Wednesday, May 8, 2019

The mighty Shark Minion Nation ready to rock!!!


WHO WON THE FIRST SPRINT? (hint: the author)

WHO BOUGHT THE KOFFEE? (hint: the author)

WHO TOOK THE BAD PICTURES? (hint: the author)


Belo News
May 8, 2019
Stryker Guy!

Stryker Guy Estate, Mi. - As dawn broke over northwest Gull Lake, yours truly felt the call to get his butt of bed in the event that he may have to fill in for our Saturday morning biking leader.

Luke Skywalker joined Stryker Guy at Yorkville Church for the ride to Galesburg.  As we arrived at the launch site , Boatman and Toast magically appeared behind us to ride in from the Klutch.

In spite of the low 40”s temperatures, Squeaky, Wishbone and Virgin Minion, Joe, were in shorts (more on him later).  Brewman in his Italian beer jersey, the bearded Sasquatch and of course the darling of the peloton, Gazelle Girl made up the rest of the group.  Stryker Guy, having the photo (and selfie) skills of a golden retriever, managed to snap something resembling a group shot and the group was off and pedaling.

OK, that did it! Stryker Guy does all the
selfies going forward!
It was readily apparent that the Nation was content to have Luke Skywalker pull the entire way, but eventually, yours truly decided that since there was no Sharkman and the fact that his chances of winning another sprint this year were as likely as Donald Trump not tweeting any longer (btw, I won the sprint in a blistering 16.3 mph!!).  The group took off for the Col de Twin Lakes, which highlighted the climbing skills of Luke and Brewman, who flew up the hill and left everyone in the dust.

Virgin Minion Joe, riding his tri-bike, showed his biking chops and cruised into DE avenue just behind the KOM pair.  Several of the Minions commented on Brewman’s new orange shoes as the reason he is such good form this early in the year.

Not a whole lot to report up Frona’s/Dandelion (the only breakfast/lunch place on a lake NOT open on Saturday????).  That said, Squeaky modeled his new line of bike clothing for 2019, Sasquatch is in mid-season form and has a cool beard, Toast is riding like a madman, Wishbone had his familiar orange helmet and looks strong and Boatman put the pedal down several times during the ride to show everyone he is ready for bike season.

Amazingly the Nation formed a well-choreographed pace line down toward the infamous G-Spot, which was, of course, won by Gazelle Girl.

In a Kentucky Derby-like upset, virgin Minion, Joe (name to be determined, Rust Man is being proposed to the Commissioner) came out of nowhere to win the final sprint and the accolades of the throngs of fans there to cheer for their heroes.

There was an arm wrestling match for the coffee, which was won by Stryker Guy after GG decided she wasn’t going to shame SG in front of the rest of the team.

See you next week at 8:30

Editors Note - Thank you Stryker Guy! We need to get you on the mast head full time!

Though Sharkman is still gone, the ride will go on! And as Stryker Guy said, it will be at 8:30 a.m.!

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Launch Time - 8:30 a.m. - SHARP!

Be there!


Belo News

Yeti Boy takes third in the
70 and older Division!

May 5, 2019

Fort Custer, Mi. - That force of nature and legend of the peloton the Nation knows as Yeti Boy made it to the podium this past Sunday at the Fort Custer Stampede! And what a day it was!

You heard that right, Bunkie! Yeti Boy turned in a stunning performance to take third in his age group at 70 and over! Is this a great country or what!??

It was a victory for America and turned his disappointment at being 10 seconds off the podium the week before at Yankee Springs to complete elation at the third place finish!

It was later reported that Yeti Boy injured his back trying to get that medal into the car as it weighed more than he does! But Belo News is pleased to report he is back up and riding!

Congratulations on that finish Yeti Boy,  you did the Nation proud!

Yeti Boy on the podium!


Belo News
The Great Moultini and son Beckett!
May 8, 2019

Santa Fe, NM. - As the "ones of readers" of Belo News already know, Sharkman is out in Santa Fe visiting with his Sharklets and will not return until next week.

In addition to attending Soccer Games, Piano Recitals, School Field Trips, Swim Meets, etc. he is getting some mountain biking in with his son in law, the Great Moultini and his Grandsharklet, Beckett.

The entire family took part in a 5K fun run last Sunday for Charity and Sharkman and Grandsharklet, Nina took first in the "Stroller Division" ahead of some stiff competition.

GrandSharklet Nina took a first and two seconds in the City School Swim Meet, clearly demonstrating her prowess in the water as a Sharklet.

The desert is in full bloom and the riding has been beautiful, but all good things must come to and end and Sharkman and Lava Girl will head back on Monday and should be back in time to take part in Bike Week in Battle Creek and the KK-TdG on Saturday May, 18.

Sharkman and his posse ready to rock the
fun run!

Nina reading in her Elmo chair
after wasting the competition
in the Stroller Division. She was
quoted as saying "Is this
a great country or what?!?

La Tierra in full bloom!


Belo News
May 1, 2019

Battle Creek, Mi. - As some of the Nation are aware, our own intrepid hero, the Sharkman, is on the Battle Creek City Bike Committee and he wants everyone to be aware of some upcoming events and is hoping some of the mighty Shark Minion Nation will join him in taking part along with our hero!



Belo News
June 9, 2019

Shark Cove, Mi. - Hey Minions! Do you like donuts? Do you like riding gravel roads? Do you like team events? Do you like riding for a good cause?

Well, Team Taylor has something for you so listen up!

Iceman sent Belo News a message indicating that Tour de Taylor has morphed into something new and exciting... and it has the Nation written all over it.   Team Taylor has joined forces for a new event here in SW Michigan called the Dirty Donut race, so take it away, Iceman.........

Ride Bikes, eat donuts, have fun on the safety of gravel roads.  Start finish  US 131 Dragway in Martin. Date June 9.

While this is a race, it is meant for everyone...and any kind of bike can work.  The more you eat, the more time is deducted.  Some of the Minion Nation could turn in a NEGATIVE time!!!  Oh the humanity!

There are a couple other donut races around the country and they get upwards of 3,000 racers, so we are hoping this grows into something ridiculously big and fun.

More info at

Proceeds still go to Make A Wish via Taylor G's Dirty Dozen Club.  So we still push money to that great cause.

What can you do?

Once the Nation has begun its routine,  could you post about the ride in your email blog and talk it up a bit in the peloton.


Belo News
July 13, 2019

Richland, Mi. - Mark your calendars for The Second Annual "Tour for Teens!" !

We were unable to post the flyer, but it has been sent out with the Shark Minion Update!

The ride that has a Metric Century and a Half Metric Century, as well as Quarter Metric Century is set for Saturday, July 13, 2019.

This was reported to be a great event last year and there is an earlier bird entry by April 30, 2019.

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.

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