Wednesday, May 22, 2019


30th Anniversary Jersey Day!





Belo News
May 18, 2019

Shark Cove, Mi. - As dawn broke, cool and dark over the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero was beside himself with joy! He was returning to his beloved Shark Minion Nation after being gone for two weeks! Oh, the humanity!
Sharkman does have his jersey on!

It was also 30th Anniversary Shark Minion Jersey day and though he had to cover his dorsal with his famous "flapping" rain jacket, he was still excited.

A bit bummed that his wingmen Yeti Boy, who was suffering from a super bad cold, Reb and Mad Dog were all out of action.

It was the first time in a while he had to make the trip to the start in solo mode.

Amazingly, he realized how surreal it was to ride on wet roads, that early in the morning, all alone. (can we get a collective, "awwwwww..."

Our hero actually counted cars that passed him (2) and entertained himself by trying to find the driest parts of the road!

Our hero has always wondered what it would be like to get to the start and have no one else show up and he was thinking this might be the morning, as the weather was cold and wet.
Brewman with perfect attendance!

As he approached the start, there was not a rider in sight. As he lined up a "selfie" photo with the empty start, in rode perfect attendance Brewman!

The day was saved!

Shortly after, more riders started pouring in!

Sasquatch, Zyckmann aka Fabio, then Bissell Boy, Bull Dog, and Hoosier Boy making their season debuts!

Wishbone filled out the early group and was back, despite his major grievance with last weeks edition of Belo News....more on that later.......(see next story).

Shortly after, Gazelle Girl rolled in with this weeks "other guy," Boatman, to cheers of "Gazelle Girl" and shortly after, Skittles was back, making his season debut! He could have ridden over with our hero, but confessed to oversleeping and having to hustle to the start, just making it in time for the start photo.

Zyckmann, still a bit "ouchy" over what he considers to be "boring" name, showed off his new International, EU, Barcelona license plate for his woodie! Yep, he is starting to promote the name change to Fabio, once again.
Wait...what? a Fabio License Plate?

Man, it ain't easy watching Fabio riding his woodie that early in the morning with a license plate! Oh, the humanity!

Sharkman took the obligatory start photo and poor selfie before the sound of "pedals clicking in" rang out across greater Galesburg and the 11 rides pulled out of the station ready to rock the ride.

As train passed the Klutch they commented on how they didn't see the early morning koffee group, but on they rode.

Boatman and Zyckmann/Fabio took the early lead, as well as taking Sharkman to his honorary first sprint, which he clocked in at 23. 2 mph! Where did that come from?

In keeping with not reporting sprints, and in trying to shorten Belo News (as the Editors struggle with major blog burnout) the Nation rode at a bit of a brisker pace through the col de Twin Lake, past the  Yorkville Church, through Kellogg Korner and the Kountry Klub section. Skittles and Zyckmann/Fabio battled for the Rt. 43 sprint with Sharkman on their wheels, but reporting of sprints.....yet......

Over the col de Norte and through the Holy Rollers, the band of riders stuck together enjoying the quickly warming day and the camaraderie!
Yep, that says Fabio!

At the feed stop, it was decided to take the smooth route again and after the Digital Divide, Skittles started up a nice pace line and held it for some time.

At the bend, just before the GGG Spot Sprint, the lead riders looked back for the "Sweetheart of the Peloton" and there she was, ready to rock it!

It was a victory for America as she took the her beloved sprint!

As the Nation headed south to the finish, Sasquatch came forward and took a massive pull, before turning it over to Sharkman.

Sharkman completely wasted himself trying to keep up the pace as the Nation bore down on the finish. Sharkman made it to the top of the final ascent before the Nation started passing him. Even if the finishing sprint was to be reported, Sharkman would not be able to report as he was just too gassed to look up to watch the finish! Suffice it to say, Skittles and Zyckmann/Fabio were battling it out at the front with a cast of thousands on their heals........
Bull Dog makes his season debut!

This ride marked the end of Spring Season and now the season begins. Let's hope we actually get summer soon!

