHOA, .....WHAT??

The mighty Shark Minion Nation returns to the KK-TdG!


Belo News

August 28, 2021

Shark Cove, Mi. - As dawn broke over the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, was excited not to have to wear arm warmers!
Sharkman & Yeti Boy in
their TtT Kit!!!

It was supposed to be a warm day and actually, he had some concerns that he should have moved the start time up to beat the heat. But alas, he was ready in his Tony the Tiger jersey when wingman Yeti Boy showed up in his TtT kit!

No Reb or Fire this week (they don't have TtT's anyway) as the two made their way to the start, then down into the thriving metropolis known as Galesburg, seeing Wishbone having his early espresso at the Klutch.

There were only three Tony the Tiger Jersey's on the day, as the riders lined up.....Attesting to how few of the old Shark Minion Nation have been back this year after Covid.

The "Sweetheart of the Peloton" arrived to one of the better shouts of "Gazelle Girl!" all decked out in her TtT kit. Other riders included Brewman, Hermster, Skittles, Raptor, Maid Marian, and Snow White.

After waiting for Skittles to get ready (8:30 a.m. - SHARP!*) means being on the start line at 8:30 a.m. SHARP!!! not driving in and putting air in your tires.....) the Nation was ready to launch.
Gazelle Girl gets the biggest
cheer of the year!!!

As they headed north, Yeti Boy, Gazelle Girl and then Skittles, took turns leading Sharkman out until he broke away to take the honorary first sprint of the day at 23.2 mph!

The Shark Minion Train then settled into a steady pace as they headed out on the col de Twin Lakes, on to the Yorkville Church and then, led by Skittles at the front, ripped Kellogg Korner, the Kountry Klub and the Rt. 43 sprint to shreds!

On up the col de Norte and into the Holy Rollers, with some humongus pulls from Skittles.

At the food stop, there was yet another discussion of the Dandelion, Queens Restaurant, Fronas controversey and why it isn't opened on Saturday, which is still not resovled.

On past the Digital Divide, where another outstanding pace line started and where, none other that Sharkman hizzelf,  led the "Sweetheart of the Peloton" out to her coveted GGG Spot Sprint and a huge win for America.

Sharkman zoomed out ahead on the final stretch, only to be pulled back in early by Skittles, Yeti Boy, Raptor and a cast of thousands, including Rocketman who seemed to come out of now where.
Brewman was there early!

On the descent to the finish, Rocketman surged out ahead but Skittle immediately responded and took over followed by that same cast of thousands!

Skittles took the tape with Rocketman (who did not start with the Nation) and then Maid Marian and Raptor behind them.

Despite the heat and the chatter, the Shark Minion Nation still turned in a respectful 18.7 mph pace.

It was party time in Galesburg as the proud hero's rode slowly down the Champs le Galesburg to the Klutch for the press conference. Wishbone was quick to get in and buy the koffee!!! 

Thanks Wishbone!!!

The riders all stuck around a bit longer than normal, not wanting to go out in the heat, but back out they went, in a trickle, their steads and their ride home.

It was another great day in the saddle!!

This Saturday we celebrate a Labor Day Edition of the KK-TdG!

And how do we celebrate! With beer! So this Saturday, September 4, 2021 has been designated at "Beer Jersey Saturday", so get out those beer jerseys to ride the KK-TdG!!!
Wishbone, who bought!
Thanks Wishbone!!!

Saturday, September 4 (how can it be September already), 2021!

"Beer Jersey Day"

Launch time - 8:30 a.m. - SHARP!*

The season is drawing to a close, so get your little dorsals out there, Bunkie!!!

*SHARP means ready to start!!! Not driving into the lot, putting on your kit and/or pumping up your tires!!!

Maid Marian ready to rock!

Hermster was back!!!

Raptor actually made the
start photo!!

Snow White was ready for 
the heat!!!

We don't want to say it was hot,
but Sharkman was pretty flush!!!

It was party time at the Klutch!!!
No one wanted to go back out into the heat!!!


Belo News    

August, 21, 2021

Triple By Pass Shark Minions!!!

Shark Cove, Mi. - As the mighty Shark Minion Nation is aware, Belo News just couldn't get to press last week, and to be honest, we had a hard time this week. So we apologize for not being more timely, as there were some breaking news stories last week about some of our "legends" of the pelotons!

First in, was a report from Stryker Guy that he, Easty, Katie and Luke Skywalker, along with Katies brother and Luke Skywalkers wife, all did the Triple By Pass out in Colorado. 

Belo News is aware that any Shark Minion worth his/her salt is aware of that ride, but just to be sure, it is a one day ride across three mountain ranges with an elevation climb of 10,400 feet! Oh, the humanity!!!

Congratulations to each of you for this major accomplishment (or punishment, BN is not sure which!) as you did the mighty Shark Minion Nation proud!!!

Next up, we had report from Dutch, a long time seldom seen Shark Minion, that he had been able to ride with two of those famous young riders of the Nation, Dreamboat and Rainman along the Kal Haven Trail!!

But it begs the question.......

Dutch, if you can make a ride to do the Kal Haven, why can't you make a Shark Minion Ride? Inquiring minds want to know!?!?

Dreamboat, Rainman and
Dutch on the Kal Haven

However, some big news in the cycling world!!!

Check out our next exclusive with the elusive young phenom known simply as Skittles!!!



August 21, 2021

Lincoln, NE. - Verified reports state that our own Skittles has finished the 150 mile Gravel Worlds!

In a post race interview, the exhausted young rider stated and we quote: "The weather was just about perfect, it was a great, fun day of playing bikes in the sunshine for eleven hours!"

Way to go Skittles, you did the mighty Shark Minion Nation proud!!!

Be there, next Saturday to hear his tales of sailing in the high seas of the Gravel Worlds!

And remember, 8:30 a.m. - SHARP*! Means at the starting line at 8:30 SHARP*!!!

*Did we mention that SHARP means ready to start!!! Not driving into the lot, putting on your kit and/or pumping up your tires!!! Nuff said........

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.

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