The biggest sprint this time of year is to buy koffee, with the small turn outs and cold weather, it shouldn't be too expensive!

This week, Bissell Boy took that sprint, hands down! Others tried to buy, but Bissel Boy was just too quick for the rest of the crew!

Thanks Bissell Boy!

The discussion at the Klutch centered on weather the Nation would ever see warm weather this year! The koffee and conversation flowed and the Old Shark was late departing the Klutch!

Sharkman almost forgot about Skittles and left the Klutch on his own for the ride home into the light, east wind. As he approached the climb out of Galesburg, he heard a rider behind him and there was Skittles! "Fantastic!" he thought, thinking he now had someone to pull his sorry dorsal home! Oh, the humanity, this is a great country!

The two riders did see Nike Boy on their way back and Skittles turned around to ride a bit with him and ended up with 116 miles on the day! Oh, double the humanity!

Bissell Boy making season
You won't want to miss this weeks edition of the KK-TdG as the Nation celebrates Memorial Day by downing their Red, White & Blue Kit!

That's right Bunkie! It is Red, White & Blue Jersey Day! Get out your colors and show your patriotism!

This Saturday, May 25, 2019 - Red, White & Blue Jersey Day!

Launch Time - 8:00 a.m. - SHARP!


Hoosier Boy was back!

Sasquatch riding strong!

Skittles made it just in time!

Gazelle Girl and another,
"Other Guy!"

Winner of the Koffee Sprint!
Bissell Boy!

Another fantastic morning in the Nation! 


Belo News
Hey, I bought EVERYONE,
EVERYONE, koffee!
May 17, 2019

Shark Cove, Mi. - Immediately after Belo News went to press last week, ........well, actually not "immediately" but a day or two later, Wishbone reported a major error in the edition that had gone out to our ones of readers!

He felt he had been dissed by the report that no one had reported who had purchased koffee after the ride the previous Saturday!

Oh, the humanity!

He therefore demanded that it be duly reported that he bought "EVERY KUP OF KOFFEE THAT MORNING!" "EVERY KUP!'  That's right, he bought all FIVE kups of koffee at the klutch on that Saturday, WHICH WAS NOT REPORTED and he wanted EVERYONE to know he won the sprint to the koffee and bought for all FIVE riders. OK, he was one of those 5, so technically, he bought 4 kups of koffee. But he bought ALL the koffee that morning! ALL.... OF...... IT!

Therefore, Belo News wishes to apologize for this oversight and wants the Shark Minion Nation to know that Wishbone bought EVERYONE (4 kups) of koffee.... for EVERYONE!

Thank you!



Belo News
June 9, 2019

Shark Cove, Mi. - Hey Minions! Do you like donuts? Do you like riding gravel roads? Do you like team events? Do you like riding for a good cause?

Well, Team Taylor has something for you so listen up!

Iceman sent Belo News a message indicating that Tour de Taylor has morphed into something new and exciting... and it has the Nation written all over it.   Team Taylor has joined forces for a new event here in SW Michigan called the Dirty Donut race, so take it away, Iceman.........

Ride Bikes, eat donuts, have fun on the safety of gravel roads.  Start finish  US 131 Dragway in Martin. Date June 9.

While this is a race, it is meant for everyone...and any kind of bike can work.  The more you eat, the more time is deducted.  Some of the Minion Nation could turn in a NEGATIVE time!!!  Oh the humanity!

There are a couple other donut races around the country and they get upwards of 3,000 racers, so we are hoping this grows into something ridiculously big and fun.

More info at

Proceeds still go to Make A Wish via Taylor G's Dirty Dozen Club.  So we still push money to that great cause.

What can you do?

Once the Nation has begun its routine,  could you post about the ride in your email blog and talk it up a bit in the peloton.


Belo News
July 13, 2019

Richland, Mi. - Mark your calendars for The Second Annual "Tour for Teens!" 

The ride that has a Metric Century and a Half Metric Century, as well as Quarter Metric Century is set for Saturday, July 13, 2019.

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.

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